{"rowid": 572102, "clue": "\"...Spirits?\" Host fills empty glasses. (6)", "answer": "GHOSTS", "definition": null, "clue_number": "24a", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Cryptic Crossword * * *", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic146.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 573818, "clue": "\"5 cents\", I slurred, \"for a Russian man\" (7)", "answer": "NIKOLAI", "definition": null, "clue_number": "26a", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Cru Cryptic: ***", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic48.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 577211, "clue": "\"60 Minutes\" first in interviewing Persian beauty (5)", "answer": "HOURI", "definition": null, "clue_number": "3d", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Cru Puzzle *", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic145.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 591805, "clue": "\"A Way to Write Independent Verse,\" penned by Hex (7)", "answer": "CURSIVE", "definition": null, "clue_number": "5d", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Coastal Cruisin'", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/pacific-city.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 571207, "clue": "\"A\" side changed thoughts; Called after inaugural and got better", "answer": "IDEASHONED", "definition": null, "clue_number": "14a", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Sitter Playing Game (6) **", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic191.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 577357, "clue": "\"An old Egyptian,\" Mia said (7)", "answer": "PHARAOH", "definition": null, "clue_number": "8a", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Cryptic Crossword: *", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic37.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 572854, "clue": "\"Another execrable score,\" Jack Nicklaus finally fumes (5)", "answer": "REEKS", "definition": null, "clue_number": "21a", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Cryptic Crossword * * *", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic3.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 575382, "clue": "\"Bananas\" star curses media, means to deal with emergency (7,8)", "answer": "DRASTICMEASURES", "definition": null, "clue_number": "7d", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "CruCryptic***", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic60.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 576408, "clue": "\"Baseball without a bat\" is a play on words at church dance (9)", "answer": "PUNCHBALL", "definition": null, "clue_number": "20a", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "8x15", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic115.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 574313, "clue": "\"Beat it, mister!\" said con man (7)", "answer": "FLEECER", "definition": null, "clue_number": "28a", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Cru Cryptic ***", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic124.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 573923, "clue": "\"Bewitched\" girl hit a bat frolicking (7)", "answer": "TABITHA", "definition": null, "clue_number": "27a", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Cryptic Crossword", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic26.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 570718, "clue": "\"Chew-out\" speech precedes strike (6-4)", "answer": "TONGUELASH", "definition": null, "clue_number": "1d", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Cru Cryptic", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic223.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 572260, "clue": "\"Clerks\", a hit with stereotypical Generation Xer (7)", "answer": "SLACKER", "definition": null, "clue_number": "13d", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Cryptic Crossword **", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic11.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 573997, "clue": "\"Climb up the mountain,\" it is said, \"for acceptance\" (6)", "answer": "ASSENT", "definition": null, "clue_number": "8d", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Cru cryptic 2.5*", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic79.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 570687, "clue": "\"Currents\" editor cashes in (6)", "answer": "EDDIES", "definition": null, "clue_number": "22a", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Collaborative Cru Cryptic", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic169.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 577049, "clue": "\"Das Boot\" might need this! (8)", "answer": "SUBTITLE", "definition": null, "clue_number": "11d", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Cryptic Crossword ***", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic13.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 591911, "clue": "\"Date an Animal,\" a show with emotional conflicts (5)", "answer": "DRAMA", "definition": null, "clue_number": "25d", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Cru Cryptic **", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic237.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 575029, "clue": "\"Dinner is served,\" I hear,\"in just a bit\" (7)", "answer": "SOUPCON", "definition": null, "clue_number": "11a", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "***1/2 Tom Jones", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic128.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 574697, "clue": "\"Doctor Broth,\" for acute pain (5)", "answer": "THROB", "definition": null, "clue_number": "25a", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Harold Strom ***1/2 \"Show Biz\"", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic185.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 572156, "clue": "\"Drip\" splits prize with British Council (5)", "answer": "PRIVY", "definition": null, "clue_number": "10a", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Cru Cryptic ***", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic93.