rowid,clue,answer,clues_fts,rank 663652,have so many ticks for this one we won’t even try to pick a favourite.,Q,217279, 663651,Open a place to drink in Paris? (5),UNBAR,217279, 663650,Gather case of Sancerre will rise in value (6),ESTEEM,217279, 663649,"Delay punishment given to criminal (4,3)",TIME LAG,217279, 663648,"You reportedly lead attack, getting reprimand (7)",UPBRAID,217279, 663647,"Use thread to mend frame (6,2)",STITCH UP,217279, 663646,Strange realities figure in the Bible (9),ISRAELITE,217279, 663645,Alluring people work briefly north of Barnet? (11),TEMPTRESSES,217279, 663644,Split peas cooked with speed (8),SEPARATE,217279, 663643,"US university, without hesitation, showing excellence (5)",MERIT,217279, 663642,Smarter bit of couture: it tantalises when twirling (7),NATTIER,217279, 663641,"Made an error on record — this brings back discomfort (7,4)",SLIPPED DISC,217279, 663640,Cub leader is dishonest about working with leader of Scouts (7),LIONESS,217279, 663639,Cookware from Spooner’s inquisitive admirer (6-3),FRYING,217279, 663638,Characters in farm I’d offer place in the field (3-3),MID,217279, 663637,Shiny silver coat of ladylike American (6),AGLEAM,217279, 663636,Adam’s garden is planted in March (8),PARADISE,217279, 663635,Nepali high in the mountains (6),ALPINE,217279, 663634,Jewish scholar‘s underwear taken in robbery (8),HEBRAIST,217279, 663633,Charlie cuts additives put in food hampers (9),ENCUMBERS,217279, 663632,Ruffian wanting good doctor? One’s on hand (5),THUMB,217279, 663631,"It’s hard to say to utter swine, out drinking gallons (6-7)",TONGUE,217279, 663630,Maybe Andy Warhol stormed in unsteadily after job (4-9),POST,217279, 663629,Bury FC (5),INTER,217279, 663628,"Tot getting hint in part of index, perhaps (9)",FINGERTIP,217279, 663627,Talent with hip-hop cover to give away (4-4),GIFT,217279, 663626,"Starter of dates or try bananas — this can make fruit crumble (3,3)",DRY ROT,217279, 663625,Star after time with friends abroad makes waves (8),TSUNAMIS,217279, 663624,"Quieten drug smuggler, going around very loudly (6)",MUFFLE,217279, 663623,Vulgar regulars in already drinking whiskey (4),LEWD,217279, 663622,Help key recruits from America cooking certain cuisine (6),FUSION,217279, 663621,Shell mechanic’s last mug seen under vehicle (7),CARCASS,217279, 663620,"Fanatical individual in blue, head over heels as Rovers appear (7)",NOMADIC,217279, 663619,"Having drawn out edges, square yard joiner’s cutting causes dilemma (8)",QUANDARY,217279, 663618,Conceal line that’s caught species on great oceans etc (10),HYDROSPACE,217279, 663617,"Mark on light bag identifying fish (8,5)",SPECKLED TROUT,217279, 663616,"Keen on parking, to spread upturned treasure hunt, say (10)",CRYPTOGRAM,217279, 663615,Henry the Eighth in difficulty maintaining former grip (7),HOLDALL,217279, 663614,Secure site royal lady erected to house large pet? (8),ALCATRAZ,217279, 663613,"One Native American moving north, without reservation (2,4)",IN TOTO,217279, 663612,"Crossing road, help Sheila with babe, unruly kid (7,6)",BELISHA BEACON,217279, 663611,Drivel Yankee’s written about game. Tut having read this before? (7),PAPYRUS,217279, 663610,"Swing, an alternative to jazz (4)",ROCK,217279, 663609,"Riveted into ground with much puff, outhouse exhausts husband (10)",HYPNOTISED,217279, 663608,"Continuing in the same way, Hearts score (4)",ETCH,217279, 663607,"Period