rowid,clue,answer,definition,clue_number,puzzle_date,puzzle_name,source_url,source 632964,French bread is plain without lingonberry topping (4),PAIN,,1a,2022-05-11,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 5, 2022",,newyorker 632965,Singular flatfish (4),SOLE,,4a,2022-05-11,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 5, 2022",,newyorker 632966,"That lady, after muscle agitation (6)",LATHER,,7a,2022-05-11,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 5, 2022",,newyorker 632967,Like some phones U.C.L.A. oddly installed in basement (8),CELLULAR,,8a,2022-05-11,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 5, 2022",,newyorker 632968,"Egyptian goddess with head replaced by Ra’s back half (no refunds) (2,2)",ASIS,,9a,2022-05-11,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 5, 2022",,newyorker 632969,"Sierra cheats wantonly, causes injury (7)",SCATHES,,11a,2022-05-11,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 5, 2022",,newyorker 632970,Platforms flanking indigo flowers (7),DAISIES,,13a,2022-05-11,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 5, 2022",,newyorker 632971,"Me, head over heels with my award (4)",EMMY,,17a,2022-05-11,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 5, 2022",,newyorker 632972,Laid back after booty call by mistake (4-4),BUTTDIAL,,19a,2022-05-11,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 5, 2022",,newyorker 632973,Judge bozos’ antics at last (6),ASSESS,,20a,2022-05-11,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 5, 2022",,newyorker 632974,Desires “yes”; accepts “no” (4),YENS,,21a,2022-05-11,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 5, 2022",,newyorker 632975,Nine of New York’s non-art school subjects reflected in brief (4),METS,,22a,2022-05-11,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 5, 2022",,newyorker 632976,“Star Trek” captain is an irrational joker (6),PICARD,,1d,2022-05-11,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 5, 2022",,newyorker 632977,Cored aloes for drinks (4),ALES,,2d,2022-05-11,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 5, 2022",,newyorker 632978,I will—yours truly—nearly refer to “Breaking the Law” (7),ILLICIT,,3d,2022-05-11,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 5, 2022",,newyorker 632979,Astonish with the first trick (5),STUNT,,4d,2022-05-11,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 5, 2022",,newyorker 632980,Dealership option: restructured sale with matte finish included (5),LEASE,,5d,2022-05-11,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 5, 2022",,newyorker 632981,Messes up Ferraris every second (4),ERRS,,6d,2022-05-11,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 5, 2022",,newyorker 632982,"Scientist, trading time for energy, creates shift (7)",CHEMISE,,10d,2022-05-11,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 5, 2022",,newyorker 632983,Singer Harry puts together red-carpet looks (6),STYLES,,12d,2022-05-11,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 5, 2022",,newyorker 632984,"Morning exercise, please (5)",AMUSE,,14d,2022-05-11,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 5, 2022",,newyorker 632985,"Construction locations are spectacles, by the sound of it (5)",SITES,,15d,2022-05-11,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 5, 2022",,newyorker 632986,Lincoln returns with Yankee auction location (4),EBAY,,16d,2022-05-11,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 5, 2022",,newyorker 632987,Massachusetts lieutenant’s grain (4),MALT,,18d,2022-05-11,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 5, 2022",,newyorker 632988,Was concerned about household animal with wool going on the floor? (8),CARPETED,,1a,2022-05-11,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, May 29, 2022",,newyorker 632989,Mix a pair of animals you might find on a farm (7),ANAGRAM,,6a,2022-05-11,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, May 29, 2022",,newyorker 632990,"Stuff the government collects, still in the streets of Paris (8)",REVENUES,,8a,2022-05-11,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, May 29, 2022",,newyorker 632991,"Neutral answer, despite being innocent (4)",NAIF,,9a,2022-05-11,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, May 29, 2022",,newyorker 632992,Annoyance with egg sauce for noodles (5),PESTO,,11a,2022-05-11,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, May 29, 2022",,newyorker 632993,Footprint three of the Italians notice (5),TREAD,,13a,2022-05-11,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, May 29, 2022",,newyorker 632994,Stop Kubrick’s rogue computer with bit of tweaking (4),HALT,,16a,2022-05-11,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, May 29, 2022",,newyorker 632995,"Sadly, no heroes like a small town (3-5)",ONEHORSE,,17a,2022-05-11,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, May 29, 2022",,newyorker 632996,Use common sense pursuing true crime (7),TREASON,,18a,2022-05-11,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, May 29, 2022",,newyorker 632997,Sends out changes with the best logic (8),SOUNDEST,,19a,2022-05-11,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, May 29, 2022",,newyorker 632998,Flowers at a prom land amid vehicles in a parking lot (10),CARNATIONS,,1d,2022-05-11,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, May 29, 2022",,newyorker 632999,Go wild about hot gulch (6),RAVINE,,2d,2022-05-11,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, May 29, 2022",,newyorker 633000,A Muppet before pocketing nickel (5),ERNIE,,3d,2022-05-11,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, May 29, 2022",,newyorker 633001,Article penned by old king under strain (4),TAUT,,4d,2022-05-11,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, May 29, 2022",,newyorker 633002,Bad feeling about entering Frisbee pavilion (10),DISCONTENT,,5d,2022-05-11,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, May 29, 2022",,newyorker 633003,Mantle bats using brainpower (6),MENTAL,,7d,2022-05-11,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, May 29, 2022",,newyorker 633004,Utter a Republican tirade (6),ARRANT,,10d,2022-05-11,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, May 29, 2022",,newyorker 633005,Scattered boxes by error (6),SPARSE,,12d,2022-05-11,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, May 29, 2022",,newyorker 633006,Like the source of an egg white in the face (5),ASHEN,,14d,2022-05-11,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, May 29, 2022",,newyorker 633007,Where llamas run back through nature preserves (4),PERU,,15d,2022-05-11,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, May 29, 2022",,newyorker 633008,Force garden tool into cut (8),SHOEHORN,,1a,2022-06-24,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 3, 2022",,newyorker 633009,Knight of the Round Table’s weapon linked to fate (8),LANCELOT,,6a,2022-06-24,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 3, 2022",,newyorker 633010,Spanish house builder’s head a wrinkled melon (6),CASABA,,9a,2022-06-24,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 3, 2022",,newyorker 633011,"Fish carrying club card, something many fish don’t have (6)",EYELID,,10a,2022-06-24,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 3, 2022",,newyorker 633012,Mix in stale cracker (7),SALTINE,,11a,2022-06-24,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 3, 2022",,newyorker 633013,Traffic dividers I’d turned into resources (7),MEDIANS,,12a,2022-06-24,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 3, 2022",,newyorker 633014,Bury cooked T-bone around back of mausoleum (6),ENTOMB,,13a,2022-06-24,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 3, 2022",,newyorker 633015,Fashion ad gets put on (6),STAGED,,16a,2022-06-24,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 3, 2022",,newyorker 633016,"Spoke to Dietrich, offering low-carb weight-loss plan (4,4)",KETODIET,,17a,2022-06-24,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 3, 2022",,newyorker 633017,Triangular flags broadcast atonement (8),PENNANTS,,18a,2022-06-24,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 3, 2022",,newyorker 633018,"Prime Minister being smothered by smooth face covering (5,4)",SLEEPMASK,,1d,2022-06-24,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 3, 2022",,newyorker 633019,"In dry grass, Zorro’s mark is indistinct (4)",HAZY,,2d,2022-06-24,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 3, 2022",,newyorker 633020,Previously aboard hollowed-out canoe (4),ONCE,,3d,2022-06-24,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 3, 2022",,newyorker 633021,Didn’t act angry holding pose (9),HESITATED,,4d,2022-06-24,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 3, 2022",,newyorker 633022,Red bison scattered birds (6),ROBINS,,5d,2022-06-24,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 3, 2022",,newyorker 633023,"Using lesbian slang in bathroom (7,2)",CALLINGON,,7d,2022-06-24,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 3, 2022",,newyorker 633024,"Works as a bookie, sorting best stake (5,4)",TAKESBETS,,8d,2022-06-24,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 3, 2022",,newyorker 633025,Videocassette effectively displays sofa (6),SETTEE,,11d,2022-06-24,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 3, 2022",,newyorker 633026,War god set up party at home (4),ODIN,,14d,2022-06-24,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 3, 2022",,newyorker 633027,Encounter swarm retreating (4),MEET,,15d,2022-06-24,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 3, 2022",,newyorker 633028,"Sea creature’s defense: get low, gaining pounds (5,3)",SQUIDINK,,1a,2022-06-09,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 26, 2022",,newyorker 633029,"Stripe on the skin from beginning to take an L in lacrosse final (3,4)",TANLINE,,6a,2022-06-09,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 26, 2022",,newyorker 633030,Endlessly revile bad deeds (4),EVIL,,8a,2022-06-09,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 26, 2022",,newyorker 633031,Parent’s dual degree (4),MAMA,,9a,2022-06-09,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 26, 2022",,newyorker 633032,Wild bears becoming dirtier (5),BASER,,11a,2022-06-09,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 26, 2022",,newyorker 633033,Table fed boiled Maine lobster tails (5),DEFER,,12a,2022-06-09,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 26, 2022",,newyorker 633034,Lea Michele regularly ignored host (5),EMCEE,,14a,2022-06-09,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 26, 2022",,newyorker 633035,"$100 investment plan nets $100, approximately (5)",CIRCA,,16a,2022-06-09,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 26, 2022",,newyorker 633036,Help handling carbon compound in chemistry class (4),ACID,,18a,2022-06-09,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 26, 2022",,newyorker 633037,"Dined with an empty stomach, conked out (4)",DIED,,19a,2022-06-09,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 26, 2022",,newyorker 633038,An Italian poet’s moving moderately slowly (7),ANDANTE,,20a,2022-06-09,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 26, 2022",,newyorker 633039,"Moodier mob member abandoning gun at first, taking cannoli in the end (8)",ANGSTIER,,21a,2022-06-09,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 26, 2022",,newyorker 633040,"I made “Cats,” breaking professional filmmaking device (9)",STEADICAM,,1d,2022-06-09,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 26, 2022",,newyorker 633041,"Outfit you knit, I heard (4)",UNIT,,2d,2022-06-09,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 26, 2022",,newyorker 633042,"Goodness, libel’s complicated (3,2)",ILLBE,,3d,2022-06-09,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 26, 2022",,newyorker 633043,"China’s economic holding, shortly (2,1,3)",INASEC,,4d,2022-06-09,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 26, 2022",,newyorker 633044,"Guys brought up repeated hollow excuses for “Joker” and “The Batman,” say (7)",NEMESES,,5d,2022-06-09,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 26, 2022",,newyorker 633045,"On “The Simpsons,” Moe, Homer’s son, and Ned, strangely, in emergency room (9)",BARTENDER,,7d,2022-06-09,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 26, 2022",,newyorker 633046,"Cinemax alternative based in Chiapas, say (7)",MEXICAN,,10d,2022-06-09,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 26, 2022",,newyorker 633047,"Start to feel a buzz, making out (6)",FARING,,13d,2022-06-09,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 26, 2022",,newyorker 633048,"Teed off with Adam about tee (3,2)",MADAT,,15d,2022-06-09,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 26, 2022",,newyorker 633049,Small man in India (4),MINI,,17d,2022-06-09,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 26, 2022",,newyorker 633050,"Shopping center in new site “ready to go” (2,3,3)",IMALLSET,,1a,2022-04-07,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, May 15, 2022",,newyorker 633051,"Tried to pick up brief film role, not surprisingly (4,2,2)",CAMEONTO,,7a,2022-04-07,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, May 15, 2022",,newyorker 633052,"Caught in washer cycle, Mark’s necktie securer (8)",STICKPIN,,10a,2022-04-07,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, May 15, 2022",,newyorker 633053,Christmas book lacks heart (4),NOEL,,11a,2022-04-07,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, May 15, 2022",,newyorker 633054,Pass to the right of flight beacon (4),LAMP,,13a,2022-04-07,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, May 15, 2022",,newyorker 633055,French islander’s car is wrecked in swindle (8),CORSICAN,,14a,2022-04-07,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, May 15, 2022",,newyorker 633056,Made to rise and depart with outlaw Kelly (8),LEAVENED,,17a,2022-04-07,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, May 15, 2022",,newyorker 633057,Supreme rulers out of temper or sullen (8),EMPERORS,,18a,2022-04-07,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, May 15, 2022",,newyorker 633058,Freezes cubes after opening (4),ICES,,1d,2022-04-07,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, May 15, 2022",,newyorker 633059,Extinct animal from retro period captured by bricklayer (8),MASTODON,,2d,2022-04-07,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, May 15, 2022",,newyorker 633060,"After midnight, Ben takes one sleep aid (6)",AMBIEN,,3d,2022-04-07,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, May 15, 2022",,newyorker 633061,"Pay attention, O.K.? The Louisville Lip is in love (4,5)",LOOKALIVE,,4d,2022-04-07,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, May 15, 2022",,newyorker 633062,Break some cookware when upset (4),SNAP,,5d,2022-04-07,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, May 15, 2022",,newyorker 633063,"Tattered blouse has run wild (4,2)",TORNUP,,6d,2022-04-07,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, May 15, 2022",,newyorker 633064,Ten cups contained in slippery scoop (9),EXCLUSIVE,,8d,2022-04-07,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, May 15, 2022",,newyorker 633065,Backpacker keeps mountain climbing with a pop star (8),HITMAKER,,9d,2022-04-07,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, May 15, 2022",,newyorker 633066,Fashion designer Miller’s company engulfed by big river (6),NICOLE,,11d,2022-04-07,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, May 15, 2022",,newyorker 633067,“Cruising” actor walkin’ round (6),PACINO,,12d,2022-04-07,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, May 15, 2022",,newyorker 633068,Collect energy found in Cardi B’s music (4),REAP,,15d,2022-04-07,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, May 15, 2022",,newyorker 633069,Indicates yes or no down south (4),NODS,,16d,2022-04-07,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, May 15, 2022",,newyorker 633070,Analyzes insult against religious offshoots (8),DISSECTS,,1a,2022-05-09,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, May 22, 2022",,newyorker 633071,"Daytime show is so happy, ignoring the odds (4)",SOAP,,8a,2022-05-09,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, May 22, 2022",,newyorker 633072,"At last, killing the ultimate Titan (5)",ATLAS,,9a,2022-05-09,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, May 22, 2022",,newyorker 633073,Mean girl failing to avoid work by faking sickness (8),MALINGER,,10a,2022-05-09,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, May 22, 2022",,newyorker 633074,Actress Reid essential to star attraction (4),TARA,,12a,2022-05-09,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, May 22, 2022",,newyorker 633075,"Goes and fixes a pet, losing patience at first (4)",SAYS,,14a,2022-05-09,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, May 22, 2022",,newyorker 633076,Follower of Judas dropping hits from his chariot (8),ISCARIOT,,15a,2022-05-09,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, May 22, 2022",,newyorker 633077,Outspoken organizer Marie’s apartment (5),CONDO,,17a,2022-05-09,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, May 22, 2022",,newyorker 633078,Suspicious of Ari’s disappearance from Ontario (4),ONTO,,18a,2022-05-09,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, May 22, 2022",,newyorker 633079,Herb and Dorothy’s aunt wearing prayer beads (8),ROSEMARY,,19a,2022-05-09,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, May 22, 2022",,newyorker 633080,Doctors taking on the American Medical Association—they’re serious (6),DRAMAS,,1d,2022-05-09,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, May 22, 2022",,newyorker 633081,Audiotape concealing letter (4),IOTA,,2d,2022-05-09,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, May 22, 2022",,newyorker 633082,State broadcasts passages between stories (6),STAIRS,,3d,2022-05-09,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, May 22, 2022",,newyorker 633083,"Girl in ecstasy after Hustle (dance at a party) (5,4)",CONGALINE,,4d,2022-05-09,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, May 22, 2022",,newyorker 633084,Tennessee incorporating state bar (6),TAVERN,,5d,2022-05-09,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, May 22, 2022",,newyorker 633085,Battle raps coming up (4),SPAR,,6d,2022-05-09,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, May 22, 2022",,newyorker 633086,"Stacy and Ms. Fitzgerald raised some strays (5,4)",ALLEYCATS,,7d,2022-05-09,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, May 22, 2022",,newyorker 633087,"Endlessly casing Ocean’s first location, in “Ocean’s Eleven” (6)",CASINO,,11d,2022-05-09,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, May 22, 2022",,newyorker 633088,"Early Ford model’s engine noise leads to remote location? (2,4)",TVROOM,,12d,2022-05-09,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, May 22, 2022",,newyorker 633089,Not retreating to be captured by any Roman general (6),ANTONY,,13d,2022-05-09,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, May 22, 2022",,newyorker 633090,Alternatively following Instagram for lab assistant (4),IGOR,,15d,2022-05-09,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, May 22, 2022",,newyorker 633091,Stench from oxygen bar? Revolting (4),ODOR,,16d,2022-05-09,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, May 22, 2022",,newyorker 633092,"Exam about every item tossed into Boston Harbor in 1773 (3,5)",TEACHEST,,1a,2022-06-08,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 19, 2022",,newyorker 633093,Former phrase altered (6),SHAPER,,7a,2022-06-08,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 19, 2022",,newyorker 633094,Desire