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 591766, "clue": "\"Edie,\" Liza snarled, \"is put on a pedestal\" (8)", "answer": "IDEALIZE", "definition": null, "clue_number": "27a", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "The Year in Review **", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic232.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 573494, "clue": "\"Elfin\" featured in \"Complete Enya\" (5)", "answer": "TEENY", "definition": null, "clue_number": "24d", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Cru Cryptic #199 **", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic199.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 575991, "clue": "\"Gigolo, Inc.\" lothario sporting primitive G-string (9)", "answer": "LOINCLOTH", "definition": null, "clue_number": "4a", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Cru Cryptic **", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic167.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 573574, "clue": "\"Hatcher\" follows under \"Reproductive Organs\" (5)", "answer": "UTERI", "definition": null, "clue_number": "15a", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Cru Cryptic **", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic57.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 571607, "clue": "\"Hint of Color\": part of exhibit in Germany (5)", "answer": "TINGE", "definition": null, "clue_number": "3d", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Cru Cryptic **", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic176.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 573814, "clue": "\"However\" and \"Believe\" singer is someone who handles cuts (7)", "answer": "BUTCHER", "definition": null, "clue_number": "20a", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Cru Cryptic: ***", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic48.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 571855, "clue": "\"I'm at the top! I am chairman of Chrysler Corporation of America.\" (7)", "answer": "IACOCCA", "definition": null, "clue_number": "14a", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "***", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic181.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 572691, "clue": "\"Ill treated,\" I repeated (8)", "answer": "ITERATED", "definition": null, "clue_number": "31a", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Can you locate the road not taken?**", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic163.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 577129, "clue": "\"Lady at 1A\" - address for a letter from Paul (7)", "answer": "GALATIA", "definition": null, "clue_number": "7d", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Saints and Sinners***+", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic114.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 570728, "clue": "\"Lassie Penned In\" is wasted time and money (8)", "answer": "MISSPENT", "definition": null, "clue_number": "18d", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Cru Cryptic", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic223.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 591830, "clue": "\"Like its midwest state...\" Associated Press writes, coincidentally (2 2 2 7)", "answer": "ASITSOHAPPENS", "definition": null, "clue_number": "27a", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic151b.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 574436, "clue": "\"Log-in failed\", in technical terms (5)", "answer": "LINGO", "definition": null, "clue_number": "12a", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Cru Puz ***", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic44.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 570730, "clue": "\"Look at quickly,\" I cry loudly (7)", "answer": "EYEBALL", "definition": null, "clue_number": "21d", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Cru Cryptic", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic223.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 591922, "clue": "\"Meet Glenn Wild, folks\" (9)", "answer": "GENTLEMEN", "definition": null, "clue_number": "21a", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Cryptic Crossword***", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic236.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 572666, "clue": "\"Mutant II\" playing not-so-heavy-metal (8)", "answer": "TITANIUM", "definition": null, "clue_number": "8d", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Cryptic Crossword **1/2", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic77.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 572721, "clue": "\"Naked Gun\" actor prepares to be dubbed in (in soundtrack) (7)", "answer": "NIELSEN", "definition": null, "clue_number": "31a", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Cryptic crossword ***", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic102.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 570738, "clue": "\"Observe!\" I cry to the audience (7)", "answer": "EYEBALL", "definition": null, "clue_number": "11a", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Cryptic Crossword ***", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic123.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 572508, "clue": "\"Old car stalls,\" discloses again? (7)", "answer": "REOPENS", "definition": null, "clue_number": "4d", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "NYT Forum Cru Cryptic", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic42.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 576392, "clue": "\"Poison Ivy\" as an example French author raised (5)", "answer": "TABOO", "definition": null, "clue_number": "26d", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Mismatched Twins *** [Half the clues have switched places -- View Notepad]", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic62.