piece central in Thirsk on decline (4,3)",IRON AGE,217279, 663606,Supplements tot with Scotch and soda finally (7),ADDENDA,217279, 663605,Person only qualified to work on single-deckers in part of circuit? (13),SEMICONDUCTOR,217279, 663604,Angles seen here in mosaic remain reflex (6),MERCIA,217279, 663603,"After performing meets resistance, I’m daft reciting poems (8)",RONDEAUX,217279, 663602,"John and Penny pull, coupling (4,4)",JACK PLUG,217279, 663601,One usually going along with right player (3-3),YES,217279, 663600,"As gull might upset boat, hire site tense (4,2,3,4)",RISE TO THE BAIT,217279, 663599,Fancy dress business spread (7),COSPLAY,217279, 663598,"Zeppelin crewman, say, knocked back sauce with band in resting place (2-5)",CO,217279, 663597,"Combatant’s heading here in The Colosseum, perhaps, with it (4)",CHIC,217279, 663596,Party respecting local boss (10),REPUBLICAN,217279, 663595,"lurkers! Very enjoyable, my winners are 13&23a plus 3&25d with a nod to the pun. Which ones topped your podium.",Q,217279, 663594,Warms sweetheart wearing top coverings (5),HEATS,217279, 663593,"Mob area’s got gangs, occasionally (6)",RAGTAG,217279, 663592,Iscariot finally with motive for treachery (7),TREASON,217279, 663591,Conservative leading more promising staff (7),CROSIER,217279, 663590,Most reckless supports heartless robbery (8),BRASHEST,217279, 663589,Reason to accept court dispensing goodness (8),SANCTITY,217279, 663588,Steady and true in prudent changes (13),UNINTERRUPTED,217279, 663587,"Neighbourhood detective’s fooled, reportedly (8)",DISTRICT,217279, 663586,Possibly firm foundation (13),ESTABLISHMENT,217279, 663585,Quiet stroll leading to awkward gait (7),SHAMBLE,217279, 663584,Shocking vote for Republican in charge (8),ELECTRIC,217279, 663583,Little marsupial nourished and covered (6),ROOFED,217279, 663582,Hound bank admitting blunder (7),TERRIER,217279, 663581,Blokes confined by very big threats (5),OMENS,217279, 663580,it was Lady Gaga’s birthday this week here she is with Bradley Cooper,D,217279, 663579,"Lead part, so got in cast (11)",PROTAGONIST,217279, 663578,"Somebody perhaps as redundant extra, initially (5)",SPARE,217279, 663577,Food from inn: mutter angrily (9),NUTRIMENT,217279, 663576,Walk on board cool craft (9),SPACESHIP,217279, 663575,Saw flash catching too much (5),MOTTO,217279, 663574,Government right to give some money (6),STATER,217279, 663573,Firm holding one new cushy job (8),SINECURE,217279, 663572,Home provided over stay (8),FIRESIDE,217279, 663571,Glow about to follow passion (6),LUSTRE,217279, 663570,Don’t get out stick (5),BATON,217279, 663569,Sober sailors shelter crossing current (9),ABSTINENT,217279, 663568,Working empty parable into sermon (9),OPERATION,217279, 663567,Haggard woman facing Queen is thin (5),SHEER,217279, 663566,"Invisible force let priest go, somehow (11)",POLTERGEIST,217279, 663565,Song that’s very long cut by half (4),SOLO,217279, 663564,Couple of unknowns introduced by party host (6),GALAXY,217279, 663563,"Again consider position under minister, head of industry (7)",REVISIT,217279, 663562,Bird atop cheese (7),STILTON,217279, 663561,Result of division not quite sorted out (8),QUOTIENT,217279, 663560,"A rendition, ludicrously excessive (10)",INORDINATE,217279, 663559,"Flower, as it happens, coloured yellow (4-7)",LILY,217279, 663558,"European runner, say, grabbing lead gets inspired, initially (7)",BELGIAN,217279, 