a piano of a diminutive size (8),APPETITE,,8a,2022-06-08,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 19, 2022",,newyorker 633095,"Spirit associated with liquid sodium, I notice (5)",NAIAD,,9a,2022-06-08,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 19, 2022",,newyorker 633096,Belgian city ousting an obnoxious character (5),TWERP,,10a,2022-06-08,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 19, 2022",,newyorker 633097,Rocket catching bit of light from the sun (5),SOLAR,,12a,2022-06-08,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 19, 2022",,newyorker 633098,Joke victims voiced objections (5),BUTTS,,15a,2022-06-08,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 19, 2022",,newyorker 633099,"Bagels tossed to selves (4,4)",LOVESETS,,16a,2022-06-08,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 19, 2022",,newyorker 633100,Key: one per convertible (6),OPENER,,17a,2022-06-08,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 19, 2022",,newyorker 633101,Pummels hospital in ruins (8),THRASHES,,18a,2022-06-08,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 19, 2022",,newyorker 633102,"Improved talkathons much appreciated (6,1,3)",THANKSALOT,,1d,2022-06-08,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 19, 2022",,newyorker 633103,"Texas city fathers getting into Jeff Lynne’s band (2,4)",ELPASO,,2d,2022-06-08,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 19, 2022",,newyorker 633104,Stiff guitar string held by guitarist Atkins (5),CHEAT,,3d,2022-06-08,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 19, 2022",,newyorker 633105,Awesome record where there’s a whole lotta shakin’ goin’ on? (9),EPICENTER,,4d,2022-06-08,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 19, 2022",,newyorker 633106,Some of those things Meyers observed on TV (4),SETH,,5d,2022-06-08,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 19, 2022",,newyorker 633107,Breaks in spring-loaded locks (10),TRESPASSES,,6d,2022-06-08,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 19, 2022",,newyorker 633108,Case of excess smackers put back next to big fan (9),SPILLOVER,,7d,2022-06-08,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 19, 2022",,newyorker 633109,Disturb latter ground (6),RATTLE,,11d,2022-06-08,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 19, 2022",,newyorker 633110,Republican employs sneaky tricks (5),RUSES,,13d,2022-06-08,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 19, 2022",,newyorker 633111,"Bribe Harvard’s foremost J.V. player, maybe (4)",SOPH,,14d,2022-06-08,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 19, 2022",,newyorker 633112,"Poems are, first off, things to be decrypted (4)",ODES,,1a,2022-05-11,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 12, 2022",,newyorker 633113,Cry at a noodle (4),SOBA,,4a,2022-05-11,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 12, 2022",,newyorker 633114,Shrink from lice or bats (6),RECOIL,,7a,2022-05-11,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 12, 2022",,newyorker 633115,"Rod’s disoriented after true expression of amazement, like this answer (3,5)",TWOWORDS,,8a,2022-05-11,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 12, 2022",,newyorker 633116,Italian poet losing initial stake (4),ANTE,,9a,2022-05-11,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 12, 2022",,newyorker 633117,Quavering tone from one unruly child interrupting first half of vote (7),VIBRATO,,11a,2022-05-11,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 12, 2022",,newyorker 633118,"Where to deliver a speech from Hannibal (Carthaginian, ultimately) (7)",LECTERN,,13a,2022-05-11,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 12, 2022",,newyorker 633119,Charge to gain entrance to theatrical celebration (4),FETE,,17a,2022-05-11,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 12, 2022",,newyorker 633120,Does something in fall to return piece of mail (8),POSTCARD,,19a,2022-05-11,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 12, 2022",,newyorker 633121,"Cooler flag-maker, like this answer (6)",ACROSS,,20a,2022-05-11,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 12, 2022",,newyorker 633122,God trimmed prickle (4),THOR,,21a,2022-05-11,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 12, 2022",,newyorker 633123,Pigpen beginning to emerge as eyesore? (4),STYE,,22a,2022-05-11,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 12, 2022",,newyorker 633124,Adjusted tax invested in grease and meat used for soup (6),OXTAIL,,1d,2022-05-11,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 12, 2022",,newyorker 633125,Feathers like this answer (4),DOWN,,2d,2022-05-11,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 12, 2022",,newyorker 633126,"Something Beethoven wrote, taking time for smut (7)",EROTICA,,3d,2022-05-11,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 12, 2022",,newyorker 633127,Search acidic container for carbon (5),SCOUR,,4d,2022-05-11,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 12, 2022",,newyorker 633128,Order alien bathroom fixture (5),BIDET,,5d,2022-05-11,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 12, 2022",,newyorker 633129,Additionally carried by prodigal son (4),ALSO,,6d,2022-05-11,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 12, 2022",,newyorker 633130,"Fort protects regions in part of Asia (3,4)",FAREAST,,10d,2022-05-11,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 12, 2022",,newyorker 633131,"Jumble, e.g., done like this answer? (2,4)",ONEDGE,,12d,2022-05-11,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 12, 2022",,newyorker 633132,Manage to turn up at end of lunch period (5),EPOCH,,14d,2022-05-11,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 12, 2022",,newyorker 633133,Teacher listening to horn player? (5),TUTOR,,15d,2022-05-11,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 12, 2022",,newyorker 633134,Expressed contempt and disagreement (4),SPAT,,16d,2022-05-11,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 12, 2022",,newyorker 633135,Attempt to grab a platter (4),TRAY,,18d,2022-05-11,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, June 12, 2022",,newyorker 633136,Mixed bean soup: it’s served (8),SUBPOENA,,1a,2022-06-24,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 10, 2022",,newyorker 633137,Require the new employees’ leaders to return unopened mail (6),ENTAIL,,7a,2022-06-24,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 10, 2022",,newyorker 633138,Audience’s disapproval insulted outspoken religious adherent (8),BUDDHIST,,8a,2022-06-24,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 10, 2022",,newyorker 633139,Dan adopts last of our rats (4),DARN,,9a,2022-06-24,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 10, 2022",,newyorker 633140,Construction site keeps songbird miserable (3-4),LOWRENT,,11a,2022-06-24,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 10, 2022",,newyorker 633141,Avoids chewiness? (7),ESCHEWS,,13a,2022-06-24,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 10, 2022",,newyorker 633142,"Way to get around Danube River, in part (4)",UBER,,18a,2022-06-24,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 10, 2022",,newyorker 633143,"Refurbished El Camino where dirty jobs are done (4,4)",COALMINE,,19a,2022-06-24,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 10, 2022",,newyorker 633144,Great! I organized patient prioritization (6),TRIAGE,,20a,2022-06-24,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 10, 2022",,newyorker 633145,"Chief of satyrs protected by Pan’s abilities (5,3)",SKILLSET,,21a,2022-06-24,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 10, 2022",,newyorker 633146,Freud busted smuggling returned check (6),SUBDUE,,1d,2022-06-24,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 10, 2022",,newyorker 633147,Mixed luau’s regular drink (5),USUAL,,2d,2022-06-24,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 10, 2022",,newyorker 633148,Live with Doc Ock in old cartoon town (7),BEDROCK,,3d,2022-06-24,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 10, 2022",,newyorker 633149,Additional potherb is trimmed at both ends (5),OTHER,,4d,2022-06-24,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 10, 2022",,newyorker 633150,November is a new Hebrew month (5),NISAN,,5d,2022-06-24,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 10, 2022",,newyorker 633151,"Key above O, in part (4)",ALTO,,6d,2022-06-24,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 10, 2022",,newyorker 633152,Recruits recognized colony members in hearing (7),NEWBIES,,10d,2022-06-24,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 10, 2022",,newyorker 633153,Mad Hatter: he could be trouble (6),THREAT,,12d,2022-06-24,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 10, 2022",,newyorker 633154,Bacon or sausage under small utensil (5),SPORK,,14d,2022-06-24,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 10, 2022",,newyorker 633155,Allah represented in accordance with Islamic law (5),HALAL,,15d,2022-06-24,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 10, 2022",,newyorker 633156,"Direction, perhaps: southeast, north, southeast (5)",SENSE,,16d,2022-06-24,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 10, 2022",,newyorker 633157,Cast dancing pair for “West Side Story” (4),ACTS,,17d,2022-06-24,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 10, 2022",,newyorker 633158,Surgical procedure doctor can erase (8),CESAREAN,,1a,2022-07-15,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 17, 2022",,newyorker 633159,"Oklahoma, Louisiana, and North Dakota surrounding a place in California (7)",OAKLAND,,6a,2022-07-15,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 17, 2022",,newyorker 633160,"Tony winner Rivera missing the last note, saying “I’ll make it up to you” (4)",CHIT,,8a,2022-07-15,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 17, 2022",,newyorker 633161,Support Smetana’s final opera (4),AIDA,,9a,2022-07-15,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 17, 2022",,newyorker 633162,"Leaders of Algeria, Nigeria, Greece, and Yemen welcome Red Cross (5)",ANGRY,,11a,2022-07-15,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 17, 2022",,newyorker 633163,"George, not taking sides, follows end-of-quarter corporate shakeup (5)",REORG,,12a,2022-07-15,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 17, 2022",,newyorker 633164,Lama primarily owns a Tibetan city (5),LHASA,,14a,2022-07-15,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 17, 2022",,newyorker 633165,"Role for Ariana DeBose in “Can It, Already” (5)",ANITA,,16a,2022-07-15,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 17, 2022",,newyorker 633166,N.B.A. player from Cleveland close to massive collapse (4),CAVE,,18a,2022-07-15,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 17, 2022",,newyorker 633167,Geek hiding in shed or kitchen (4),DORK,,19a,2022-07-15,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 17, 2022",,newyorker 633168,"Use muddled lime to improve whiskey, in a way (7)",MILEAGE,,20a,2022-07-15,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 17, 2022",,newyorker 633169,"Randomly posted ad for area with no night life (4,4)",DEADSPOT,,21a,2022-07-15,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 17, 2022",,newyorker 633170,"Shepherd seizes broken rock, revealing creepy-crawly (9)",COCKROACH,,1d,2022-07-15,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 17, 2022",,newyorker 633171,Small family’s organ (4),SKIN,,2d,2022-07-15,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 17, 2022",,newyorker 633172,Announced change somewhere in church (5),ALTAR,,3d,2022-07-15,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 17, 2022",,newyorker 633173,Imagine losing one twisted puzzle (6),ENIGMA,,4d,2022-07-15,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 17, 2022",,newyorker 633174,"Initially, Ann Demeulemeester gown displays information on a label (7)",ADDRESS,,5d,2022-07-15,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 17, 2022",,newyorker 633175,"Said, “Hey, register that historic Chicago square” (9)",HAYMARKET,,7d,2022-07-15,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 17, 2022",,newyorker 633176,"Quietly, Anne returned with me to create alias (3,4)",PENNAME,,10d,2022-07-15,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 17, 2022",,newyorker 633177,Rodrigo comes from leaderless South American nation (6),OLIVIA,,13d,2022-07-15,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 17, 2022",,newyorker 633178,Heads off Greek god (5),HADES,,15d,2022-07-15,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 17, 2022",,newyorker 633179,"Household product can be made from sulfur monoxide and Alpo, oddly (4)",SOAP,,17d,2022-07-15,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 17, 2022",,newyorker 633838,Books about female swine repelled couples (8),TWOSOMES,,1a,2022-07-19,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 31, 2022",,newyorker 633839,Epicurean Mafia boss involved in robbery (8),HEDONIST,,7a,2022-07-19,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 31, 2022",,newyorker 633840,Mr. Diamond’s financial claim rejected (4),NEIL,,10a,2022-07-19,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 31, 2022",,newyorker 633841,Dictator’s seeing red rocket (4),SOAR,,11a,2022-07-19,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 31, 2022",,newyorker 633842,Insult party’s leader and make a rude noise (5),SLURP,,12a,2022-07-19,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 31, 2022",,newyorker 633843,Rigid piece of felt is the right size for back (5),STIFF,,13a,2022-07-19,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 31, 2022",,newyorker 633844,Article made one truly amazed (4),AWED,,15a,2022-07-19,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 31, 2022",,newyorker 633845,Riding first class to Peru’s capital (4),ATOP,,17a,2022-07-19,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 31, 2022",,newyorker 633846,Aggressively hype love poetry by Mr. Bean (8),OVERSELL,,18a,2022-07-19,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 31, 2022",,newyorker 633847,Tern shaking tail without end (8),TERMINUS,,19a,2022-07-19,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 31, 2022",,newyorker 633848,"Child embraces baseball stars Aaron and Maglie: “I appreciate it!” (6,1,3)",THANKSALOT,,1d,2022-07-19,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 31, 2022",,newyorker 633849,Strange things I would do in the mirror with neckwear (8),ODDITIES,,2d,2022-07-19,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 31, 2022",,newyorker 633850,People’s flat bottoms aired (5),SOULS,,3d,2022-07-19,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 31, 2022",,newyorker 633851,Burden on you and me (4),ONUS,,4d,2022-07-19,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 31, 2022",,newyorker 633852,French appetizer loaded into Claude’s cargo truck (8),ESCARGOT,,5d,2022-07-19,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 31, 2022",,newyorker 633853,"Teacher’s best students, regressing, make a mistake—darn (4,6)",STARPUPILS,,6d,2022-07-19,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 31, 2022",,newyorker 633854,"Sultry weather Chuck absorbs at start of winter (4,4)",HEATWAVE,,8d,2022-07-19,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 31, 2022",,newyorker 633855,Reviewed tenure of more than a dozen (8),FOURTEEN,,9d,2022-07-19,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 31, 2022",,newyorker 633856,Running back is pursuing distant Kurdish relative (5),FARSI,,14d,2022-07-19,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 31, 2022",,newyorker 633857,Campus housing essential to Harvard or M.I.T. (4),DORM,,16d,2022-07-19,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 31, 2022",,newyorker 633858,Curmudgeon flipped over praiseful poems’ unique lines (8),BARCODES,,1a,2022-07-28,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, August 7, 2022",,newyorker 633859,0 = 50 + 0 + 5 + 2.718 . . . (4),LOVE,,8a,2022-07-28,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, August 7, 2022",,newyorker 633860,Fled after first sign of country’s fracture (5),CLEFT,,9a,2022-07-28,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, August 7, 2022",,newyorker 633861,"Oddly keep the oleo under some vodka (5,3)",KETELONE,,10a,2022-07-28,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, August 7, 2022",,newyorker 633862,Empty seedbed surrounding orange we planted (5),SOWED,,12a,2022-07-28,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, August 7, 2022",,newyorker 633863,Guts smuggled by container vessel (5),NERVE,,14a,2022-07-28,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, August 7, 2022",,newyorker 633864,Mexican-hat-dancing bros: “More!” (8),SOMBRERO,,16a,2022-07-28,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, August 7, 2022",,newyorker 633865,Lab vessel containing spherical nucleus of an infection (5),VIRAL,,19a,2022-07-28,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, August 7, 2022",,newyorker 633866,"Egg? Louse egg? Handling that right now (2,2)",ONIT,,20a,2022-07-28,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, August 7, 2022",,newyorker 633867,Stops a CD playing some audio programs (8),PODCASTS,,21a,2022-07-28,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, August 7, 2022",,newyorker 633868,Second taxi pulled up in front of Jackson Center (4),BACK,,1d,2022-07-28,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, August 7, 2022",,newyorker 633869,Hold serving of turkey in beer (6),ALLEGE,,2d,2022-07-28,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, August 7, 2022",,newyorker 633870,Places to grab drinks inside electronica festival (5),CAFES,,3d,2022-07-28,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, August 7, 2022",,newyorker 633871,"Some Petco shoppers leave wearing wet blankets (3,6)",DOGOWNERS,,4d,2022-07-28,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, August 7, 2022",,newyorker 633872,The Lemonheads front man Dando’s electric moving vehicle? (4),EVAN,,5d,2022-07-28,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, August 7, 2022",,newyorker 633873,Split off from backward predecessors (6),SECEDE,,6d,2022-07-28,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, August 7, 2022",,newyorker 633874,"Job for a woman in a Beatles song I call “Help!” (5,4)",METERMAID,,7d,2022-07-28,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, August 7, 2022",,newyorker 633875,Puts on “Breaking Free” (6),UNSTOP,,11d,2022-07-28,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, August 7, 2022",,newyorker 633876,"Wrong—uh, right—colony member (6)",ERRANT,,13d,2022-07-28,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, August 7, 2022",,newyorker 633877,Author Jong set up cooling and heat (5),ERICA,,15d,2022-07-28,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, August 7, 2022",,newyorker 633878,"Skater Apolo: “This is bad!” (2,2)",OHNO,,17d,2022-07-28,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, August 7, 2022",,newyorker 633879,Sold-out classic car (4),OLDS,,18d,2022-07-28,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, August 7, 2022",,newyorker 633880,Seventies band appears no different in retrospect (4),ABBA,,1a,2022-06-30,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 24, 2022",,newyorker 633881,Return of mid-October mixed-martial-arts rounds (4),AMMO,,4a,2022-06-30,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 24, 2022",,newyorker 633882,Naked boy at a Chapel Hill school? (6),UNCLAD,,7a,2022-06-30,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 24, 2022",,newyorker 633883,"Verbally attacked famous terrier that’s grabbing leather restraint (4,4)",TOREINTO,,8a,2022-06-30,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 24, 2022",,newyorker 633884,Declines end of rifle with pellets (4),EBBS,,9a,2022-06-30,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 24, 2022",,newyorker 633885,Loud spirit has been misbehaving (7),BANSHEE,,11a,2022-06-30,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 24, 2022",,newyorker 633886,"Not all there, retiring talk-show host Ellen backed out (7)",RENEGED,,13a,2022-06-30,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 24, 2022",,newyorker 633887,Fire surrounding left part of a car (4),AXLE,,17a,2022-06-30,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 24, 2022",,newyorker 633888,"Tough guy accepting part of a mosque is a promising sign (4,4)",GOODOMEN,,19a,2022-06-30,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 24, 2022",,newyorker 633889,Oceanographer’s opening topic: wild sea creatures (6),OCTOPI,,20a,2022-06-30,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 24, 2022",,newyorker 633890,Display female pig eating piece of ham (4),SHOW,,21a,2022-06-30,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 24, 2022",,newyorker 633891,Former chief of police heading to our fair (4),EXPO,,22a,2022-06-30,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 24, 2022",,newyorker 633892,Evenly value the outré cinematic visionary (6),AUTEUR,,1d,2022-06-30,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 24, 2022",,newyorker 633893,"Haircut has large, indistinct shape (4)",BLOB,,2d,2022-06-30,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 24, 2022",,newyorker 633894,City taken in by suburban kids (7),BURBANK,,3d,2022-06-30,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 24, 2022",,newyorker 633895,A chemist initially points out corrosive liquids (5),ACIDS,,4d,2022-06-30,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 24, 2022",,newyorker 633896,"Dull subject, for the most part (5)",MATTE,,5d,2022-06-30,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 24, 2022",,newyorker 633897,Have too much “hospital area” smell (4),ODOR,,6d,2022-06-30,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 24, 2022",,newyorker 633898,"Type of nut amid 909 pieces of cereal, pretzels, etc. (4,3)",CHEXMIX,,10d,2022-06-30,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 24, 2022",,newyorker 633899,"Nevertheless, the First Lady ultimately lives in denial (4,2)",EVENSO,,12d,2022-06-30,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 24, 2022",,newyorker 633900,"In a turnaround, that man imprisoned officer a long time (5)",EPOCH,,14d,2022-06-30,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 24, 2022",,newyorker 633901,Finance guys ignoring the top market index (5),ENDOW,,15d,2022-06-30,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 24, 2022",,newyorker 633902,Big heads move in two directions (4),EGOS,,16d,2022-06-30,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 24, 2022",,newyorker 633903,Vault secured by mobile app (4),LEAP,,18d,2022-06-30,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, July 24, 2022",,newyorker 635137,Once again show race around park (6),REPLAY,,1a,2022-08-04,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, August 14, 2022",,newyorker 635138,Bar singer Rose in vocal performance (4),AXLE,,7a,2022-08-04,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, August 14, 2022",,newyorker 635139,"Without hesitation, parent becomes spotlight lover? (4)",MOTH,,8a,2022-08-04,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, August 14, 2022",,newyorker 635140,Expat rebuilt regime (6),EMIGRE,,9a,2022-08-04,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, August 14, 2022",,newyorker 635141,Impede stalwart offering lofty position (8),PEDESTAL,,10a,2022-08-04,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, August 14, 2022",,newyorker 635142,"Encourages excited user to collect $1,000 (5)",URGES,,12a,2022-08-04,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, August 14, 2022",,newyorker 635143,"Has meal including bagel, borscht, and bisque (5)",SOUPS,,13a,2022-08-04,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, August 14, 2022",,newyorker 635144,Joined outrageous teen fads (8),FASTENED,,14a,2022-08-04,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, August 14, 2022",,newyorker 635145,Animal lobby group interrupting chef’s words (6),ALPACA,,16a,2022-08-04,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, August 14, 2022",,newyorker 635146,Buffalo team doesn’t start problems (4),ILLS,,17a,2022-08-04,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, August 14, 2022",,newyorker 635147,Set back Pink Floyd song release (4),EMIT,,18a,2022-08-04,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, August 14, 2022",,newyorker 635148,Polish guards run sanctuary (6),SHRINE,,19a,2022-08-04,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, August 14, 2022",,newyorker 635149,Hip-hop featuring soprano’s hoarse vocal quality (4),RASP,,1d,2022-08-04,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, August 14, 2022",,newyorker 635150,Always holds strike outside (10),EXTERNALLY,,2d,2022-08-04,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, August 14, 2022",,newyorker 635151,Promises projection in addition to letter (7),PLEDGES,,3d,2022-08-04,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, August 14, 2022",,newyorker 635152,Wrong type of radio on orbiting laboratory (5),AMISS,,4d,2022-08-04,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, August 14, 2022",,newyorker 635153,"Caught amid transgression, prepared to fly (8,2)",STRAPPEDIN,,5d,2022-08-04,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, August 14, 2022",,newyorker 635154,Pressure benefits Olympic swimmer (6),PHELPS,,6d,2022-08-04,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, August 14, 2022",,newyorker 635155,Wave empty teacups with a friend in Paris (7),TSUNAMI,,11d,2022-08-04,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, August 14, 2022",,newyorker 635156,"Not just a fun novel, I realized at the outset (6)",UNFAIR,,12d,2022-08-04,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, August 14, 2022",,newyorker 635157,Hoard hardwood south of unfinished pigpen (5),STASH,,13d,2022-08-04,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, August 14, 2022",,newyorker 635158,See fruit in a palm tree (4),DATE,,15d,2022-08-04,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, August 14, 2022",,newyorker 635581,"Cute ol' MC, spouse in disguise as Jay-Z and Beyoncé, say (7,7)",COUPLESCOSTUME,,1a,,"CRYPTIC #82 (July 24, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 82 - Jul2422 Vu.puz,thebrowser 635582,Andean people buried in plain caskets (5),INCAS,,10a,,"CRYPTIC #82 (July 24, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 82 - Jul2422 Vu.puz,thebrowser 635583,"Add rookie to overworked prep team for major assignment (4,5)",TERMPAPER,,11a,,"CRYPTIC #82 (July 24, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 82 - Jul2422 Vu.puz,thebrowser 635584,"Hospital department broadcast cry of discovery (1,3,3)",ISEEYOU,,12a,,"CRYPTIC #82 (July 24, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 82 - Jul2422 Vu.puz,thebrowser 635585,"Pointer: include renowned chief in proposal and counter greater power (4,3)",BIRDDOG,,13a,,"CRYPTIC #82 (July 24, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 82 - Jul2422 Vu.puz,thebrowser 635586,Understood high school teens dressed in black (5),GOTHS,,14a,,"CRYPTIC #82 (July 24, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 82 - Jul2422 Vu.puz,thebrowser 635587,Sounds like entitled child cried and missed everything? (9),AIRBALLED,,16a,,"CRYPTIC #82 (July 24, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 82 - Jul2422 Vu.puz,thebrowser 635588,Primates possessed by hunger for type of oil (9),GRAPESEED,,19a,,"CRYPTIC #82 (July 24, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 82 - Jul2422 Vu.puz,thebrowser 635589,Launches from the east with flourish (5),SERIF,,20a,,"CRYPTIC #82 (July 24, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 82 - Jul2422 Vu.puz,thebrowser 635590,Peruvian is absorbed by winning -- convenient (3-4),ONESTOP,,22a,,"CRYPTIC #82 (July 24, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 82 - Jul2422 Vu.puz,thebrowser 635591,"Unusual '90s workout fad comes back, gets very loud (7)",OFFBEAT,,25a,,"CRYPTIC #82 (July 24, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 82 - Jul2422 Vu.puz,thebrowser 635592,"Unfinished drag routine not returning for performance accolade (4,5)",TONYAWARD,,27a,,"CRYPTIC #82 (July 24, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 82 - Jul2422 Vu.puz,thebrowser 635593,Lightly touches bald head ... my bad (5),BOOPS,,28a,,"CRYPTIC #82 (July 24, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 82 - Jul2422 Vu.puz,thebrowser 635594,"Heralds' letters provide everything needed for final run-through (5,9)",DRESSREHEARSAL,,29a,,"CRYPTIC #82 (July 24, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 82 - Jul2422 Vu.puz,thebrowser 635595,Diva's backing band upset her costar (9),ORCHESTRA,,2d,,"CRYPTIC #82 (July 24, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 82 - Jul2422 Vu.puz,thebrowser 635596,Puffy crust containing tasty filling! (5),PASTY,,3d,,"CRYPTIC #82 (July 24, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 82 - Jul2422 Vu.puz,thebrowser 635597,Followers of head M.D. born the same day as us (9),ENTOURAGE,,4d,,"CRYPTIC #82 (July 24, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 82 - Jul2422 Vu.puz,thebrowser 635598,West Indies native's California kid (5),CARIB,,5d,,"CRYPTIC #82 (July 24, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 82 - Jul2422 Vu.puz,thebrowser 635599,Biggest supporters boosting agent involved in screwups (9),SUPERFANS,,6d,,"CRYPTIC #82 (July 24, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 82 - Jul2422 Vu.puz,thebrowser 635600,"Given a different slot, denied opening, called a strike (5)",UMPED,,7d,,"CRYPTIC #82 (July 24, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 82 - Jul2422 Vu.puz,thebrowser 635601,"Furious, Ned violently grabs gearshift (7)",ENRAGED,,8d,,"CRYPTIC #82 (July 24, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 82 - Jul2422 Vu.puz,thebrowser 635602,Commotion in big finale? It might be fine (6),DINING,,9d,,"CRYPTIC #82 (July 24, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 82 - Jul2422 Vu.puz,thebrowser 635603,"Something easy served up under these ornate baking trays (5,4)",SHEETPANS,,15d,,"CRYPTIC #82 (July 24, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 82 - Jul2422 Vu.puz,thebrowser 635604,"Bride for Edie starts off as steadfast companion (4,2,3)",RIDEORDIE,,17d,,"CRYPTIC #82 (July 24, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 82 - Jul2422 Vu.puz,thebrowser 635605,"Fast food purchase is messy gas ordeal (5,4)",LARGESODA,,18d,,"CRYPTIC #82 (July 24, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 82 - Jul2422 Vu.puz,thebrowser 635606,"Amid certification test, party leader disappeared unexpectedly (7)",GHOSTED,,19d,,"CRYPTIC #82 (July 24, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 82 - Jul2422 Vu.puz,thebrowser 635607,"Preoccupation with Iron Throne's leader, sort of (6)",FETISH,,21d,,"CRYPTIC #82 (July 24, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 82 - Jul2422 Vu.puz,thebrowser 635608,"""Sesame Street"" character is semi-modern, in other words (5)",ERNIE,,23d,,"CRYPTIC #82 (July 24, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 82 - Jul2422 Vu.puz,thebrowser 635609,Gym class boxing has developmental stage (5),PHASE,,24d,,"CRYPTIC #82 (July 24, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 82 - Jul2422 Vu.puz,thebrowser 635610,"Half-heartedly, liar reveals moral strength (5)",FIBER,,26d,,"CRYPTIC #82 (July 24, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 82 - Jul2422 Vu.puz,thebrowser 635611,"Death Star annihilated advantage (4,5)",HEADSTART,,1a,,"CRYPTIC #74 (May 29, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 74 - May2922 Zawistowski.puz,thebrowser 635612,Green snake's inhalation (4),GASP,,6a,,"CRYPTIC #74 (May 29, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 74 - May2922 Zawistowski.puz,thebrowser 635613,Group of friends' sleeping place beside Great Lake (7),COTERIE,,10a,,"CRYPTIC #74 (May 29, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 74 - May2922 Zawistowski.puz,thebrowser 635614,"Causes of couple from West Yorkshire, reportedly? (5,2)",LEADSTO,,11a,,"CRYPTIC #74 (May 29, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 74 - May2922 Zawistowski.puz,thebrowser 635615,African ecosystem arises from destroyed green site (9),SERENGETI,,12a,,"CRYPTIC #74 (May 29, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 74 - May2922 Zawistowski.puz,thebrowser 635616,Someone I don't know is chief of research and operational leader (5),RANDO,,13a,,"CRYPTIC #74 (May 29, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 74 - May2922 Zawistowski.puz,thebrowser 635617,Maxim magazine (5),ADAGE,,14a,,"CRYPTIC #74 (May 29, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 74 - May2922 Zawistowski.puz,thebrowser 635618,"Like some rock, I'm out and not moving very much (9)",SEDENTARY,,15a,,"CRYPTIC #74 (May 29, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 74 - May2922 Zawistowski.puz,thebrowser 635619,"Game of kings harbors broken past, leading to court move (5,4)",CHESTPASS,,17a,,"CRYPTIC #74 (May 29, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 74 - May2922 Zawistowski.puz,thebrowser 635620,Speak of round speed (5),ORATE,,20a,,"CRYPTIC #74 (May 29, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 74 - May2922 Zawistowski.puz,thebrowser 635621,Game company losing Middle Easterner's capital (5),ATARI,,21a,,"CRYPTIC #74 (May 29, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 74 - May2922 Zawistowski.puz,thebrowser 635622,"Sodium altered fillies' hoof trimmers? (4,5)",NAILFILES,,23a,,"CRYPTIC #74 (May 29, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 74 - May2922 Zawistowski.puz,thebrowser 635623,Georgia goes on a tirade where cars are (7),GARAGES,,25a,,"CRYPTIC #74 (May 29, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 74 - May2922 Zawistowski.puz,thebrowser 635624,Written Cantonese frames movie title (7),ENCANTO,,26a,,"CRYPTIC #74 (May 29, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 74 - May2922 Zawistowski.puz,thebrowser 635625,Pair of states come together to form country (4),LAND,,27a,,"CRYPTIC #74 (May 29, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 74 - May2922 Zawistowski.puz,thebrowser 635626,Lawyers concocted neat story (9),ATTORNEYS,,28a,,"CRYPTIC #74 (May 29, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 74 - May2922 Zawistowski.puz,thebrowser 635627,"Illegally enters dwelling, top to bottom (5)",HACKS,,1d,,"CRYPTIC #74 (May 29, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 74 - May2922 Zawistowski.puz,thebrowser 635628,Take turns pitching a real tent (9),ALTERNATE,,2d,,"CRYPTIC #74 (May 29, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 74 - May2922 Zawistowski.puz,thebrowser 635629,"Clumsily gains strength, clutching tail of alligator for show (8,6)",STRANGERTHINGS,,3d,,"CRYPTIC #74 (May 29, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 74 - May2922 Zawistowski.puz,thebrowser 635630,"Jerk eats gelée, almost never getting old (7)",AGELESS,,4d,,"CRYPTIC #74 (May 29, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 74 - May2922 Zawistowski.puz,thebrowser 635631,Counted up time in close association (7),TALLIED,,5d,,"CRYPTIC #74 (May 29, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 74 - May2922 Zawistowski.puz,thebrowser 635632,"Beheading ""Tonight Show"" host is a crime (5)",ARSON,,7d,,"CRYPTIC #74 (May 29, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 74 - May2922 Zawistowski.puz,thebrowser 635633,Poetry has all the makings of early model (9),PROTOTYPE,,8d,,"CRYPTIC #74 (May 29, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 74 - May2922 Zawistowski.puz,thebrowser 635634,"Serviceperson not working with bakery employee after belligerent screed? (7,7)",WARRANTOFFICER,,9d,,"CRYPTIC #74 (May 29, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 74 - May2922 Zawistowski.puz,thebrowser 635635,"Michael, for one, left following a restricted revision (9)",ARCHANGEL,,14d,,"CRYPTIC #74 (May 29, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 74 - May2922 Zawistowski.puz,thebrowser 635636,"When you see it, a knight's weapon conceals badge (2,1,6)",ATAGLANCE,,16d,,"CRYPTIC #74 (May 29, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 74 - May2922 Zawistowski.puz,thebrowser 635637,Forgetting half of Ames with Northeast Iowa gathering Sunday (7),AMNESIA,,18d,,"CRYPTIC #74 (May 29, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 74 - May2922 Zawistowski.puz,thebrowser 635638,Extremely rude uproars rising over estimate (7),SNIDEST,,19d,,"CRYPTIC #74 (May 29, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 74 - May2922 Zawistowski.puz,thebrowser 635639,Loan cost activated protection (5),APRON,,22d,,"CRYPTIC #74 (May 29, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 74 - May2922 Zawistowski.puz,thebrowser 635640,Small bovines' boats (5),SCOWS,,24d,,"CRYPTIC #74 (May 29, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 74 - May2922 Zawistowski.puz,thebrowser 635641,"""Crazy"" singer into large K-pop group (5,10)",GIRLSGENERATION,,1a,,"CRYPTIC #80 (July 10, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 80 - Jul1022 Pasco.puz,thebrowser 635642,"Part of an entrance with improv group? (3,4)",JAMBAND,,9a,,"CRYPTIC #80 (July 10, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 80 - Jul1022 Pasco.puz,thebrowser 635643,"Cufflinks potentially concealing stain (3,4)",INKSPOT,,10a,,"CRYPTIC #80 (July 10, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 80 - Jul1022 Pasco.puz,thebrowser 635644,"Undercover agent finally following unprotected Ukrainian leader to exit (2,6)",INSECRET,,11a,,"CRYPTIC #80 (July 10, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 80 - Jul1022 Pasco.puz,thebrowser 635645,Lobby more suited to actress Claire? (5),FOYER,,12a,,"CRYPTIC #80 (July 10, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 80 - Jul1022 Pasco.puz,thebrowser 635646,"Mom, I'm really hurt (4)",MAIM,,14a,,"CRYPTIC #80 (July 10, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 80 - Jul1022 Pasco.puz,thebrowser 635647,Somehow calcinated by happenstance (10),ACCIDENTAL,,15a,,"CRYPTIC #80 (July 10, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 80 - Jul1022 Pasco.puz,thebrowser 635648,Cautious skier maneuvering around states (4-6),RISKAVERSE,,19a,,"CRYPTIC #80 (July 10, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 80 - Jul1022 Pasco.puz,thebrowser 635649,2022 Oscar winner: a nonfiction flick played backwards (4),CODA,,20a,,"CRYPTIC #80 (July 10, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 80 - Jul1022 Pasco.puz,thebrowser 635650,Letter's grammar not right at all (5),GAMMA,,22a,,"CRYPTIC #80 (July 10, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 80 - Jul1022 Pasco.puz,thebrowser 635651,Salt infused into plain shellfish (8),BARNACLE,,24a,,"CRYPTIC #80 (July 10, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 80 - Jul1022 Pasco.puz,thebrowser 635652,"Genre for Weezer's unfinished old track, ""Undone"" (3-4)",ALTROCK,,27a,,"CRYPTIC #80 (July 10, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 80 - Jul1022 Pasco.puz,thebrowser 635653,Dead ringer? Uh-huh (5-2),BELLYUP,,28a,,"CRYPTIC #80 (July 10, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 80 - Jul1022 Pasco.puz,thebrowser 635654,"The bums hiding expression of pain, or expression of speechlessness (5,3,2,5)",THEREARENOWORDS,,29a,,"CRYPTIC #80 (July 10, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 80 - Jul1022 Pasco.puz,thebrowser 635655,"Berry said, ""Get out!"" ""Wow!"" (4)",GOJI,,1d,,"CRYPTIC #80 (July 10, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 80 - Jul1022 Pasco.puz,thebrowser 635656,They love pranks involving computer memory? (9),ROMANTICS,,2d,,"CRYPTIC #80 (July 10, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 80 - Jul1022 Pasco.puz,thebrowser 635657,Rocket manufacturer summit back in action (6),SPACEX,,3d,,"CRYPTIC #80 (July 10, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 80 - Jul1022 Pasco.puz,thebrowser 635658,Tribe's official tree (5),ELDER,,4d,,"CRYPTIC #80 (July 10, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 80 - Jul1022 Pasco.puz,thebrowser 635659,"Criminal wiles in TV soap opera baddies, often (4,5)",EVILTWINS,,5d,,"CRYPTIC #80 (July 10, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 80 - Jul1022 Pasco.puz,thebrowser 635660,"Seek information about a certain Olympian taking first in fencing (3,5)",ASKAFTER,,6d,,"CRYPTIC #80 (July 10, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 80 - Jul1022 Pasco.puz,thebrowser 635661,Hint: just start to leave (5),IMPLY,,7d,,"CRYPTIC #80 (July 10, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 80 - Jul1022 Pasco.puz,thebrowser 635662,"Erecting wall art, holding up an inherent system (7,3)",NATURALLAW,,8d,,"CRYPTIC #80 (July 10, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 80 - Jul1022 Pasco.puz,thebrowser 635663,"Announcement about a growing family ruling under a demon (2,8)",IMPREGNANT,,13d,,"CRYPTIC #80 (July 10, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 80 - Jul1022 Pasco.puz,thebrowser 635664,"Jazz musician's combo initially improvised the break (4,5)",CHETBAKER,,16d,,"CRYPTIC #80 (July 10, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 80 - Jul1022 Pasco.puz,thebrowser 635665,"Like some video games inviting competition from upper echelon, gaining win (3-6)",TWOPLAYER,,17d,,"CRYPTIC #80 (July 10, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 80 - Jul1022 Pasco.puz,thebrowser 635666,"""Still Into You"" performers' emo rap remix about topless bar (8)",PARAMORE,,18d,,"CRYPTIC #80 (July 10, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 80 - Jul1022 Pasco.puz,thebrowser 635667,Anoint head of Hugh Grant (6),HALLOW,,21d,,"CRYPTIC #80 (July 10, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 80 - Jul1022 Pasco.puz,thebrowser 635668,Dull partner has increased testosterone levels? (5),MATTE,,23d,,"CRYPTIC #80 (July 10, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 80 - Jul1022 Pasco.puz,thebrowser 635669,Bird exploring after dropping its wings (5),ROBIN,,25d,,"CRYPTIC #80 (July 10, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 80 - Jul1022 Pasco.puz,thebrowser 635670,"Work on putting up stakes, originally (4)",OPUS,,26d,,"CRYPTIC #80 (July 10, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 80 - Jul1022 Pasco.puz,thebrowser 635671,Anna or Otto's daughter adopted by friend in European capital (10),PALINDROME,,1a,,"CRYPTIC #84 (August 7, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 84 - Aug0722 Nediger.puz,thebrowser 635672,"Working on our potion regularly (2,2)",UPTO,,6a,,"CRYPTIC #84 (August 7, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 84 - Aug0722 Nediger.puz,thebrowser 635673,Somewhat green plan with one of the three R's (10),CHARTREUSE,,9a,,"CRYPTIC #84 (August 7, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 84 - Aug0722 Nediger.puz,thebrowser 635674,Endlessly look at attractive guy (4),STUD,,10a,,"CRYPTIC #84 (August 7, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 84 - Aug0722 Nediger.puz,thebrowser 635675,"Revealing gaffe cracked up Fire Island (8,4)",FREUDIANSLIP,,12a,,"CRYPTIC #84 (August 7, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 84 - Aug0722 Nediger.puz,thebrowser 635676,Cola variant with punch! (7),ALCOPOP,,15a,,"CRYPTIC #84 (August 7, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 84 - Aug0722 Nediger.puz,thebrowser 635677,Dishes made from hollowed-out Ethiopian plants (7),ENTREES,,16a,,"CRYPTIC #84 (August 7, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 84 - Aug0722 Nediger.puz,thebrowser 635678,Moving to China's ancient city (7),ANTIOCH,,18a,,"CRYPTIC #84 (August 7, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 84 - Aug0722 Nediger.puz,thebrowser 635679,Gown near piece of neckwear (7),NIGHTIE,,20a,,"CRYPTIC #84 (August 7, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 84 - Aug0722 Nediger.puz,thebrowser 635680,"Recurring theme in first half of comedy segment of NaNoWriMo read (6,6)",COMMONTHREAD,,21a,,"CRYPTIC #84 (August 7, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 84 - Aug0722 Nediger.puz,thebrowser 635681,Celebrity featured in sci-fi convention (4),ICON,,25a,,"CRYPTIC #84 (August 7, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 84 - Aug0722 Nediger.puz,thebrowser 635682,"Remove boxers from combat sport in living quarters after battle with stones (2,8)",GOCOMMANDO,,26a,,"CRYPTIC #84 (August 7, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 84 - Aug0722 Nediger.puz,thebrowser 635683,"Co-producer of ""Thor: Love and Thunder""? (4)",ODIN,,27a,,"CRYPTIC #84 (August 7, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 84 - Aug0722 Nediger.puz,thebrowser 635684,"For Spooner, shaken wrist is defiant gesture (6,4)",RAISEDFIST,,28a,,"CRYPTIC #84 (August 7, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 84 - Aug0722 Nediger.puz,thebrowser 635685,Stars in Dallas pursue this Shakespearean role (4),PUCK,,1d,,"CRYPTIC #84 (August 7, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 84 - Aug0722 Nediger.puz,thebrowser 635686,"Heavy metal dude covers ""Closer to Fine"" (4)",LEAD,,2d,,"CRYPTIC #84 (August 7, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 84 - Aug0722 Nediger.puz,thebrowser 635687,"Shoot pear, nut, bananas for ""National Geographic"" spread (6,6)",NATUREPHOTOS,,3d,,"CRYPTIC #84 (August 7, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 84 - Aug0722 Nediger.puz,thebrowser 635688,"Supply with more complimentary crack, without fail (7)",REEQUIP,,4d,,"CRYPTIC #84 (August 7, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 84 - Aug0722 Nediger.puz,thebrowser 635689,Fail to realize I have letter (7),MISSIVE,,5d,,"CRYPTIC #84 (August 7, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 84 - Aug0722 Nediger.puz,thebrowser 635690,Piece of petunias and other such things! (5),PETAL,,7d,,"CRYPTIC #84 (August 7, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 84 - Aug0722 Nediger.puz,thebrowser 635691,"Play princess engaged in indecent exposure (7,3)",OEDIPUSREX,,8d,,"CRYPTIC #84 (August 7, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 84 - Aug0722 Nediger.puz,thebrowser 635692,Posted a pic of two males wearing distressed denim (12),INSTAGRAMMED,,11d,,"CRYPTIC #84 (August 7, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 84 - Aug0722 Nediger.puz,thebrowser 635693,"Under Rooney's chin, drop of orange liqueur (10)",MARASCHINO,,13d,,"CRYPTIC #84 (August 7, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 84 - Aug0722 Nediger.puz,thebrowser 635694,Music with no words? Get out of here (4),SCAT,,14d,,"CRYPTIC #84 (August 7, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 84 - Aug0722 Nediger.puz,thebrowser 635695,Has chicken and pork with no starter (4),EATS,,17d,,"CRYPTIC #84 (August 7, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 84 - Aug0722 Nediger.puz,thebrowser 635696,"Back YMCA to start to hype up sweaty exercise (3,4)",HOTYOGA,,19d,,"CRYPTIC #84 (August 7, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 84 - Aug0722 Nediger.puz,thebrowser 635697,Part of an arrow smoothly comes to a point (7),NARROWS,,20d,,"CRYPTIC #84 (August 7, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 84 - Aug0722 Nediger.puz,thebrowser 635698,"Native of North Island: ""I travel northward"" (5)",MAORI,,22d,,"CRYPTIC #84 (August 7, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 84 - Aug0722 Nediger.puz,thebrowser 635699,Opposed to predatory insect after molting (4),ANTI,,23d,,"CRYPTIC #84 (August 7, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 84 - Aug0722 Nediger.puz,thebrowser 635700,This is a military base: false or true? (4),FORT,,24d,,"CRYPTIC #84 (August 7, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 84 - Aug0722 Nediger.puz,thebrowser 635701,Oh goody! Bars destroyed queer spaces (11),GAYBORHOODS,,1a,,"CRYPTIC #77 (June 19, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 77 - Jun1922 Fabi.puz,thebrowser 635702,Turned on ad about cropped trouser (7),AROUSED,,9a,,"CRYPTIC #77 (June 19, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 77 - Jun1922 Fabi.puz,thebrowser 635703,Most of inbox engaged in revolutionary war for pride symbol (7),RAINBOW,,10a,,"CRYPTIC #77 (June 19, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 77 - Jun1922 Fabi.puz,thebrowser 635704,City's dead-end K-12 schooling (5),DELHI,,11a,,"CRYPTIC #77 (June 19, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 77 - Jun1922 Fabi.puz,thebrowser 635705,Scoundrel wearing sausage outfit is falling (9),CASCADING,,12a,,"CRYPTIC #77 (June 19, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 77 - Jun1922 Fabi.puz,thebrowser 635706,Samurai code vow follows Kate (7),BUSHIDO,,13a,,"CRYPTIC #77 (June 19, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 77 - Jun1922 Fabi.puz,thebrowser 635707,"In detail, tell about Dracula? (7)",RECOUNT,,15a,,"CRYPTIC #77 (June 19, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 77 - Jun1922 Fabi.puz,thebrowser 635708,"Individual was victorious, I hear (3)",ONE,,17a,,"CRYPTIC #77 (June 19, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 77 - Jun1922 Fabi.puz,thebrowser 635709,"Outrageous story is small burning thing, reportedly (7)",SCANDAL,,18a,,"CRYPTIC #77 (June 19, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 77 - Jun1922 Fabi.puz,thebrowser 635710,"Kong, for one, obliterated hefty cow without force (4,3)",CHEWTOY,,19a,,"CRYPTIC #77 (June 19, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 77 - Jun1922 Fabi.puz,thebrowser 635711,"Spooner's finest patsy makes celebratory gesture (5,4)",CHESTBUMP,,21a,,"CRYPTIC #77 (June 19, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 77 - Jun1922 Fabi.puz,thebrowser 635712,Public car (5),CIVIC,,24a,,"CRYPTIC #77 (June 19, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 77 - Jun1922 Fabi.puz,thebrowser 635713,"Tenor maniacs sample ""Motivation"" artist (7)",NORMANI,,26a,,"CRYPTIC #77 (June 19, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 77 - Jun1922 Fabi.puz,thebrowser 635714,"Reuse pieces of tins? Allow me (1,6)",IINSIST,,27a,,"CRYPTIC #77 (June 19, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 77 - Jun1922 Fabi.puz,thebrowser 635715,"Storied poet Homer goes to rewrite (6,5)",MOTHERGOOSE,,28a,,"CRYPTIC #77 (June 19, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 77 - Jun1922 Fabi.puz,thebrowser 635716,"Talk angrily, gerrymander borders, and outlaw ""woke"" legislation, initially (5)",GROWL,,1d,,"CRYPTIC #77 (June 19, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 77 - Jun1922 Fabi.puz,thebrowser 635717,"Part of every ass, if *I* edit, is filtered beyond recognition (9)",YASSIFIED,,2d,,"CRYPTIC #77 (June 19, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 77 - Jun1922 Fabi.puz,thebrowser 635718,"Square-toed Oxford, for example (3-6)",OLDSCHOOL,,3d,,"CRYPTIC #77 (June 19, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 77 - Jun1922 Fabi.puz,thebrowser 635719,Cycling swindler takes heed (5),HARKS,,4d,,"CRYPTIC #77 (June 19, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 77 - Jun1922 Fabi.puz,thebrowser 635720,"Ooh, uncanny -- it just about opens a gateway to spirited conversation? (5)",OUIJA,,5d,,"CRYPTIC #77 (June 19, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 77 - Jun1922 Fabi.puz,thebrowser 635721,"Nickname of drunk, quiet bros (9)",SOBRIQUET,,6d,,"CRYPTIC #77 (June 19, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 77 - Jun1922 Fabi.puz,thebrowser 635722,"Rapper whipping up crab dip, hold the pepper (5,1)",CARDIB,,7d,,"CRYPTIC #77 (June 19, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 77 - Jun1922 Fabi.puz,thebrowser 635723,Dunderhead ghost is Dunder Mifflin employee (6),DWIGHT,,8d,,"CRYPTIC #77 (June 19, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 77 - Jun1922 Fabi.puz,thebrowser 635724,"Capital crime on the upswing after Santa oddly becomes tattoo maker? (5,4)",SNAREDRUM,,14d,,"CRYPTIC #77 (June 19, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 77 - Jun1922 Fabi.puz,thebrowser 635725,Going over zany caper with sticker and bit of glue (9),RECAPPING,,15d,,"CRYPTIC #77 (June 19, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 77 - Jun1922 Fabi.puz,thebrowser 635726,Peak ideology encompasses endless commotion (9),CRESCENDO,,16d,,"CRYPTIC #77 (June 19, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 77 - Jun1922 Fabi.puz,thebrowser 635727,Back-up moment (6),SECOND,,18d,,"CRYPTIC #77 (June 19, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 77 - Jun1922 Fabi.puz,thebrowser 635728,Boats stay lifted around anchor's core (6),YACHTS,,20d,,"CRYPTIC #77 (June 19, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 77 - Jun1922 Fabi.puz,thebrowser 635729,"Brown, confused stoat (5)",TOAST,,22d,,"CRYPTIC #77 (June 19, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 77 - Jun1922 Fabi.puz,thebrowser 635730,"Untie me to rise up, ally (5)",UNITE,,23d,,"CRYPTIC #77 (June 19, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 77 - Jun1922 Fabi.puz,thebrowser 635731,"Speak of love, breaking bad habit (5)",VOICE,,25d,,"CRYPTIC #77 (June 19, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 77 - Jun1922 Fabi.puz,thebrowser 635732,A cargo ship damaged ancient Egyptian vessels (10),SARCOPHAGI,,1a,,"CRYPTIC #79 (July 3, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 79 - Jul0322 Goodchild.puz,thebrowser 635733,Collar Dennis the Menace's dog (4),RUFF,,6a,,"CRYPTIC #79 (July 3, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 79 - Jul0322 Goodchild.puz,thebrowser 635734,"Pay digitally, exchanging final two rancorous words (5)",VENOM,,10a,,"CRYPTIC #79 (July 3, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 79 - Jul0322 Goodchild.puz,thebrowser 635735,"Comedian cut short at coffee dispenser by corny actor (2,7)",BOBURNHAM,,11a,,"CRYPTIC #79 (July 3, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 79 - Jul0322 Goodchild.puz,thebrowser 635736,Wine coolers left in silent lobby (8),MUSCATEL,,12a,,"CRYPTIC #79 (July 3, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 79 - Jul0322 Goodchild.puz,thebrowser 635737,Golf teacher enters an area close to the green (5),APRON,,13a,,"CRYPTIC #79 (July 3, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 79 - Jul0322 Goodchild.puz,thebrowser 635738,Old Tucci messily eats soft section of melon? (7),OCCIPUT,,15a,,"CRYPTIC #79 (July 3, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 79 - Jul0322 Goodchild.puz,thebrowser 635739,"Serves Holmes's partner, keeping ego in check (5,2)",WAITSON,,17a,,"CRYPTIC #79 (July 3, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 79 - Jul0322 Goodchild.puz,thebrowser 635740,Insect proboscis at university in West Maine (2-3-2),NOSEEUM,,19a,,"CRYPTIC #79 (July 3, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 79 - Jul0322 Goodchild.puz,thebrowser 635741,"Arranged smarter place for a drink, perhaps (7)",ARMREST,,21a,,"CRYPTIC #79 (July 3, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 79 - Jul0322 Goodchild.puz,thebrowser 635742,Revolution or routine (5),ORBIT,,22a,,"CRYPTIC #79 (July 3, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 79 - Jul0322 Goodchild.puz,thebrowser 635743,Snitches adopting customized tech tools (8),RATCHETS,,24a,,"CRYPTIC #79 (July 3, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 79 - Jul0322 Goodchild.puz,thebrowser 635744,Little singer smashed folding chair after losing melody (9),GOLDFINCH,,27a,,"CRYPTIC #79 (July 3, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 79 - Jul0322 Goodchild.puz,thebrowser 635745,Fancy Yanks like boas (5),SNAKY,,28a,,"CRYPTIC #79 (July 3, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 79 - Jul0322 Goodchild.puz,thebrowser 635746,"Cutesy ""Star Wars"" alien? Ugh, fine (4)",EWOK,,29a,,"CRYPTIC #79 (July 3, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 79 - Jul0322 Goodchild.puz,thebrowser 635747,Deteriorating butt restraint (10),RAMSHACKLE,,30a,,"CRYPTIC #79 (July 3, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 79 - Jul0322 Goodchild.puz,thebrowser 635748,Don't spend hours away from barbershop job (4),SAVE,,1d,,"CRYPTIC #79 (July 3, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 79 - Jul0322 Goodchild.puz,thebrowser 635749,Gives up on last of American units (9),RENOUNCES,,2d,,"CRYPTIC #79 (July 3, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 79 - Jul0322 Goodchild.puz,thebrowser 635750,Form of resistance rising IMHO against conservative leader (5),OHMIC,,3d,,"CRYPTIC #79 (July 3, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 79 - Jul0322 Goodchild.puz,thebrowser 635751,Sister's garment at home (7),HABITAT,,4d,,"CRYPTIC #79 (July 3, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 79 - Jul0322 Goodchild.puz,thebrowser 635752,"Visit the engine room with visible pride about U.K. honor (2,5)",GOBELOW,,5d,,"CRYPTIC #79 (July 3, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 79 - Jul0322 Goodchild.puz,thebrowser 635753,Escort our group before that woman (5),USHER,,7d,,"CRYPTIC #79 (July 3, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 79 - Jul0322 Goodchild.puz,thebrowser 635754,Hint of eyeshadow and short skirt contributed to nifty new gender expression (10),FEMININITY,,8d,,"CRYPTIC #79 (July 3, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 79 - Jul0322 Goodchild.puz,thebrowser 635755,"For example, you come around in back (8)",ORGANISM,,9d,,"CRYPTIC #79 (July 3, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 79 - Jul0322 Goodchild.puz,thebrowser 635756,Spooner's Frank Herbert-themed shakeable word game: waste of money (10),BOONDOGGLE,,14d,,"CRYPTIC #79 (July 3, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 79 - Jul0322 Goodchild.puz,thebrowser 635757,"Maybe stick a bow on end of strap? Yes, after bra boutique employee returns (8)",PRETTIFY,,16d,,"CRYPTIC #79 (July 3, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 79 - Jul0322 Goodchild.puz,thebrowser 635758,"Bad tweets with Pacino essentially seeking flattery (5,4)",SWEETTALK,,18d,,"CRYPTIC #79 (July 3, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 79 - Jul0322 Goodchild.puz,thebrowser 635759,Broadway star managed to interrupt incompetent maid (7),MIRANDA,,20d,,"CRYPTIC #79 (July 3, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 79 - Jul0322 Goodchild.puz,thebrowser 635760,Hannah's extremities feel irritated surrounded by topsy-turvy ocean (7),AITCHES,,21d,,"CRYPTIC #79 (July 3, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 79 - Jul0322 Goodchild.puz,thebrowser 635761,Mowgli's friend initially balked at potatoes in Indian dishes (5),BALOO,,23d,,"CRYPTIC #79 (July 3, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 79 - Jul0322 Goodchild.puz,thebrowser 635762,Receive a shade plant (5),HOSTA,,25d,,"CRYPTIC #79 (July 3, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 79 - Jul0322 Goodchild.puz,thebrowser 635763,"For the audience, attack octet from memory? (4)",BYTE,,26d,,"CRYPTIC #79 (July 3, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 79 - Jul0322 Goodchild.puz,thebrowser 635764,"Tip-of-head styling! (2-3,4)",HITOPFADE,,1a,,"CRYPTIC #72 (May 15, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 72 - May1522 Nediger.puz,thebrowser 635765,Turned tail at first and escaped Dutch city (5),DELFT,,6a,,"CRYPTIC #72 (May 15, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 72 - May1522 Nediger.puz,thebrowser 635766,Cheap restaurant: drive-in giving away four crackers (5),DINER,,9a,,"CRYPTIC #72 (May 15, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 72 - May1522 Nediger.puz,thebrowser 635767,Produce more of condiment as dressing for bar (9),REPUBLISH,,10a,,"CRYPTIC #72 (May 15, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 72 - May1522 Nediger.puz,thebrowser 635768,Doctor injecting sick pets with erectile dysfunction medicine (10),SPECIALIST,,11a,,"CRYPTIC #72 (May 15, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 72 - May1522 Nediger.puz,thebrowser 635769,Tilt and roll (4),LIST,,12a,,"CRYPTIC #72 (May 15, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 72 - May1522 Nediger.puz,thebrowser 635770,"""Groundbreaking,"" murmurs Mick out loud (7)",SEISMIC,,14a,,"CRYPTIC #72 (May 15, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 72 - May1522 Nediger.puz,thebrowser 635771,"Do the job badly, lacking energy, in workplace in a club (2,5)",DJBOOTH,,15a,,"CRYPTIC #72 (May 15, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 72 - May1522 Nediger.puz,thebrowser 635772,"Opportunity to score taste of orecchiette pasta on Tuesday (4,3)",OPENNET,,17a,,"CRYPTIC #72 (May 15, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 72 - May1522 Nediger.puz,thebrowser 635773,Ball sounds like something that stops up a British toilet? (7),LUCILLE,,19a,,"CRYPTIC #72 (May 15, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 72 - May1522 Nediger.puz,thebrowser 635774,Time to copy cassette (4),TAPE,,20a,,"CRYPTIC #72 (May 15, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 72 - May1522 Nediger.puz,thebrowser 635775,"Anthony, on E, crashed party (10)",HOOTENANNY,,22a,,"CRYPTIC #72 (May 15, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 72 - May1522 Nediger.puz,thebrowser 635776,Chinese way is followed by every Irish leader (9),TAOISEACH,,25a,,"CRYPTIC #72 (May 15, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 72 - May1522 Nediger.puz,thebrowser 635777,Secrets harbored by Saint Elmo (5),INTEL,,26a,,"CRYPTIC #72 (May 15, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 72 - May1522 Nediger.puz,thebrowser 635778,Weirdly soppy attempt to win hearts and minds (5),PSYOP,,27a,,"CRYPTIC #72 (May 15, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 72 - May1522 Nediger.puz,thebrowser 635779,Baby showers with male child and zero grandmothers (9),SONOGRAMS,,28a,,"CRYPTIC #72 (May 15, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 72 - May1522 Nediger.puz,thebrowser 635780,Buries pelts (5),HIDES,,1d,,"CRYPTIC #72 (May 15, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 72 - May1522 Nediger.puz,thebrowser 635781,"Take orange rind, cut top off, remove both ends, and plant in hollow tree to produce orange (9)",TANGERINE,,2d,,"CRYPTIC #72 (May 15, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 72 - May1522 Nediger.puz,thebrowser 635782,"Fruit, according to Gene (10)",PERSIMMONS,,3d,,"CRYPTIC #72 (May 15, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 72 - May1522 Nediger.puz,thebrowser 635783,Paint short kids' book character stifling sob (7),ACRYLIC,,4d,,"CRYPTIC #72 (May 15, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 72 - May1522 Nediger.puz,thebrowser 635784,Former lover modeled nude (7),EXPOSED,,5d,,"CRYPTIC #72 (May 15, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 72 - May1522 Nediger.puz,thebrowser 635785,Professional milestone: canceling university loans that remain unpaid (4),DEBT,,6d,,"CRYPTIC #72 (May 15, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 72 - May1522 Nediger.puz,thebrowser 635786,Regularly lauding Wii game character (5),LUIGI,,7d,,"CRYPTIC #72 (May 15, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 72 - May1522 Nediger.puz,thebrowser 635787,"Extremely terrific best-seller, after making a hit, becomes minor curiosity (9)",TCHOTCHKE,,8d,,"CRYPTIC #72 (May 15, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 72 - May1522 Nediger.puz,thebrowser 635788,Running away with corrupt con? Bad sign (10),ABSCONDING,,13d,,"CRYPTIC #72 (May 15, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 72 - May1522 Nediger.puz,thebrowser 635789,Stadium worker served up marijuana and beer (9),SHORTSTOP,,14d,,"CRYPTIC #72 (May 15, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 72 - May1522 Nediger.puz,thebrowser 635790,"Drink endless water at the Tour de France after cycling too long (6,3)",OOLONGTEA,,16d,,"CRYPTIC #72 (May 15, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 72 - May1522 Nediger.puz,thebrowser 635791,Distressed jorts carrying a selection of novelty condoms (7),TROJANS,,18d,,"CRYPTIC #72 (May 15, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 72 - May1522 Nediger.puz,thebrowser 635792,"Become attached to grabbing pair of chairs during office hookup (5,2)",LATCHON,,19d,,"CRYPTIC #72 (May 15, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 72 - May1522 Nediger.puz,thebrowser 635793,Substitute for two axes (5),PROXY,,21d,,"CRYPTIC #72 (May 15, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 72 - May1522 Nediger.puz,thebrowser 635794,"Cries ""I won!"" about LearnedLeague (5)",YELLS,,23d,,"CRYPTIC #72 (May 15, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 72 - May1522 Nediger.puz,thebrowser 635795,Starts to attack steak au poivre right away (4),ASAP,,24d,,"CRYPTIC #72 (May 15, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 72 - May1522 Nediger.puz,thebrowser 635796,Vehicles for pushing petite sheep (5),PRAMS,,1a,,"CRYPTIC #78 (June 26, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 78 - Jun2622 Zawistowski.puz,thebrowser 635797,"Great athlete, agony beginning, cycled back to front (5,4)",TRACKSTAR,,4a,,"CRYPTIC #78 (June 26, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 78 - Jun2622 Zawistowski.puz,thebrowser 635798,Seeing a lot of delivery person and helper (9),OBSERVANT,,9a,,"CRYPTIC #78 (June 26, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 78 - Jun2622 Zawistowski.puz,thebrowser 635799,"In Spanish, you mess up Al's city (5)",TULSA,,10a,,"CRYPTIC #78 (June 26, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 78 - Jun2622 Zawistowski.puz,thebrowser 635800,Pushkin character's singular spirit (6),ONEGIN,,11a,,"CRYPTIC #78 (June 26, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 78 - Jun2622 Zawistowski.puz,thebrowser 635801,"Hears out unconventional cinema (3,5)",ARTHOUSE,,12a,,"CRYPTIC #78 (June 26, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 78 - Jun2622 Zawistowski.puz,thebrowser 635802,"Be around the first ""Stand"" band fanatic (9)",EXTREMIST,,14a,,"CRYPTIC #78 (June 26, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 78 - Jun2622 Zawistowski.puz,thebrowser 635803,Infuse taste of apricot into 16 oz. colorful mixture (5),PAINT,,16a,,"CRYPTIC #78 (June 26, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 78 - Jun2622 Zawistowski.puz,thebrowser 635804,Silver consumed colorful stone (5),AGATE,,17a,,"CRYPTIC #78 (June 26, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 78 - Jun2622 Zawistowski.puz,thebrowser 635805,"Agitated, incite rep for beneficiary (9)",RECIPIENT,,19a,,"CRYPTIC #78 (June 26, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 78 - Jun2622 Zawistowski.puz,thebrowser 635806,Exploding nitrogen sound from a cell (8),RINGTONE,,21a,,"CRYPTIC #78 (June 26, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 78 - Jun2622 Zawistowski.puz,thebrowser 635807,Sign of spring: African animal comes to America (6),CROCUS,,22a,,"CRYPTIC #78 (June 26, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 78 - Jun2622 Zawistowski.puz,thebrowser 635808,A dude with a household appliance company (5),AMANA,,25a,,"CRYPTIC #78 (June 26, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 78 - Jun2622 Zawistowski.puz,thebrowser 635809,"The French left, taking my French #1 garnish (5,4)",LEMONPEEL,,26a,,"CRYPTIC #78 (June 26, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 78 - Jun2622 Zawistowski.puz,thebrowser 635810,"Swap happening before drunken dare (4,5)",EVENTRADE,,27a,,"CRYPTIC #78 (June 26, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 78 - Jun2622 Zawistowski.puz,thebrowser 635811,"Paces of small dogs and cats, in retrospect (5)",STEPS,,28a,,"CRYPTIC #78 (June 26, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 78 - Jun2622 Zawistowski.puz,thebrowser 635812,"Ask for a hand in support of Ryan Murphy show ""March Madness"" featuring Israeli lead (7,8)",PROPOSEMARRIAGE,,1d,,"CRYPTIC #78 (June 26, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 78 - Jun2622 Zawistowski.puz,thebrowser 635813,Pronounced key path (5),AISLE,,2d,,"CRYPTIC #78 (June 26, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 78 - Jun2622 Zawistowski.puz,thebrowser 635814,Rinsed a messy fish (7),SARDINE,,3d,,"CRYPTIC #78 (June 26, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 78 - Jun2622 Zawistowski.puz,thebrowser 635815,In the direction of billboard for Mario character (4),TOAD,,4d,,"CRYPTIC #78 (June 26, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 78 - Jun2622 Zawistowski.puz,thebrowser 635816,Crumbling cataract in continent (10),ANTARCTICA,,5d,,"CRYPTIC #78 (June 26, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 78 - Jun2622 Zawistowski.puz,thebrowser 635817,Boat raised red stuff (7),KETCHUP,,6d,,"CRYPTIC #78 (June 26, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 78 - Jun2622 Zawistowski.puz,thebrowser 635818,Order you to take a Lyft somewhere in Colorado (9),TELLURIDE,,7d,,"CRYPTIC #78 (June 26, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 78 - Jun2622 Zawistowski.puz,thebrowser 635819,"Alters, redistributes letters for land deals (4,6,5)",REALESTATESALES,,8d,,"CRYPTIC #78 (June 26, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 78 - Jun2622 Zawistowski.puz,thebrowser 635820,Fragrant oil tossed into cellar (10),CITRONELLA,,13d,,"CRYPTIC #78 (June 26, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 78 - Jun2622 Zawistowski.puz,thebrowser 635821,"Going rate of legendary jazz saxophonist not great, I hear (5,4)",TRAINFARE,,15d,,"CRYPTIC #78 (June 26, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 78 - Jun2622 Zawistowski.puz,thebrowser 635822,"Malcontent, ranting, shackles candidate (7)",ENTRANT,,18d,,"CRYPTIC #78 (June 26, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 78 - Jun2622 Zawistowski.puz,thebrowser 635823,"""About wearing pants, Daddy and Papa ..."" (7)",PARENTS,,20d,,"CRYPTIC #78 (June 26, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 78 - Jun2622 Zawistowski.puz,thebrowser 635824,Island of First Nations tribe encompassing west side of Toronto (5),CRETE,,23d,,"CRYPTIC #78 (June 26, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 78 - Jun2622 Zawistowski.puz,thebrowser 635825,1990s supermodel goes back and forth (4),EMME,,24d,,"CRYPTIC #78 (June 26, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 78 - Jun2622 Zawistowski.puz,thebrowser 635826,"Hunter's companion left diary by study with note in code I revert (6,9)",GOLDENRETRIEVER,,1a,,"CRYPTIC #71 (May 8, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 71 - May0822 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635827,"Circled around ring road, eating snack (7)",ORBITED,,9a,,"CRYPTIC #71 (May 8, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 71 - May0822 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635828,"Reseacher's figures looked at as ethical, in part (4,3)",DATASET,,10a,,"CRYPTIC #71 (May 8, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 71 - May0822 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635829,Listless feeling expressed about you and I (5),ENNUI,,11a,,"CRYPTIC #71 (May 8, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 71 - May0822 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635830,Have dinner with beer fan (9),SUPPORTER,,12a,,"CRYPTIC #71 (May 8, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 71 - May0822 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635831,Aluminum container did open (6),CANDID,,13a,,"CRYPTIC #71 (May 8, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 71 - May0822 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635832,Nude dad exercising with bit of muscle supplement (8),ADDENDUM,,14a,,"CRYPTIC #71 (May 8, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 71 - May0822 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635833,Greenies animated dynamic qualities (8),ENERGIES,,17a,,"CRYPTIC #71 (May 8, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 71 - May0822 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635834,Southern plumber initially drops wrench (6),SPRAIN,,19a,,"CRYPTIC #71 (May 8, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 71 - May0822 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635835,"Ultimately be a less affable Bostonian, for instance (9)",EASTERNER,,22a,,"CRYPTIC #71 (May 8, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 71 - May0822 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635836,Show highlights of racehorse coming from behind (5),RECAP,,24a,,"CRYPTIC #71 (May 8, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 71 - May0822 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635837,One more refined than ore (7),ANOTHER,,25a,,"CRYPTIC #71 (May 8, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 71 - May0822 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635838,More involved backer dropping in (7),FANCIER,,26a,,"CRYPTIC #71 (May 8, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 71 - May0822 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635839,"Criminal representative, moving around yen, feted senator (7,8)",DEFENSEATTORNEY,,27a,,"CRYPTIC #71 (May 8, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 71 - May0822 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635840,"Finished first part of campaign story penned by illustrious former president (6,9)",GROVERCLEVELAND,,1d,,"CRYPTIC #71 (May 8, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 71 - May0822 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635841,Country singer Bridges entertains bar (7),LEBANON,,2d,,"CRYPTIC #71 (May 8, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 71 - May0822 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635842,"Calling for sinus doc, not feeling well (9)",ENTAILING,,3d,,"CRYPTIC #71 (May 8, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 71 - May0822 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635843,Restaurant's #1 entree includes a pungent vegetable (6),RADISH,,4d,,"CRYPTIC #71 (May 8, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 71 - May0822 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635844,"Weirdly top-sided soap capsules (4,4)",TIDEPODS,,5d,,"CRYPTIC #71 (May 8, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 71 - May0822 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635845,"Split Ireland's westernmost town frantically (2,3)",INTWO,,6d,,"CRYPTIC #71 (May 8, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 71 - May0822 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635846,Stopped by video-hosting web page (7),VISITED,,7d,,"CRYPTIC #71 (May 8, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 71 - May0822 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635847,"Ripped petite bohemian holding up mostly deserved career-capping celebration (10,5)",RETIREMENTPARTY,,8d,,"CRYPTIC #71 (May 8, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 71 - May0822 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635848,Elegy primarily printed in avant-garde poet's constructed language (9),ESPERANTO,,15d,,"CRYPTIC #71 (May 8, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 71 - May0822 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635849,"Give milk to smallest member of the litter, raised among wild ewes (3-5)",WETNURSE,,16d,,"CRYPTIC #71 (May 8, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 71 - May0822 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635850,"Relax! Each rival's ascending, then failing (4,3)",EASEOFF,,18d,,"CRYPTIC #71 (May 8, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 71 - May0822 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635851,Movement outside university event where items are bought and sold (7),AUCTION,,20d,,"CRYPTIC #71 (May 8, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 71 - May0822 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635852,Forecaster reported windfall (6),PROFIT,,21d,,"CRYPTIC #71 (May 8, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 71 - May0822 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635853,Allen finally cut off gas (5),ETHAN,,23d,,"CRYPTIC #71 (May 8, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 71 - May0822 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635854,Yes! A baked piece of cake (4),EASY,,1a,,"CRYPTIC #70 (May 1, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 70 - May0122 Pasco.puz,thebrowser 635855,"Horror author's bestselling debut slams pot user (4,6)",BRAMSTOKER,,3a,,"CRYPTIC #70 (May 1, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 70 - May0122 Pasco.puz,thebrowser 635856,Write bits for the Spice Girls and others (7),PENTADS,,10a,,"CRYPTIC #70 (May 1, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 70 - May0122 Pasco.puz,thebrowser 635857,Wicked group canoodles without rings (7),CANDLES,,11a,,"CRYPTIC #70 (May 1, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 70 - May0122 Pasco.puz,thebrowser 635858,Remarque is wealthy with Bitcoin? (5),ERICH,,12a,,"CRYPTIC #70 (May 1, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 70 - May0122 Pasco.puz,thebrowser 635859,"Attempts to assume revoked transaction for cobblers' equipment (4,5)",SHOELASTS,,13a,,"CRYPTIC #70 (May 1, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 70 - May0122 Pasco.puz,thebrowser 635860,Quiet letter is less deep? (9),SHALLOWER,,14a,,"CRYPTIC #70 (May 1, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 70 - May0122 Pasco.puz,thebrowser 635861,"Be out, convert loss to win, and win every match (5)",SWEEP,,16a,,"CRYPTIC #70 (May 1, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 70 - May0122 Pasco.puz,thebrowser 635862,Still in emergency room with testosterone (5),INERT,,18a,,"CRYPTIC #70 (May 1, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 70 - May0122 Pasco.puz,thebrowser 635863,"Wants time juggling denial (2,5,2)",ITWASNTME,,20a,,"CRYPTIC #70 (May 1, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 70 - May0122 Pasco.puz,thebrowser 635864,"Catchy song's verse covering (gasp!) ""Hamilton"" premiere (3,6)",POPANTHEM,,23a,,"CRYPTIC #70 (May 1, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 70 - May0122 Pasco.puz,thebrowser 635865,Bottommost left and right on a map (5),LEAST,,26a,,"CRYPTIC #70 (May 1, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 70 - May0122 Pasco.puz,thebrowser 635866,Ran again with madness in audition (7),REAIRED,,27a,,"CRYPTIC #70 (May 1, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 70 - May0122 Pasco.puz,thebrowser 635867,Salad base: fish eggs stuffed with cardinal (7),ROMAINE,,28a,,"CRYPTIC #70 (May 1, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 70 - May0122 Pasco.puz,thebrowser 635868,"Actress's endless stories about tailless Amazonian snake (4,6)",LANACONDOR,,29a,,"CRYPTIC #70 (May 1, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 70 - May0122 Pasco.puz,thebrowser 635869,Olympian reversing the direction of canal (4),ZEUS,,30a,,"CRYPTIC #70 (May 1, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 70 - May0122 Pasco.puz,thebrowser 635870,The author turned up before journalists and a ruler (7),EMPRESS,,1d,,"CRYPTIC #70 (May 1, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 70 - May0122 Pasco.puz,thebrowser 635871,Disney cat's animated outfit (9),SYNDICATE,,2d,,"CRYPTIC #70 (May 1, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 70 - May0122 Pasco.puz,thebrowser 635872,"Runs on broken skis, causing hazards (5)",RISKS,,4d,,"CRYPTIC #70 (May 1, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 70 - May0122 Pasco.puz,thebrowser 635873,"In the midst of pandemic, Rob reworked specialty beer (9)",MICROBREW,,5d,,"CRYPTIC #70 (May 1, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 70 - May0122 Pasco.puz,thebrowser 635874,"Thrills linguist, ultimately, with English-Spanish translation (7)",TINGLES,,6d,,"CRYPTIC #70 (May 1, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 70 - May0122 Pasco.puz,thebrowser 635875,"Slays with talent, top to bottom (5)",KILLS,,7d,,"CRYPTIC #70 (May 1, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 70 - May0122 Pasco.puz,thebrowser 635876,"Is super chaotic and rebels (5,2)",RISESUP,,8d,,"CRYPTIC #70 (May 1, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 70 - May0122 Pasco.puz,thebrowser 635877,Pop artist was dressed in drag for the audience (6),WARHOL,,9d,,"CRYPTIC #70 (May 1, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 70 - May0122 Pasco.puz,thebrowser 635878,"Opined on audibly walkin' in the ocean? (7,2)",WEIGHEDIN,,15d,,"CRYPTIC #70 (May 1, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 70 - May0122 Pasco.puz,thebrowser 635879,"Adjusted tax relief to be a reward for gamers (5,4)",EXTRALIFE,,17d,,"CRYPTIC #70 (May 1, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 70 - May0122 Pasco.puz,thebrowser 635880,Hazard for one in one million (7),IMPERIL,,18d,,"CRYPTIC #70 (May 1, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 70 - May0122 Pasco.puz,thebrowser 635881,Like some Hindu tradition essential to instant rice (7),TANTRIC,,19d,,"CRYPTIC #70 (May 1, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 70 - May0122 Pasco.puz,thebrowser 635882,Deli offering unfinished masala jerky on pig heart (6),SALAMI,,21d,,"CRYPTIC #70 (May 1, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 70 - May0122 Pasco.puz,thebrowser 635883,"Substantial dishes on platters, it's said (7)",ENTREES,,22d,,"CRYPTIC #70 (May 1, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 70 - May0122 Pasco.puz,thebrowser 635884,Simple French bread incorporates hint of lemon (5),PLAIN,,24d,,"CRYPTIC #70 (May 1, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 70 - May0122 Pasco.puz,thebrowser 635885,Video game character Nick Moon (5),MARIO,,25d,,"CRYPTIC #70 (May 1, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 70 - May0122 Pasco.puz,thebrowser 635886,"Marauders, in retrospect, make a mistake eating like a king (9)",PILLAGERS,,1a,,"CRYPTIC #76 (June 12, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 76 - Jun1222 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635887,Pet adopting: fashionable action (5),DOING,,6a,,"CRYPTIC #76 (June 12, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 76 - Jun1222 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635888,Reprimanded after the leader is guaranteed (7),ENSURED,,9a,,"CRYPTIC #76 (June 12, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 76 - Jun1222 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635889,Jiffy Pop tin's acquiring brown color (7),INSTANT,,10a,,"CRYPTIC #76 (June 12, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 76 - Jun1222 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635890,Act of lifting the foot (5),THEFT,,11a,,"CRYPTIC #76 (June 12, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 76 - Jun1222 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635891,Sudden deluge of molten rock turned over an Argentine rebel (9),AVALANCHE,,12a,,"CRYPTIC #76 (June 12, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 76 - Jun1222 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635892,Want to stay after Democrat and Republican switch places (6),DESIRE,,13a,,"CRYPTIC #76 (June 12, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 76 - Jun1222 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635893,"Exposed singer Goulding in audition somewhere in India (3,5)",NEWDELHI,,14a,,"CRYPTIC #76 (June 12, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 76 - Jun1222 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635894,Casino worker more affected by a laryngeal ailment? (8),CROUPIER,,17a,,"CRYPTIC #76 (June 12, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 76 - Jun1222 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635895,Requesting from a southern family $1000 (6),ASKING,,19a,,"CRYPTIC #76 (June 12, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 76 - Jun1222 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635896,"Trio of recruits wrestle and box, often (9)",RECTANGLE,,22a,,"CRYPTIC #76 (June 12, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 76 - Jun1222 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635897,Friend wears ring with small gems (5),OPALS,,24a,,"CRYPTIC #76 (June 12, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 76 - Jun1222 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635898,Property manager finally captures old rat (7),TRAITOR,,26a,,"CRYPTIC #76 (June 12, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 76 - Jun1222 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635899,"Seek legal redress from me, gaining publicity for SCOTUS chief? (7)",SUPREME,,27a,,"CRYPTIC #76 (June 12, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 76 - Jun1222 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635900,Architectural style seen in Greenland or Iceland (5),DORIC,,28a,,"CRYPTIC #76 (June 12, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 76 - Jun1222 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635901,Militarist not too hot about rejection of regulation (9),WARMONGER,,29a,,"CRYPTIC #76 (June 12, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 76 - Jun1222 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635902,Fold pair of plaids and scarf (5),PLEAT,,1d,,"CRYPTIC #76 (June 12, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 76 - Jun1222 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635903,"Doesn't tune out Stones 'til ""Shattered"" (7,2)",LISTENSTO,,2d,,"CRYPTIC #76 (June 12, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 76 - Jun1222 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635904,Lawn care implement reversed plant disease on stretch of land (7),AERATOR,,3d,,"CRYPTIC #76 (June 12, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 76 - Jun1222 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635905,Complete musical ability creates charm (6),ENDEAR,,4d,,"CRYPTIC #76 (June 12, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 76 - Jun1222 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635906,Discombobulated pair in Iditarod vehicle spun around (8),SPIRALED,,5d,,"CRYPTIC #76 (June 12, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 76 - Jun1222 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635907,Chuck D mixed Ari's CD (7),DISCARD,,6d,,"CRYPTIC #76 (June 12, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 76 - Jun1222 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635908,Oscar is a source of coolness (5),ISAAC,,7d,,"CRYPTIC #76 (June 12, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 76 - Jun1222 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635909,Essentially laughing at her in General Assembly (9),GATHERING,,8d,,"CRYPTIC #76 (June 12, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 76 - Jun1222 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635910,Added flourishes to fancy catered do (9),DECORATED,,13d,,"CRYPTIC #76 (June 12, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 76 - Jun1222 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635911,"Blend of Glade & Gain failed spectacularly (4,2,3)",LAIDANEGG,,15d,,"CRYPTIC #76 (June 12, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 76 - Jun1222 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635912,Procedural question about tool used for trimming shrubbery (8),HEDGEROW,,16d,,"CRYPTIC #76 (June 12, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 76 - Jun1222 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635913,"Made from synthetic materials, picture frames remain durable (7)",PLASTIC,,18d,,"CRYPTIC #76 (June 12, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 76 - Jun1222 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635914,Sign is put up around corporation office's entrance (7),SCORPIO,,20d,,"CRYPTIC #76 (June 12, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 76 - Jun1222 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635915,Relax inside gutted tractor trailer (6),TEASER,,21d,,"CRYPTIC #76 (June 12, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 76 - Jun1222 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635916,"Rocker, e.g., beginning to compose rock musical (5)",CHAIR,,23d,,"CRYPTIC #76 (June 12, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 76 - Jun1222 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635917,Have control over unit of stock (5),STEER,,25d,,"CRYPTIC #76 (June 12, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 76 - Jun1222 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635918,"See diet foiled by donut shop on occasion (1,4,3,2)",ITOLDYOUSO,,1a,,"CRYPTIC #73 (May 22, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 73 - May2222 Mossberg.puz,thebrowser 635919,"Hides, ducking opening questions (4)",ASKS,,6a,,"CRYPTIC #73 (May 22, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 73 - May2222 Mossberg.puz,thebrowser 635920,"Uncooked rinds backfired, smothering excellent jams (9)",SLEEPWEAR,,9a,,"CRYPTIC #73 (May 22, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 73 - May2222 Mossberg.puz,thebrowser 635921,"Model material, a hunk from behind (5)",BALSA,,10a,,"CRYPTIC #73 (May 22, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 73 - May2222 Mossberg.puz,thebrowser 635922,Nickelback leader feels bad for hits (5),NAILS,,11a,,"CRYPTIC #73 (May 22, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 73 - May2222 Mossberg.puz,thebrowser 635923,"Resort location by ocean bundled in at traveler's request (5,4)",AISLESEAT,,12a,,"CRYPTIC #73 (May 22, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 73 - May2222 Mossberg.puz,thebrowser 635924,Robber states police racket's at fault (13),KLEPTOCRACIES,,13a,,"CRYPTIC #73 (May 22, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 73 - May2222 Mossberg.puz,thebrowser 635925,"Desert snake creature shaking tail in aggressive stance (2,3,2,2,4)",GOBIGORGOHOME,,17a,,"CRYPTIC #73 (May 22, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 73 - May2222 Mossberg.puz,thebrowser 635926,Roman wrap spots beginning to introduce Japanese spices (9),TOGARASHI,,21a,,"CRYPTIC #73 (May 22, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 73 - May2222 Mossberg.puz,thebrowser 635927,Noted plumber's values embrighten Americans' hearts (5),LUIGI,,23a,,"CRYPTIC #73 (May 22, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 73 - May2222 Mossberg.puz,thebrowser 635928,Underground auto race getting reported (5),INDIE,,24a,,"CRYPTIC #73 (May 22, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 73 - May2222 Mossberg.puz,thebrowser 635929,"Stock macho character overwhelmed by mingling on ""The Bachelor"" at the start (4,5)",BONEBROTH,,25a,,"CRYPTIC #73 (May 22, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 73 - May2222 Mossberg.puz,thebrowser 635930,"Drink, troubles receding (4)",SODA,,26a,,"CRYPTIC #73 (May 22, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 73 - May2222 Mossberg.puz,thebrowser 635931,"Spiders and otherwise gnawing critters stopped by wife (3,7)",ORBWEAVERS,,27a,,"CRYPTIC #73 (May 22, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 73 - May2222 Mossberg.puz,thebrowser 635932,"Pass year in Spain following cycling meet (3,1,2)",ITSANO,,1d,,"CRYPTIC #73 (May 22, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 73 - May2222 Mossberg.puz,thebrowser 635933,"Biles ""OK with gymnastics monument"" (7)",OBELISK,,2d,,"CRYPTIC #73 (May 22, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 73 - May2222 Mossberg.puz,thebrowser 635934,Copies tricks (5),DUPES,,3d,,"CRYPTIC #73 (May 22, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 73 - May2222 Mossberg.puz,thebrowser 635935,"Oprah magazine, according to article, curses rising diva (5,4)",OPERASTAR,,4d,,"CRYPTIC #73 (May 22, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 73 - May2222 Mossberg.puz,thebrowser 635936,"Studs content to leave shirts, embracing hotness (5)",SIRES,,5d,,"CRYPTIC #73 (May 22, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 73 - May2222 Mossberg.puz,thebrowser 635937,Playful Israeli composer (7),SALIERI,,7d,,"CRYPTIC #73 (May 22, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 73 - May2222 Mossberg.puz,thebrowser 635938,Butters up ahead of exam -- most clever (8),SMARTEST,,8d,,"CRYPTIC #73 (May 22, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 73 - May2222 Mossberg.puz,thebrowser 635939,Meat Loaf performing after crafter's event (7),BEEFALO,,10d,,"CRYPTIC #73 (May 22, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 73 - May2222 Mossberg.puz,thebrowser 635940,"Somewhat unsafe drag near northbound, be prepared (2,5)",ENGARDE,,14d,,"CRYPTIC #73 (May 22, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 73 - May2222 Mossberg.puz,thebrowser 635941,"Simmer down lower, incorporating oil, not stirring (4,2,3)",COOLITNOW,,15d,,"CRYPTIC #73 (May 22, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 73 - May2222 Mossberg.puz,thebrowser 635942,"Awards group slams self-indulgent acts (3,5)",EGOTRIPS,,16d,,"CRYPTIC #73 (May 22, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 73 - May2222 Mossberg.puz,thebrowser 635943,Land hot papa with foreign capital (7),BAGHDAD,,18d,,"CRYPTIC #73 (May 22, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 73 - May2222 Mossberg.puz,thebrowser 635944,"Record setter, IMO, for height (7)",EPITOME,,19d,,"CRYPTIC #73 (May 22, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 73 - May2222 Mossberg.puz,thebrowser 635945,"Sees spots, so to speak (6)",SIGHTS,,20d,,"CRYPTIC #73 (May 22, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 73 - May2222 Mossberg.puz,thebrowser 635946,"Grave, half-hearted, weepy sort (5)",SOBER,,22d,,"CRYPTIC #73 (May 22, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 73 - May2222 Mossberg.puz,thebrowser 635947,Sign with Left and Independent support (5),LIBRA,,23d,,"CRYPTIC #73 (May 22, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 73 - May2222 Mossberg.puz,thebrowser 635948,Secret meeting when country detains retreating soldiers (11),ASSIGNATION,,1a,,"CRYPTIC #81 (July 17, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 81 - Jul1722 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635949,Nickelodeon hosts put out show about plastic surgeons (3/4),NIPTUCK,,9a,,"CRYPTIC #81 (July 17, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 81 - Jul1722 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635950,Capital city announced toll cuts (7),PHOENIX,,10a,,"CRYPTIC #81 (July 17, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 81 - Jul1722 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635951,Relating to certain politicians' unorthodox rationales (10),SENATORIAL,,11a,,"CRYPTIC #81 (July 17, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 81 - Jul1722 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635952,Person who's spoiled sausage (4),BRAT,,12a,,"CRYPTIC #81 (July 17, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 81 - Jul1722 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635953,South America is accommodating remote wilderness excursions (7),SAFARIS,,14a,,"CRYPTIC #81 (July 17, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 81 - Jul1722 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635954,Jazz-rock band featured in concert Raffi coordinated (7),TRAFFIC,,16a,,"CRYPTIC #81 (July 17, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 81 - Jul1722 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635955,Logic-defying mutation of Omicron (7),MORONIC,,17a,,"CRYPTIC #81 (July 17, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 81 - Jul1722 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635956,"Stay drunk in bar, making slip with a check (3,4)",PAYSTUB,,19a,,"CRYPTIC #81 (July 17, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 81 - Jul1722 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635957,Promote beer that lacks head (4),TOUT,,21a,,"CRYPTIC #81 (July 17, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 81 - Jul1722 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635958,Detective hurt at emergency room counter got revenge (10),RETALIATED,,22a,,"CRYPTIC #81 (July 17, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 81 - Jul1722 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635959,"Become deteriorated taking in the rain and snow, perhaps (7)",WEATHER,,25a,,"CRYPTIC #81 (July 17, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 81 - Jul1722 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635960,"Draw at court, penning regressive illustrations (7)",ATTRACT,,26a,,"CRYPTIC #81 (July 17, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 81 - Jul1722 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635961,"Pet hospital shelters almost all of 19 biters (6,5)",CANINETEETH,,27a,,"CRYPTIC #81 (July 17, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 81 - Jul1722 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635962,Quaker hidden by Diana Spencer (5),ASPEN,,1d,,"CRYPTIC #81 (July 17, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 81 - Jul1722 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635963,"Produce music outside club, making pop-like sounds (10)",SPUTTERING,,2d,,"CRYPTIC #81 (July 17, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 81 - Jul1722 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635964,"Racers, ascending street, tease about green light (2-5)",GOKARTS,,3d,,"CRYPTIC #81 (July 17, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 81 - Jul1722 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635965,Pavement made from a tar containing measure of acidity (7),ASPHALT,,4d,,"CRYPTIC #81 (July 17, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 81 - Jul1722 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635966,One opposing screen image (4),ICON,,5d,,"CRYPTIC #81 (July 17, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 81 - Jul1722 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635967,Bread made by an Indian futures expert reportedly for charitable purposes (9),NONPROFIT,,6d,,"CRYPTIC #81 (July 17, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 81 - Jul1722 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635968,"Weights, running, and exercises (6)",ONUSES,,7d,,"CRYPTIC #81 (July 17, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 81 - Jul1722 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635969,Former partner and old jerk striking (6),EXOTIC,,8d,,"CRYPTIC #81 (July 17, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 81 - Jul1722 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635970,"Variety's trashed unsatisfactory ending of stage comedy written by Noël Coward (4,6)",EASYVIRTUE,,13d,,"CRYPTIC #81 (July 17, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 81 - Jul1722 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635971,"Following conventions, full rum & cola cocktail includes bit of ice (9)",FORMULAIC,,15d,,"CRYPTIC #81 (July 17, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 81 - Jul1722 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635972,"Capital of Michigan, in retrospect, to have control over Detroit (6)",MOTOWN,,17d,,"CRYPTIC #81 (July 17, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 81 - Jul1722 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635973,Let out of Chevrolet with Navy officer's badge (7),CHEVRON,,18d,,"CRYPTIC #81 (July 17, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 81 - Jul1722 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635974,Farmer removing hearts from poultry (7),PEASANT,,19d,,"CRYPTIC #81 (July 17, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 81 - Jul1722 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635975,Wait for shirts behind washers (6),BIDETS,,20d,,"CRYPTIC #81 (July 17, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 81 - Jul1722 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635976,Train leaves before church (5),TEACH,,23d,,"CRYPTIC #81 (July 17, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 81 - Jul1722 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635977,Yak starts to chew hay in Nepal (4),CHIN,,24d,,"CRYPTIC #81 (July 17, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 81 - Jul1722 Ries.puz,thebrowser 635978,"Rolled, lit herbal hash in queer capital? (5-6,4)",THREEDOLLARBILL,,1a,,"CRYPTIC #83 (July 31, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 83 - Jul3122 Cardin.puz,thebrowser 635979,"Tough fabric starts to droop, even now, in manufacturing (5)",DENIM,,9a,,"CRYPTIC #83 (July 31, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 83 - Jul3122 Cardin.puz,thebrowser 635980,"Officers inspecting bags of leafy greens in camping gear (3,6)",TSAAGENTS,,10a,,"CRYPTIC #83 (July 31, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 83 - Jul3122 Cardin.puz,thebrowser 635981,Commercial he's in embraces love and bonding (8),ADHESION,,11a,,"CRYPTIC #83 (July 31, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 83 - Jul3122 Cardin.puz,thebrowser 635982,Quickly recalled European Union sculpture (6),STATUE,,12a,,"CRYPTIC #83 (July 31, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 83 - Jul3122 Cardin.puz,thebrowser 635983,"Uber model: smoothly lead press with public relations and sugar coating (5,7)",SURGEPRICING,,13a,,"CRYPTIC #83 (July 31, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 83 - Jul3122 Cardin.puz,thebrowser 635984,"Significant other, Crystal, with fashionable yellowish piece of wedding attire (9,3)",SOMETHINGOLD,,17a,,"CRYPTIC #83 (July 31, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 83 - Jul3122 Cardin.puz,thebrowser 635985,Pitch new Nirvana (6),HEAVEN,,22a,,"CRYPTIC #83 (July 31, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 83 - Jul3122 Cardin.puz,thebrowser 635986,Kidnapper using only cardboard cutout letters (8),ABDUCTOR,,23a,,"CRYPTIC #83 (July 31, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 83 - Jul3122 Cardin.puz,thebrowser 635987,"Excitedly procreated after taking off ring in rollout of grand affair? (3,6)",REDCARPET,,25a,,"CRYPTIC #83 (July 31, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 83 - Jul3122 Cardin.puz,thebrowser 635988,"Put up, take down broadcast (5)",RAISE,,26a,,"CRYPTIC #83 (July 31, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 83 - Jul3122 Cardin.puz,thebrowser 635989,"Swing set snarled Doberman's collar (8,7)",BALLROOMDANCERS,,27a,,"CRYPTIC #83 (July 31, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 83 - Jul3122 Cardin.puz,thebrowser 635990,"Sold seat, sadly, for friendly soccer exhibition? (3,5)",TEDLASSO,,1d,,"CRYPTIC #83 (July 31, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 83 - Jul3122 Cardin.puz,thebrowser 635991,"Mexican music offshoot needs no introduction, period (8)",RANCHERA,,2d,,"CRYPTIC #83 (July 31, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 83 - Jul3122 Cardin.puz,thebrowser 635992,"Retreating from stress, amnesia all together (2,5)",ENMASSE,,3d,,"CRYPTIC #83 (July 31, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 83 - Jul3122 Cardin.puz,thebrowser 635993,Send away for courteous stranger (9),OUTSOURCE,,4d,,"CRYPTIC #83 (July 31, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 83 - Jul3122 Cardin.puz,thebrowser 635994,Hemsworth's letters returned (4),LIAM,,5d,,"CRYPTIC #83 (July 31, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 83 - Jul3122 Cardin.puz,thebrowser 635995,"""You said it, Ron!"" (5,2)",RIGHTON,,6d,,"CRYPTIC #83 (July 31, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 83 - Jul3122 Cardin.puz,thebrowser 635996,Present since birth in yours truly (6),INNATE,,7d,,"CRYPTIC #83 (July 31, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 83 - Jul3122 Cardin.puz,thebrowser 635997,Leaderless group's brilliance (6),LUSTER,,8d,,"CRYPTIC #83 (July 31, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 83 - Jul3122 Cardin.puz,thebrowser 635998,"Lived together with Charlie, Oscar, Jones, and Ed (9)",COHABITED,,14d,,"CRYPTIC #83 (July 31, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 83 - Jul3122 Cardin.puz,thebrowser 635999,Slowpoke Toto welcoming run on second half of cruise (8),TORTOISE,,15d,,"CRYPTIC #83 (July 31, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 83 - Jul3122 Cardin.puz,thebrowser 636000,Unopened cold sore's fluid is scent-free (8),ODORLESS,,16d,,"CRYPTIC #83 (July 31, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 83 - Jul3122 Cardin.puz,thebrowser 636001,"Like some markets essential to Europe, Nairobi (4-3)",OPENAIR,,18d,,"CRYPTIC #83 (July 31, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 83 - Jul3122 Cardin.puz,thebrowser 636002,Spooner's authentic flatbread: it's free of charge (7),NEUTRON,,19d,,"CRYPTIC #83 (July 31, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 83 - Jul3122 Cardin.puz,thebrowser 636003,Angel (that woman) taken by Pride newcomer? (6),CHERUB,,20d,,"CRYPTIC #83 (July 31, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 83 - Jul3122 Cardin.puz,thebrowser 636004,"At first, Streep and Pacino flip-flop (6)",SANDAL,,21d,,"CRYPTIC #83 (July 31, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 83 - Jul3122 Cardin.puz,thebrowser 636005,Campaign research going back and forth (4),OPPO,,24d,,"CRYPTIC #83 (July 31, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 83 - Jul3122 Cardin.puz,thebrowser 636006,"Queer Millennial cut half of sick leave (4,4)",SIDEPART,,1a,,"CRYPTIC #75: Pride Special (June 5, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 75 - Jun0522 Cardin.puz,thebrowser 636007,Nonbinary one follows extremely meta style of dress (4),MAXI,,5a,,"CRYPTIC #75: Pride Special (June 5, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 75 - Jun0522 Cardin.puz,thebrowser 636008,Religious scriptures at trans mixer (7),TANTRAS,,10a,,"CRYPTIC #75: Pride Special (June 5, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 75 - Jun0522 Cardin.puz,thebrowser 636009,Love (or kind of like) pop diva? (7),CHERISH,,11a,,"CRYPTIC #75: Pride Special (June 5, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 75 - Jun0522 Cardin.puz,thebrowser 636010,Verse top's cavorting goes too far (9),OVERSTEPS,,12a,,"CRYPTIC #75: Pride Special (June 5, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 75 - Jun0522 Cardin.puz,thebrowser 636011,"Recalled, dug Levi's makeup (5)",DENIM,,13a,,"CRYPTIC #75: Pride Special (June 5, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 75 - Jun0522 Cardin.puz,thebrowser 636012,"Elitist snob rejected ""Steven Universe"" characters (5)",TOONS,,14a,,"CRYPTIC #75: Pride Special (June 5, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 75 - Jun0522 Cardin.puz,thebrowser 636013,Trans Instagram influencers' latest three cats (6),TIGERS,,15a,,"CRYPTIC #75: Pride Special (June 5, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 75 - Jun0522 Cardin.puz,thebrowser 636014,Joe attracted to down-low energy and confusion (6),MUDDLE,,19a,,"CRYPTIC #75: Pride Special (June 5, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 75 - Jun0522 Cardin.puz,thebrowser 636015,"Beach party outside hot, retired lesbian's rental, maybe (1-4)",UHAUL,,20a,,"CRYPTIC #75: Pride Special (June 5, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 75 - Jun0522 Cardin.puz,thebrowser 636016,"That is Aimee Mann, essentially (1,4)",IMEAN,,23a,,"CRYPTIC #75: Pride Special (June 5, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 75 - Jun0522 Cardin.puz,thebrowser 636017,Initially bristle at water use in gay spa (9),BATHHOUSE,,24a,,"CRYPTIC #75: Pride Special (June 5, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 75 - Jun0522 Cardin.puz,thebrowser 636018,"Gay New York meathead waits for weights, say (7)",HOMONYM,,25a,,"CRYPTIC #75: Pride Special (June 5, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 75 - Jun0522 Cardin.puz,thebrowser 636019,"Edgy, demi stoner meets you in France (7)",NERVOUS,,26a,,"CRYPTIC #75: Pride Special (June 5, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 75 - Jun0522 Cardin.puz,thebrowser 636020,"Two-spirit leader: ""Question assignment"" (4)",TASK,,27a,,"CRYPTIC #75: Pride Special (June 5, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 75 - Jun0522 Cardin.puz,thebrowser 636021,"Killer, concise instructions for double-ended dildo? (8)",ASSASSIN,,28a,,"CRYPTIC #75: Pride Special (June 5, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 75 - Jun0522 Cardin.puz,thebrowser 636022,"Describe parts of closet for therapist (3,5)",SETFORTH,,1d,,"CRYPTIC #75: Pride Special (June 5, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 75 - Jun0522 Cardin.puz,thebrowser 636023,"Non-model cast out anchor (3,5)",DONLEMON,,2d,,"CRYPTIC #75: Pride Special (June 5, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 75 - Jun0522 Cardin.puz,thebrowser 636024,"Documentary focused on balls' torsional sprain, bruising (5,2,7)",PARISISBURNING,,3d,,"CRYPTIC #75: Pride Special (June 5, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 75 - Jun0522 Cardin.puz,thebrowser 636025,Reverend took a nap clutching bodybuilder's muscle (9),RESPECTED,,4d,,"CRYPTIC #75: Pride Special (June 5, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 75 - Jun0522 Cardin.puz,thebrowser 636026,Awkward lesbian losing boy's little green men (6),ALIENS,,6d,,"CRYPTIC #75: Pride Special (June 5, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 75 - Jun0522 Cardin.puz,thebrowser 636027,"What my husband loves to hear, in my humble opinion: me (2,4)",IMHOME,,7d,,"CRYPTIC #75: Pride Special (June 5, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 75 - Jun0522 Cardin.puz,thebrowser 636028,High pair? They aren't into sex (4),ACES,,8d,,"CRYPTIC #75: Pride Special (June 5, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 75 - Jun0522 Cardin.puz,thebrowser 636029,"Doctor, upgrade heroine's blissful self-image (6,8)",GENDEREUPHORIA,,9d,,"CRYPTIC #75: Pride Special (June 5, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 75 - Jun0522 Cardin.puz,thebrowser 636030,"Sassily enter gigs with ""Heyyyy, girl!"" and cheek kisses (9)",GREETINGS,,16d,,"CRYPTIC #75: Pride Special (June 5, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 75 - Jun0522 Cardin.puz,thebrowser 636031,"Legendary, famous medium replaced by short Taurus (8)",FABULOUS,,17d,,"CRYPTIC #75: Pride Special (June 5, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 75 - Jun0522 Cardin.puz,thebrowser 636032,"Stays out late and strips upside down at Pride, for example? (6,2)",SLEEPSIN,,18d,,"CRYPTIC #75: Pride Special (June 5, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 75 - Jun0522 Cardin.puz,thebrowser 636033,Non-queer person's dodgy ethics (6),CISHET,,21d,,"CRYPTIC #75: Pride Special (June 5, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 75 - Jun0522 Cardin.puz,thebrowser 636034,"Some queer women iron: Bovary, Pompadour, etc. (6)",FEMMES,,22d,,"CRYPTIC #75: Pride Special (June 5, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 75 - Jun0522 Cardin.puz,thebrowser 636035,Pansexual top pursuing bottom's bulge (4),BUMP,,24d,,"CRYPTIC #75: Pride Special (June 5, 2022)",thebrowser/Cryptic 75 - Jun0522 Cardin.puz,thebrowser 636175,"One of the Teletubbies quietly fusses about soft drink (4, 3)",SODAPOP,,1a,2022-06-02,Cryptic Crosswordf #5,,leoedit 636176,"Belly button's tip moving backward is sign of trouble (3, 4)",BADOMEN,,5a,2022-06-02,Cryptic Crosswordf #5,,leoedit 636177,"Fit gentleman and princess flipped over British actor (5, 4)",IDRISELBA,,9a,2022-06-02,Cryptic Crosswordf #5,,leoedit 636178,Verne novel? Fat chance! (5),NEVER,,10a,2022-06-02,Cryptic Crosswordf #5,,leoedit 636179,Small vehicle ultimately requiring decent skill (2-4),GOKART,,11a,2022-06-02,Cryptic Crosswordf #5,,leoedit 636180,"Without permission, enter sparsest ground (8)",TRESPASS,,12a,2022-06-02,Cryptic Crosswordf #5,,leoedit 636181,"Former liberal radio network repulsed Ms. Shriver and Ms. Jong (3, 7)",AIRAMERICA,,14a,2022-06-02,Cryptic Crosswordf #5,,leoedit 636182,Wildlife area with mass communication method (4),ZOOM,,16a,2022-06-02,Cryptic Crosswordf #5,,leoedit 636183,A portion of total amount is audited (4),SOME,,19a,2022-06-02,Cryptic Crosswordf #5,,leoedit 636184,"Both undergo duress guarding Thor, for example (7, 3)",THUNDERGOD,,20a,2022-06-02,Cryptic Crosswordf #5,,leoedit 636185,"Criminal dictates serious trial (4, 4)",ACIDTEST,,22a,2022-06-02,Cryptic Crosswordf #5,,leoedit 636186,"Solitary, unwell playwright (1'5)",ONEILL,,23a,2022-06-02,Cryptic Crosswordf #5,,leoedit 636187,"Seduced the French teacher at Oxford (3, 2)",LEDON,,26a,2022-06-02,Cryptic Crosswordf #5,,leoedit 636188,"Mid-October, Alexander contributed to California athletes' academic hurdles (4, 5)",ORALEXAMS,,27a,2022-06-02,Cryptic Crosswordf #5,,leoedit 636189,Two women heading to your place in Pennsylvania (7),HERSHEY,,28a,2022-06-02,Cryptic Crosswordf #5,,leoedit 636190,Running back interrupts man's schoolyard game (7),MARBLES,,29a,2022-06-02,Cryptic Crosswordf #5,,leoedit 636191,Certain swimmers appearing in mist in gray swimsuits (9),STINGRAYS,,1d,2022-06-02,Cryptic Crosswordf #5,,leoedit 636192,Donna Karan eats before Spinal Tap's bassist (5),DEREK,,2d,2022-06-02,Cryptic Crosswordf #5,,leoedit 636193,Actor Malek supports old meat in a deli (8),PASTRAMI,,3d,2022-06-02,Cryptic Crosswordf #5,,leoedit 636194,Hide pepper (4),PELT,,4d,2022-06-02,Cryptic Crosswordf #5,,leoedit 636195,"Dangerous Brazilian carefully going over regatta activity (4, 6)",BOATRACING,,5d,2022-06-02,Cryptic Crosswordf #5,,leoedit 636196,"From a European country, like singer Fogelberg? (6)",DANISH,,6d,2022-06-02,Cryptic Crosswordf #5,,leoedit 636197,"Item made of green cheese includes meat and bit of garlic? Go on to the next thing (4, 5)",MOVEALONG,,7d,2022-06-02,Cryptic Crosswordf #5,,leoedit 636198,"""Cheers"" character's typical behaviors (5)",NORMS,,8d,2022-06-02,Cryptic Crosswordf #5,,leoedit 636199,"A Republican conservative has finally quit his college major (3, 7)",ARTHISTORY,,13d,2022-06-02,Cryptic Crosswordf #5,,leoedit 636200,Memory aid includes a term used in math (9),REMAINDER,,15d,2022-06-02,Cryptic Crosswordf #5,,leoedit 636201,Spanish painter's surrounded by baseball team's victorious athletes (9),MEDALISTS,,17d,2022-06-02,Cryptic Crosswordf #5,,leoedit 636202,"At a hearing, come down on expensive Scandinavian animals (8)",REINDEER,,18d,2022-06-02,Cryptic Crosswordf #5,,leoedit 636203,Bad smell exhibited by liverwurst enchiladas (6),STENCH,,21d,2022-06-02,Cryptic Crosswordf #5,,leoedit 636204,"For the most part, assuage high god (5)",ALLAH,,22d,2022-06-02,Cryptic Crosswordf #5,,leoedit 636205,"Finally ignoring the extreme elements as a whole (2, 3)",INALL,,24d,2022-06-02,Cryptic Crosswordf #5,,leoedit 636206,"In a way, conceal friend at movie premiere (4)",PALM,,25d,2022-06-02,Cryptic Crosswordf #5,,leoedit 636207,"Actress Thomas has bit of banter with certain Italian guy in cigarette ads (8, 3)",MARLBOROMAN,,1a,2022-03-21,Cryptic Crossword #3,,leoedit 636208,"Running the wrong way once more, dorm supervisor falls (7)",NIAGARA,,9a,2022-03-21,Cryptic Crossword #3,,leoedit 636209,Figure old horse is among twelve (7),NONAGON,,10a,2022-03-21,Cryptic Crossword #3,,leoedit 636210,Tenant heard gossip (5),RUMOR,,11a,2022-03-21,Cryptic Crossword #3,,leoedit 636211,Far-left boozer swallows yellow pill (9),SOCIALIST,,12a,2022-03-21,Cryptic Crossword #3,,leoedit 636212,"Cry in the Senate as hair lace unravels (4, 6)",HAILCAESAR,,13a,2022-03-21,Cryptic Crossword #3,,leoedit 636213,Money from Tijuana gym's operator,PESO,,16a,2022-03-21,Cryptic Crossword #3,,leoedit 636214,Young man maintains ultimately toned physique (4),BODY,,18a,2022-03-21,Cryptic Crossword #3,,leoedit 636215,"Adhesive patches haphazardly covering soldier's bed (6, 4)",SCOTCHTAPE,,19a,2022-03-21,Cryptic Crossword #3,,leoedit 636216,Touchy lunatic ties vines (9),SENSITIVE,,22a,2022-03-21,Cryptic Crossword #3,,leoedit 636217,Beginning to understand wise custom (5),USAGE,,24a,2022-03-21,Cryptic Crossword #3,,leoedit 636218,Group of spies filled with praise for supermodel Schiffer (7),CLAUDIA,,26a,2022-03-21,Cryptic Crossword #3,,leoedit 636219,Antique Model T crashed outside Idaho's capital (3-4),OLDTIME,,27a,2022-03-21,Cryptic Crossword #3,,leoedit 636220,"To a greater extent, involving recent science denier (4-7)",FLATEARTHER,,28a,2022-03-21,Cryptic Crossword #3,,leoedit 636221,King working in start of spring (7),MONARCH,,1d,2022-03-21,Cryptic Crossword #3,,leoedit 636222,"Genuine, medium-sized sphere (5)",REALM,,2d,2022-03-21,Cryptic Crossword #3,,leoedit 636223,"Derek and Ace try to locate regatta (4, 4)",BOATRACE,,3d,2022-03-21,Cryptic Crossword #3,,leoedit 636224,Looks through marsh plants in the Sound (5),READS,,4d,2022-03-21,Cryptic Crossword #3,,leoedit 636225,Video game mockery turned into money maker (9),MINECRAFT,,5d,2022-03-21,Cryptic Crossword #3,,leoedit 636226,Stealthy people partially hidden in jasmine (6),NINJAS,,6d,2022-03-21,Cryptic Crossword #3,,leoedit 636227,A cunning Republican frontally attacks pop singer (8),AGUILERA,,7d,2022-03-21,Cryptic Crossword #3,,leoedit 636228,Radio network packs a punch (3-3),ONETWO,,8d,2022-03-21,Cryptic Crossword #3,,leoedit 636229,"Not facing reality, I lead inn astray (2, 6)",INDENIAL,,14d,2022-03-21,Cryptic Crossword #3,,leoedit 636230,Fixed a Chile and Mexico dish (9),ENCHILADA,,15d,2022-03-21,Cryptic Crossword #3,,leoedit 636231,Ought to empty rubbish at first roadside (8),SHOULDER,,17d,2022-03-21,Cryptic Crossword #3,,leoedit 636232,Fundamentals initially bewilder a competitor of Nike (6),BASICS,,18d,2022-03-21,Cryptic Crossword #3,,leoedit 636233,"For example, contacts English listener about tree (7)",EYEWEAR,,20d,2022-03-21,Cryptic Crossword #3,,leoedit 636234,"In a way, relatives achieve failure (4, 2)",KINDOF,,21d,2022-03-21,Cryptic Crossword #3,,leoedit 636235,"Act poorly, pulling top off TV controller (5)",EMOTE,,23d,2022-03-21,Cryptic Crossword #3,,leoedit 636236,Some people from Pennsylvania like the morning? (5),AMISH,,25d,2022-03-21,Cryptic Crossword #3,,leoedit 636237,Piece of seafood's power on the tongue (6),MUSSEL,,1a,2022-06-23,Cryptic Crossword #6,,leoedit 636238,Con went first and moved very slowly (8),TRICKLED,,4a,2022-06-23,Cryptic Crossword #6,,leoedit 636239,Seat belt keeps retracting: serious concern for a fast driver (5 4),SPEEDTRAP,,10a,2022-06-23,Cryptic Crossword #6,,leoedit 636240,Rock star encountered in hotel visit (5),ELVIS,,11a,2022-06-23,Cryptic Crossword #6,,leoedit 636241,"Top 10 starts