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 576069, "clue": "\"Pops\" is very unhappy in retrospect (5)", "answer": "SODAS", "definition": null, "clue_number": "28a", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "CrypticCrossword***", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic180.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 571233, "clue": "\"Rambunctious pet noise\" entered via keyboard (5,2)", "answer": "TYPEDIN", "definition": null, "clue_number": "23a", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "One Too Few ***.5 (see Notepad)", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic160.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 577387, "clue": "\"Ransom\"? Lame. Run \"Rocky I\", \"II\", \"III\", etc. (5,8)", "answer": "ROMANNUMERALS", "definition": null, "clue_number": "13a", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Cryptic Crossword ***", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic23.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 571430, "clue": "\"Rats!\" snorted Dotty (7)", "answer": "RODENTS", "definition": null, "clue_number": "11a", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Cru Cryptic***", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic116.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 592062, "clue": "\"Rent\" did encompassing video that hasn't been completed (7)", "answer": "DIVIDED", "definition": null, "clue_number": "25a", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "The Play\u0092s the Thing", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic233.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 573164, "clue": "\"Shower control\" in auditor's perception (4)", "answer": "RAIN", "definition": null, "clue_number": "4d", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Cru Cryptic ***", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic32.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 575712, "clue": "\"Shut up or else,\" con snarled (7)", "answer": "ENCLOSE", "definition": null, "clue_number": "9a", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Cryptic Crossword **", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic95.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 592097, "clue": "\"Skipper\" likely written in third person (7)", "answer": "CAPTAIN", "definition": null, "clue_number": "1d", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Cru Cryptic", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic234.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 574666, "clue": "\"Source of Harm\" thesis emended, holding it back (7)", "answer": "NEMESIS", "definition": null, "clue_number": "26a", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "CRYPTIC CROSSWORD ****", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic55.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 572783, "clue": "\"Stomp\" confirmed to take in five hundred thousand dollars (6)", "answer": "TRUDGE", "definition": null, "clue_number": "16a", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Cru Collaboration II", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic202.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 572232, "clue": "\"Strike!\" the French yell (4,3)", "answer": "LASHOUT", "definition": null, "clue_number": "10d", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic136.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 571977, "clue": "\"The Donald's\" winning card (5)", "answer": "TRUMP", "definition": null, "clue_number": "9a", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "One Star II?", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic99.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 574605, "clue": "\"The head of administration is in debt,\" Ed argued (7)", "answer": "DEBATED", "definition": null, "clue_number": "1d", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Cru Cryptic # 200 **1/2", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic200.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 571731, "clue": "\"There the woman is!\" exclaimed in a less friendly way (5)", "answer": "ICIER", "definition": null, "clue_number": "4d", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Three Star", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic106.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 591789, "clue": "\"They're at the bottom of the food chain,\" Tom said swimmingly (7)", "answer": "DIATOMS", "definition": null, "clue_number": "11a", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Coastal Cruisin'", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/pacific-city.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 576445, "clue": "\"Too much sex?\" \"Yes,\" Clive snarled (11)", "answer": "EXCESSIVELY", "definition": null, "clue_number": "12d", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Cru Cryptic -- 4 Stars", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic29.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 576971, "clue": "\"Tool's missing from chest\", he thundered (4)", "answer": "THOR", "definition": null, "clue_number": "11a", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "CRU CRYPTIC ***", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic211.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 574487, "clue": "\"Top Hat\" duet movingly executed (3,2,5)", "answer": "PUTTODEATH", "definition": null, "clue_number": "16d", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Cru Cryptic ****", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic172.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 576488, "clue": "\"Tourist Traps\" author (4)", "answer": "URIS", "definition": null, "clue_number": "21d", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Cru Puzzle ***", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic27.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 576605, "clue": "\"Very rigid California butcher\" I snort (4-4)", "answer": "CASTIRON", "definition": null, "clue_number": "13d", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Cryptic Crossword *", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic2.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 571619, "clue": "\"What did I tell you?\" third letter expressed (3)", "answer": "SEE", "definition": null, "clue_number": "24d", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Cru Cryptic **", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic176.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 571613, "clue": "\"Wild Gals and Jack,\" in \"Maxim,\" describes a boxer's vulnerability (5,3)", "answer": "GLASSJAW", "definition": null, "clue_number": "14d", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Cru Cryptic **", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic176.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 576838, "clue": "\"Wrong and sick,\" I quote... almost (7)", "answer": "ILLICIT", "definition": null, "clue_number": "4d", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "***1/2 Bag o' Tricks (many experimental clues)", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic109.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 574478, "clue": "\"Yes,\" Frost said, \"it's a poetic device\" (3,5)", "answer": "EYERHYME", "definition": null, "clue_number": "31a", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Cru Cryptic ****", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic172.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 592005, "clue": "\"You can say that again!\"", "answer": "AMEN", "definition": null, "clue_number": "44d", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "In Memoriam -- Craig Fowler", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/fowler.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 591991, "clue": "\"___ Are My Sunshine\"", "answer": "YOU", "definition": null, "clue_number": "25d", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "In Memoriam -- Craig Fowler", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/fowler.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 576292, "clue": "#1 this week is \"The Nerd\" (4)", "answer": "TWIT", "definition": null, "clue_number": "25d", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Cru Cryptic ** 1/2", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic131.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 575624, "clue": "$100 accepted by tart in buff (5)", "answer": "SCOUR", "definition": null, "clue_number": "31a", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic224.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 575046, "clue": "$5-bill, silver, pound, euro, oddly assembled for Enron exec, e.g. (8)", "answer": "FINAGLER", "definition": null, "clue_number": "8d", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "***1/2 Tom Jones", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic128.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 591831, "clue": "'Hazings', it is called in supervised discussions (15)", "answer": "INTERMEDIATIONS", "definition": null, "clue_number": "2d", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic151b.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 575091, "clue": "'Tisn't corrupt (5)", "answer": "TAINT", "definition": null, "clue_number": "27a", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Cryptic 03/04 ** 1/2", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic205.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 574767, "clue": "(11): BAR FOCUS ON FLORA (6 2 7); CHMRU", "answer": "SCARAMOUCHE", "definition": null, "clue_number": "3d", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Gallimaufry: Cru Cryptic **** (see notepad)", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic38.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 574773, "clue": "(11): POUT AT OOPS (6 4); HIOSS", "answer": "VICHYSSOISE", "definition": null, "clue_number": "12d", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Gallimaufry: Cru Cryptic **** (see notepad)", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic38.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 574772, "clue": "(4 2 7): TOWEL ATTIRE (6 5); AENOOX", "answer": "EAUXDECOLOGNE", "definition": null, "clue_number": "10d", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Gallimaufry: Cru Cryptic **** (see notepad)", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic38.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 574765, "clue": "(5 2 6): INDICT MORAL (4 7); DHMMNR", "answer": "CREMEDEMENTHE", "definition": null, "clue_number": "1d", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Gallimaufry: Cru Cryptic **** (see notepad)", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic38.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 571029, "clue": "(500 + 500) + (500 - 500) + (-500 + 500): could this make someone feel stuck? (6)", "answer": "VOODOO", "definition": null, "clue_number": "19d", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Cru Cryptic **1/2", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic84.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 574764, "clue": "(6 8): RUNS PIQUE (6 3); DELNRTU", "answer": "DOUBLEENTENDRE", "definition": null, "clue_number": "28a", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Gallimaufry: Cru Cryptic **** (see notepad)", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic38.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 574749, "clue": "(7 7): LACIEST TOPS (6 2 3); EHILNSU", "answer": "CHAISESLONGUES", "definition": null, "clue_number": "1a", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Gallimaufry: Cru Cryptic **** (see notepad)", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic38.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 572561, "clue": "(Gasp!) That woman's being like a leopard from the tropics (7)", "answer": "PANTHER", "definition": null, "clue_number": "21a", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Winter Interrupted", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic216.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 572358, "clue": "(See 1A)(3,7)", "answer": "THEWINDOWS", "definition": null, "clue_number": "4a", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Cru Cryptic ** (See Notepad)", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic105.