with ""Crazy"" (4)",APEX,,12a,2022-06-23,Cryptic Crossword #6,,leoedit 636242,Dramas skyrocket with inclusion of Francis mid-season (4 6),SOAPOPERAS,,13a,2022-06-23,Cryptic Crossword #6,,leoedit 636243,Ooze joy hanging at a museum with hot app (6 5),GOOGLEEARTH,,15a,2022-06-23,Cryptic Crossword #6,,leoedit 636244,Singer's tailors chasing badger (5 6),HARRYSTYLES,,18a,2022-06-23,Cryptic Crossword #6,,leoedit 636245,Clubs criticize permanent feature of a casino (5 5),CRAPSTABLE,,23a,2022-06-23,Cryptic Crossword #6,,leoedit 636246,Nearly frighten Simba's uncle (4),SCAR,,24a,2022-06-23,Cryptic Crossword #6,,leoedit 636247,Expensive watch band with a jewel being returned (5),OMEGA,,26a,2022-06-23,Cryptic Crossword #6,,leoedit 636248,Apple product put something on label for a network device (2 7),IPADDRESS,,27a,2022-06-23,Cryptic Crossword #6,,leoedit 636249,Primitive philosopher describes character (5 3),STONEAGE,,28a,2022-06-23,Cryptic Crossword #6,,leoedit 636250,Extremely zany art movement and music genre (6),ZYDECO,,29a,2022-06-23,Cryptic Crossword #6,,leoedit 636251,Texas college team superfan breaks coffee cups (8),MUSTANGS,,1d,2022-06-23,Cryptic Crossword #6,,leoedit 636252,Fiendish woman abandoned upwardly mobile city in Alaska (3-5),SHEDEMON,,2d,2022-06-23,Cryptic Crossword #6,,leoedit 636253,"Beginning on the 2nd, takes care of tips (4)",ENDS,,3d,2022-06-23,Cryptic Crossword #6,,leoedit 636254,"Cover over, in a way ... in two ways (7)",REPAPER,,5d,2022-06-23,Cryptic Crossword #6,,leoedit 636255,Low blows disturbed those chaps (5 5),CHEAPSHOTS,,6d,2022-06-23,Cryptic Crossword #6,,leoedit 636256,Finally call on southern paramours (6),LOVERS,,7d,2022-06-23,Cryptic Crossword #6,,leoedit 636257,"Stop short, absorbed by religious believer (6)",DESIST,,8d,2022-06-23,Cryptic Crossword #6,,leoedit 636258,Cleveland largely is home to Oprah channel (6),GROOVE,,9d,2022-06-23,Cryptic Crossword #6,,leoedit 636259,Hawaii migrant has tea a lot (5 5),ALOHASTATE,,14d,2022-06-23,Cryptic Crossword #6,,leoedit 636260,Bruise footman in battle at the borders (5 3),BLACKEYE,,16d,2022-06-23,Cryptic Crossword #6,,leoedit 636261,Part of grosser pseudonym written backward for Starbucks order (8),ESPRESSO,,17d,2022-06-23,Cryptic Crossword #6,,leoedit 636262,Going through town in southern England (7),READING,,19d,2022-06-23,Cryptic Crossword #6,,leoedit 636263,Scold count about taking Ecstasy (4 2),YELLAT,,20d,2022-06-23,Cryptic Crossword #6,,leoedit 636264,"Cooler ""Friends"" character going the other way (6)",ACROSS,,21d,2022-06-23,Cryptic Crossword #6,,leoedit 636265,"Improvised crazy, topsy-turvy poem (4 2)",MADEDO,,22d,2022-06-23,Cryptic Crossword #6,,leoedit 636266,Trendsetting editor cutting back on fitness class (4),EDGY,,25d,2022-06-23,Cryptic Crossword #6,,leoedit 636267,"Citadel at this point comes with cable, just so you know (3 3 6)",FORTHERECORD,,1a,2022-08-17,Cryptic Crossword #7,,leoedit 636268,Legendary hero beginning to assemble liberal group of lawyers (3 4),ALIBABA,,10a,2022-08-17,Cryptic Crossword #7,,leoedit 636269,United States Attorney General Holder belongs to doctors' group (7),AMERICA,,11a,2022-08-17,Cryptic Crossword #7,,leoedit 636270,"Cross Indiana and Connecticut, keeping almost mum (9)",INTERSECT,,12a,2022-08-17,Cryptic Crossword #7,,leoedit 636271,Asian food is not to be trusted outside of Hanoi (5),SUSHI,,13a,2022-08-17,Cryptic Crossword #7,,leoedit 636272,Hack inside of female horse -- that's gruesome (7),MACABRE,,14a,2022-08-17,Cryptic Crossword #7,,leoedit 636273,Two metal containers at a Mexican saloon (7),CANTINA,,16a,2022-08-17,Cryptic Crossword #7,,leoedit 636274,"Basin backed up, but head of household noticed (7)",WASHTUB,,18a,2022-08-17,Cryptic Crossword #7,,leoedit 636275,Excellent nutritionist finally going through log of what you eat (7),DIETARY,,20a,2022-08-17,Cryptic Crossword #7,,leoedit 636276,Pull a nail framing veranda (5),LANAI,,22a,2022-08-17,Cryptic Crossword #7,,leoedit 636277,Close tabs with abandon -- they just get in the way (9),OBSTACLES,,24a,2022-08-17,Cryptic Crossword #7,,leoedit 636278,Loved getting one from neighborhood dressed up (7),ADORNED,,26a,2022-08-17,Cryptic Crossword #7,,leoedit 636279,One Kleenex under discussion (2 5),ATISSUE,,27a,2022-08-17,Cryptic Crossword #7,,leoedit 636280,"Slave craving hourly wage, for example (2 10)",TOILLUSTRATE,,28a,2022-08-17,Cryptic Crossword #7,,leoedit 636281,Broadcasting in Altoona irregularly (2 3),ONAIR,,2d,2022-08-17,Cryptic Crossword #7,,leoedit 636282,Repeat maneuvers involving mid-sized circus item (7),TRAPEZE,,3d,2022-08-17,Cryptic Crossword #7,,leoedit 636283,Woven lace: it's not rigid (7),ELASTIC,,4d,2022-08-17,Cryptic Crossword #7,,leoedit 636284,"From then on, composed nice verse (4 5)",EVERSINCE,,5d,2022-08-17,Cryptic Crossword #7,,leoedit 636285,Fails to mention Cambridge school contributed to operating system (5),OMITS,,6d,2022-08-17,Cryptic Crossword #7,,leoedit 636286,Singer's twin attached to beer (3 4),DUALIPA,,7d,2022-08-17,Cryptic Crossword #7,,leoedit 636287,Blue magazine originally describing one's kinky sexual practice (6),SADISM,,8d,2022-08-17,Cryptic Crossword #7,,leoedit 636288,"According to reports, person from southeast Asia put a tariff on ornamental pins (3 5)",TIETACKS,,9d,2022-08-17,Cryptic Crossword #7,,leoedit 636289,Blasting a frantic cry for help in Gotham City (3-6),BATSIGNAL,,15d,2022-08-17,Cryptic Crossword #7,,leoedit 636290,I make fun of young girl and radio host (3 5),IRAGLASS,,17d,2022-08-17,Cryptic Crossword #7,,leoedit 636291,Major retailer overturned trolley statute (7),WALMART,,18d,2022-08-17,Cryptic Crossword #7,,leoedit 636292,Fair people led snob here and there (7),BLONDES,,19d,2022-08-17,Cryptic Crossword #7,,leoedit 636293,Lose hope as pride is shaken (7),DESPAIR,,20d,2022-08-17,Cryptic Crossword #7,,leoedit 636294,Middle Eastern country accepts southern guys without criticism (3-3),YESMEN,,21d,2022-08-17,Cryptic Crossword #7,,leoedit 636295,I lament turning back supermodel Campbell (5),NAOMI,,23d,2022-08-17,Cryptic Crossword #7,,leoedit 636296,Group of celebrities is covered by secondary Twitter account (1 4),ALIST,,25d,2022-08-17,Cryptic Crossword #7,,leoedit 636297,"Novel, bright red mark from the right sign (6, 5)",LITTLEWOMEN,,1a,2022-02-09,Leo Cryptic #2,,leoedit 636298,Save metal piece of sports equipment for meddler (9),BUTTINSKI,,9a,2022-02-09,Leo Cryptic #2,,leoedit 636299,"""Quite a party,"" Jimmy reflected (5)",REVEL,,10a,2022-02-09,Leo Cryptic #2,,leoedit 636300,Tire out former American wearing hat (7),EXHAUST,,11a,2022-02-09,Leo Cryptic #2,,leoedit 636301,Swell general running amok (7),ENLARGE,,12a,2022-02-09,Leo Cryptic #2,,leoedit 636302,"Conductor to read in Italian, primarily (9)",TOSCANINI,,13a,2022-02-09,Leo Cryptic #2,,leoedit 636303,Made a case against English leather (5),SUEDE,,16a,2022-02-09,Leo Cryptic #2,,leoedit 636304,Stows away first part of item in retro lifestyle magazine (5),FILES,,17a,2022-02-09,Leo Cryptic #2,,leoedit 636305,"Daytime TV host snarled ""Ready, crew?"" (4, 5)",DREWCAREY,,18a,2022-02-09,Leo Cryptic #2,,leoedit 636306,Backer ignoring the lead craftsperson (7),ARTISAN,,20a,2022-02-09,Leo Cryptic #2,,leoedit 636307,Lance Armstrong's activity includes liberal cheating (7),BILKING,,22a,2022-02-09,Leo Cryptic #2,,leoedit 636308,Give a bad review to last of the large group of experts (5),PANEL,,24a,2022-02-09,Leo Cryptic #2,,leoedit 636309,"Cry ""Cut!"" before and after appointment (4, 1, 4)",SHEDATEAR,,25a,2022-02-09,Leo Cryptic #2,,leoedit 636310,"School assignment misrepresented the Lowlands (4, 3, 4)",SHOWANDTELL,,26a,2022-02-09,Leo Cryptic #2,,leoedit 636311,Initially look at church door feature (5),LATCH,,1d,2022-02-09,Leo Cryptic #2,,leoedit 636312,Legal proceedings consuming second-rate United Nations courts (9),TRIBUNALS,,2d,2022-02-09,Leo Cryptic #2,,leoedit 636313,Composer announced agenda (5),LISZT,,3d,2022-02-09,Leo Cryptic #2,,leoedit 636314,"Grain morsel Mr. Clapton finally ate (5, 4)",WHITERICE,,4d,2022-02-09,Leo Cryptic #2,,leoedit 636315,Humor always contains lesson (5),MORAL,,5d,2022-02-09,Leo Cryptic #2,,leoedit 636316,"Fever near breaking? Don't worry about it (5, 4)",NEVERFEAR,,6d,2022-02-09,Leo Cryptic #2,,leoedit 636317,Protest part of a sentence (6),OBJECT,,7d,2022-02-09,Leo Cryptic #2,,leoedit 636318,Con is extremely carefree after escape (6),FLEECE,,8d,2022-02-09,Leo Cryptic #2,,leoedit 636319,"At first, professional in south Long Island takes care of hair problem (5, 4)",SPLITENDS,,14d,2022-02-09,Leo Cryptic #2,,leoedit 636320,Large Asian country assimilating one small Asian country (9),INDONESIA,,15d,2022-02-09,Leo Cryptic #2,,leoedit 636321,"Time to recover sharp tool found near avenue (4, 5)",SICKLEAVE,,16d,2022-02-09,Leo Cryptic #2,,leoedit 636322,"Paper spread beneath full, cold beverage (6)",FRAPPE,,17d,2022-02-09,Leo Cryptic #2,,leoedit 636323,Go back inside Mongolian tent for cultured food (6),YOGURT,,19d,2022-02-09,Leo Cryptic #2,,leoedit 636324,Colossal vocalist has round of shots (5),SALVO,,21d,2022-02-09,Leo Cryptic #2,,leoedit 636325,"Cultivate garden plot, holding sides of rake (5)",BREED,,22d,2022-02-09,Leo Cryptic #2,,leoedit 636326,Perfect start to international agreement (5),IDEAL,,23d,2022-02-09,Leo Cryptic #2,,leoedit 636327,Mother goes in front of most of the elementary school class (4),MATH,,1a,2021-12-08,Cryptic Crossword #1,,leoedit 636328,"Don't reject item on a windshield blocking view (5, 5)",SWIPERIGHT,,3a,2021-12-08,Cryptic Crossword #1,,leoedit 636329,"Read about fuss over soft drink container (4, 3)",SODACAN,,9a,2021-12-08,Cryptic Crossword #1,,leoedit 636330,"Andrew or Thomas, say, put up a blog entry going into beer (7)",APOSTLE,,11a,2021-12-08,Cryptic Crossword #1,,leoedit 636331,"Grouches protecting ditch unite in solidarity (5, 5)",CLOSERANKS,,12a,2021-12-08,Cryptic Crossword #1,,leoedit 636332,Prophet leads to a man of science (4),AMOS,,13a,2021-12-08,Cryptic Crossword #1,,leoedit 636333,"Anne is crazy, crazy! (6)",INSANE,,15a,2021-12-08,Cryptic Crossword #1,,leoedit 636334,"First off, northern country restricts prisoner Snake (8)",ANACONDA,,16a,2021-12-08,Cryptic Crossword #1,,leoedit 636335,He is wrapped up in prince cracking code (8),ENCIPHER,,18a,2021-12-08,Cryptic Crossword #1,,leoedit 636336,Steamship carrying wood items that might be rare (6),STEAKS,,20a,2021-12-08,Cryptic Crossword #1,,leoedit 636337,Former US president not starting angry speech (4),RANT,,23a,2021-12-08,Cryptic Crossword #1,,leoedit 636338,"Hawaiian storyteller had unclear novel (4, 6)",HULADANCER,,24a,2021-12-08,Cryptic Crossword #1,,leoedit 636339,Evidence of deleting part of the timeline? You bet (7),ERASURE,,27a,2021-12-08,Cryptic Crossword #1,,leoedit 636340,"Place where you learn the Talmud is heavy, complicated (7)",YESHIVA,,28a,2021-12-08,Cryptic Crossword #1,,leoedit 636341,"Contribution to get Hank unextraordinary Ariana Grande song (5, 1, 4)",THANKUNEXT,,29a,2021-12-08,Cryptic Crossword #1,,leoedit 636342,Left blue fish and insect (4),GNAT,,30a,2021-12-08,Cryptic Crossword #1,,leoedit 636343,"Greek character's one concern, initially: what you hear on the radio (5)",MUSIC,,1d,2021-12-08,Cryptic Crossword #1,,leoedit 636344,Seemingly endless ground outside (7),TEDIOUS,,2d,2021-12-08,Cryptic Crossword #1,,leoedit 636345,"Pale young boy's request for employment (4, 2)",WANTAD,,4d,2021-12-08,Cryptic Crossword #1,,leoedit 636346,Plan on ruler doing some modern exercises (8),PLANKING,,5d,2021-12-08,Cryptic Crossword #1,,leoedit 636347,Thief heading off black bird (4),ROOK,,6d,2021-12-08,Cryptic Crossword #1,,leoedit 636348,Returned identification that's stuck on guard at an entrance (7),GATEMAN,,7d,2021-12-08,Cryptic Crossword #1,,leoedit 636349,"Host cares about annual awards (3, 6)",THEOSCARS,,8d,2021-12-08,Cryptic Crossword #1,,leoedit 636350,Trophies accommodating pared-back organizations (8),CLEANUPS,,10d,2021-12-08,Cryptic Crossword #1,,leoedit 636351,"Unreliable racy site where things often freeze up (3, 5)",ICETRAYS,,14d,2021-12-08,Cryptic Crossword #1,,leoedit 636352,"I approach burrow with sincere intentions (2, 7)",INEARNEST,,15d,2021-12-08,Cryptic Crossword #1,,leoedit 636353,"Blue, limitless oceans enthralling judge (8)",CERULEAN,,17d,2021-12-08,Cryptic Crossword #1,,leoedit 636354,Get rid of farewell musical composition (7),CANTATA,,19d,2021-12-08,Cryptic Crossword #1,,leoedit 636355,Sell off deed including university (7),AUCTION,,21d,2021-12-08,Cryptic Crossword #1,,leoedit 636356,Wildcat has a rare voice box (6),LARYNX,,22d,2021-12-08,Cryptic Crossword #1,,leoedit 636357,Zoroastrians holding event at the Friars Club (5),ROAST,,25d,2021-12-08,Cryptic Crossword #1,,leoedit 636358,Kindergarten pursues entertaining type of music (4),FUNK,,26d,2021-12-08,Cryptic Crossword #1,,leoedit 636359,"Mideastern country music professional absorbed by Mr. Bradshaw's cartoon (3, 3, 5)",TOMANDJERRY,,1a,2022-05-11,Cryptic #4,,leoedit 636360,Carried stocking fastener that's up-to-date (7-2),PLUGGEDIN,,9a,2022-05-11,Cryptic #4,,leoedit 636361,"China, Uruguay occupied by another country (5)",NAURU,,10a,2022-05-11,Cryptic #4,,leoedit 636362,Awfully great at boat competition (7),REGATTA,,11a,2022-05-11,Cryptic #4,,leoedit 636363,Prime minister discussed real money (7),TRUDEAU,,12a,2022-05-11,Cryptic #4,,leoedit 636364,Noisy item found in apartments I rent (5),SIREN,,13a,2022-05-11,Cryptic #4,,leoedit 636365,"First to actually identify sharp weapon on sight (2, 1, 6)",ATAGLANCE,,14a,2022-05-11,Cryptic #4,,leoedit 636366,"A trumpet's playing a Rolling Stones song (5, 2, 2)",STARTMEUP,,17a,2022-05-11,Cryptic #4,,leoedit 636367,Position tee before second golf strokes (5),PUTTS,,19a,2022-05-11,Cryptic #4,,leoedit 636368,"Suggested wrong hue — ultimately, scarlet (7)",OFFERED,,21a,2022-05-11,Cryptic #4,,leoedit 636369,"Sadly, Eeyore's not a pretty sight (7)",EYESORE,,24a,2022-05-11,Cryptic #4,,leoedit 636370,Criticize article about debut of Denver Zoo attraction (5),PANDA,,25a,2022-05-11,Cryptic #4,,leoedit 636371,"If memory serves, absent father essentially wrecked everything (2, 1, 6)",ASIRECALL,,26a,2022-05-11,Cryptic #4,,leoedit 636372,"Meet Romeo in Mobile again (3, 4, 4)",ONEMORETIME,,27a,2022-05-11,Cryptic #4,,leoedit 636373,"Mentioned giant turn rightward, perhaps (7)",TIGHTEN,,1d,2022-05-11,Cryptic #4,,leoedit 636374,"Mother, not hearing expert, grimaced (4, 1, 4)",MADEAFACE,,2d,2022-05-11,Cryptic #4,,leoedit 636375,"9 — no, 10 — on the way up (5)",NONET,,3d,2022-05-11,Cryptic #4,,leoedit 636376,"Flower, just at the tip, atop unfinished comforter (7)",JONQUIL,,4d,2022-05-11,Cryptic #4,,leoedit 636377,Scoundrel putting down good cosmetic (5),ROUGE,,5d,2022-05-11,Cryptic #4,,leoedit 636378,"Try out Uber, having app on one's phone (7)",YOUTUBE,,6d,2022-05-11,Cryptic #4,,leoedit 636379,Places hosting last of Summer Games (6),SPORTS,,7d,2022-05-11,Cryptic #4,,leoedit 636380,"Country song goes beyond ""swell,"" for the most part (8)",BULGARIA,,8d,2022-05-11,Cryptic #4,,leoedit 636381,Oakland athlete very quietly accepted one cocktail (9),APPLETINI,,15d,2022-05-11,Cryptic #4,,leoedit 636382,"Reasonable lawyer leading Beantown retrospective (3, 2, 3)",NOTSOBAD,,16d,2022-05-11,Cryptic #4,,leoedit 636383,Small corporation originally installed round sign (7),SCORPIO,,17d,2022-05-11,Cryptic #4,,leoedit 636384,Uncertain activity at premiere party: Twister (7),TORNADO,,18d,2022-05-11,Cryptic #4,,leoedit 636385,Pave the way for creep tossing Ed backward (7),PRECEDE,,19d,2022-05-11,Cryptic #4,,leoedit 636386,Metallic enclosure on a farm restricts slippery animal (6),STEELY,,20d,2022-05-11,Cryptic #4,,leoedit 636387,Type of border payment on both sides of North Carolina (5),FENCE,,22d,2022-05-11,Cryptic #4,,leoedit 636388,Canadian rapper finally read Playboy (5),DRAKE,,23d,2022-05-11,Cryptic #4,,leoedit 636389,"Black-and-white part of a campus contributed to lasting impression (5,3)",SQUADCAR,,1a,2022-08-04,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, August 21, 2022",,newyorker 636390,Flier descended rapidly (4),DOVE,,8a,2022-08-04,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, August 21, 2022",,newyorker 636391,Bring action against vocal group including Crazy Horse (5),SIOUX,,9a,2022-08-04,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, August 21, 2022",,newyorker 636392,Broken toilet’s clogged by front of tennis shoe (8),STILETTO,,10a,2022-08-04,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, August 21, 2022",,newyorker 636393,Part of a dashboard is installed the wrong way (4),DIAL,,12a,2022-08-04,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, August 21, 2022",,newyorker 636394,Grooves on disk irritate grumpy singer at first (4),DIGS,,14a,2022-08-04,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, August 21, 2022",,newyorker 636395,A lawn tool is gripped by pet bird (8),PARAKEET,,15a,2022-08-04,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, August 21, 2022",,newyorker 636396,Word of warning involving unsatisfactory treat (5),DONUT,,17a,2022-08-04,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, August 21, 2022",,newyorker 636397,New York team comes together after center gets ejected (4),METS,,18a,2022-08-04,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, August 21, 2022",,newyorker 636398,Teardrop upset hunter (8),PREDATOR,,19a,2022-08-04,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, August 21, 2022",,newyorker 636399,Teresa’s seducer has answered disrespectfully (6),SASSED,,1d,2022-08-04,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, August 21, 2022",,newyorker 636400,"Permanently leave South American city, forgetting nothing (4)",QUIT,,2d,2022-08-04,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, August 21, 2022",,newyorker 636401,Mature people extravagantly laud poet Eliot (6),ADULTS,,3d,2022-08-04,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, August 21, 2022",,newyorker 636402,Pleased about hot landmass (9),CONTINENT,,4d,2022-08-04,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, August 21, 2022",,newyorker 636403,A Virginia teaching assistant restricted online image (6),AVATAR,,5d,2022-08-04,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, August 21, 2022",,newyorker 636404,Nevada city’s home improvement (4),RENO,,6d,2022-08-04,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, August 21, 2022",,newyorker 636405,"Usual price starts to grow on thankless person (5,4)",GOINGRATE,,7d,2022-08-04,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, August 21, 2022",,newyorker 636406,"In a reversal, gave back baby’s item (6)",DIAPER,,11d,2022-08-04,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, August 21, 2022",,newyorker 636407,Information includes Oklahoma returning territory in the nineteenth century (6),DAKOTA,,12d,2022-08-04,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, August 21, 2022",,newyorker 636408,Refuse a bunch of puppies (6),LITTER,,13d,2022-08-04,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, August 21, 2022",,newyorker 636409,Dad is holding medium-sized ceremony (4),POMP,,15d,2022-08-04,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, August 21, 2022",,newyorker 636410,Portuguese urologist carries Portuguese money (4),EURO,,16d,2022-08-04,"The Cryptic Crossword: Sunday, August 21, 2022",,newyorker 638334,Mutual respect shown in big town keeping order (6),COMITY,,1a,2021-05-17,Daily Telegraph 29677,,bigdave44 638362,think 16d rates as favourite today with 4a and 12a on the podium.,Q,,Id,2021-05-17,Daily Telegraph 29677,,bigdave44 638363,line:     DELI     +     GAY     +     SHUN     =     DELEGATION,B,,Topd,2021-05-17,Daily Telegraph 29677,,bigdave44 638364,Clocked if this would be locked? (8),UNOPENED,,4a,2019-08-23,Daily Telegraph 29132,,bigdave44 638420,See preamble (15),ILLORANGUTANTEL,,1a,2018-12-16,MPP 079,,bigdave44