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 572369, "clue": "(See 27A)(5)", "answer": "PHONE", "definition": null, "clue_number": "28a", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Cru Cryptic ** (See Notepad)", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic105.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 572365, "clue": "(See 30A)", "answer": "LIARS", "definition": null, "clue_number": "20a", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Cru Cryptic ** (See Notepad)", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic105.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 572377, "clue": "(See 41A (6)", "answer": "SAINTS", "definition": null, "clue_number": "42a", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Cru Cryptic ** (See Notepad)", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic105.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 573170, "clue": "(Sigh) It led lunatic to the window (9)", "answer": "SIDELIGHT", "definition": null, "clue_number": "16d", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Cru Cryptic ***", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic32.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 572367, "clue": "(Unclued - see Notepad)", "answer": "REVERENDSPOONER", "definition": null, "clue_number": "24a", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Cru Cryptic ** (See Notepad)", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic105.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 572370, "clue": "(With 20A) Stir up passions to combat perjurers (5)", "answer": "FIGHT", "definition": null, "clue_number": "30a", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Cru Cryptic ** (See Notepad)", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic105.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 572368, "clue": "(With 28A) Rabbit-shaped telephone sound humorous (5)", "answer": "BUNNY", "definition": null, "clue_number": "27a", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Cru Cryptic ** (See Notepad)", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic105.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 572376, "clue": "(With 42A) Insane losers wanted overhauled professional football team (3,7)", "answer": "NEWORLEANS", "definition": null, "clue_number": "41a", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Cru Cryptic ** (See Notepad)", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic105.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 572357, "clue": "(With 4A) Children's classic and Shakespeare in the store displays (4,2)", "answer": "WILLIN", "definition": null, "clue_number": "1a", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Cru Cryptic ** (See Notepad)", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic105.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 574656, "clue": "(with 12A) Spectacular advance perhaps, put man equal...(7,4)", "answer": "QUANTUM", "definition": null, "clue_number": "9a", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "CRYPTIC CROSSWORD ****", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic55.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 570973, "clue": ".", "answer": "STEER", "definition": null, "clue_number": "18a", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Foursquare", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic190.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 570974, "clue": ".", "answer": "JOUST", "definition": null, "clue_number": "19a", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Foursquare", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic190.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 570975, "clue": ".", "answer": "STONY", "definition": null, "clue_number": "24a", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Foursquare", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic190.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 570976, "clue": ".", "answer": "OUNCE", "definition": null, "clue_number": "29a", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Foursquare", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic190.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 570977, "clue": ".", "answer": "TEPEE", "definition": null, "clue_number": "30a", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Foursquare", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic190.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 570978, "clue": ".", "answer": "UNARM", "definition": null, "clue_number": "31a", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Foursquare", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic190.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 570979, "clue": ".", "answer": "OPERA", "definition": null, "clue_number": "32a", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Foursquare", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic190.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 570980, "clue": ".", "answer": "SCRAP", "definition": null, "clue_number": "33a", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Foursquare", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic190.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 570981, "clue": ".", "answer": "NERDS", "definition": null, "clue_number": "34a", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Foursquare", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic190.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 570982, "clue": ".", "answer": "TEMPO", "definition": null, "clue_number": "35a", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Foursquare", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic190.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"} {"rowid": 570983, "clue": ".", "answer": "YEAST", "definition": null, "clue_number": "36a", "puzzle_date": null, "puzzle_name": "Foursquare", "source_url": "cru-cryptics/Cryptic190.puz", "source": "cru_cryptics"}