663557,Frontier as worryingly endangered area (10),RAINFOREST,217279, 663556,Defeat later remedied in court (8),WATERLOO,217279, 663555,All but one of three covers on seat (6),THRONE,217279, 663554,Wrestling taken up by Benito Mussolini (4),SUMO,217279, 663553,Little round band — yes! (7),WHOOPEE,217279, 663552,"Describe old lover, not much to look at (7)",EXPLAIN,217279, 663551,Gratified all included? (7),CONTENT,217279, 663550,Romantic slur italicised (10),IDEALISTIC,217279, 663549,"Family coming late at night, all kicking off (4)",CLAN,217279, 663548,Number of holes he has teeing off? (8),EIGHTEEN,217279, 663547,Attention-seeker backed by boss in workplace (6),STUDIO,217279, 663546,"During test, question playing something fine and catchy? (8,3)",MOSQUITO NET,217279, 663545,"Sponge half screwed up, pair of ducks poking it (6)",LOOFAH,217279, 663544,"Consignment in shop, really (8)",DELIVERY,217279, 663543,"Alcoholic drink knocked back, beginning of hangover almost upon us (4)",NIGH,217279, 663542,Reason behind daft vehicle (10),LOCOMOTIVE,217279, 663541,Jazz fan hosting simple show (7),CABARET,217279, 663540,"Notion, however, irrelevant in the end (7)",THOUGHT,217279, 663539,Problem for viewer surfaces at injury time in finals (4),STYE,217279, 663538,Dead poet identified by bones raised below bottom of crypt (5),TASSO,217279, 663537,Tribute perfectly covering saint (5),TOAST,217279, 663536,Swing section up on drugs by the sound of it (7),TRAPEZE,217279, 663535,Learns about shielding knight put in difficulty (7),ENSNARL,217279, 663534,Ultra vires unopened text message primarily scrapped (9),EXTREMIST,217279, 663533,"The Cloth meant to give dry services? (3,5)",TEA TOWEL,217279, 663532,For whom coping could be part of the job (10),STONEMASON,217279, 663531,"Change of old term for Andromeda Nebula, for one? (8)",FARTHING,217279, 663530,Thinner internet up for development (10),TURPENTINE,217279, 663529,Cut top off beam later on (5),AFTER,217279, 663528,Beg for goods ditched by man and chief (7),ENTREAT,217279, 663527,Leak note to skip part of book? (7),SEEPAGE,217279, 663526,Hold up electronic lighter (5),BARGE,217279, 663525,"Mixer is briefly, perhaps, wide open (9)",EXTROVERT,217279, 663524,Film announced some century breaks (4),SCUM,217279, 663523,Navy possibly daring to be PC (10),BLUEBOTTLE,217279, 663522,Clear web sites centrally (4),NETT,217279, 663521,Spell “just in time” using only some of the letters (5),STINT,217279, 663520,Colleague in same company perhaps ignoring British deadlock (9),STALEMATE,217279, 663519,"Launch reportedly smashing sci-fi franchise (4,4)",STAR TREK,217279, 663518,Too much crammed into flash phrase (5),MOTTO,217279, 663517,Secure satellite broadcast (7),TIGHTEN,217279, 663516,Compound doubling metal price (7),NITRATE,217279, 663515,Missile shelter offering protection for free (7),TRIDENT,217279, 663514,"Globe, maybe, within which one may operate (7)",THEATRE,217279, 663513,Sweet betrothal partly rejected (5),TORTE,217279, 663512,Oscar intercepts letter with a counterfeit permit (8),TOLERATE,217279, 663511,Fan found in abandoned farm vehicle (9),EXTRACTOR,217279, 663510,"Grumble without Mike, say (5)",UTTER,217279, 663509,Tense time with old academics? (4),TAUT,217279, 663508,"Gradually includes Times in back copies of favourites (4,2,4)",STEP BY STEP,217279, 663507,"not-overly-difficult and very enjoyable puzzle by Sparks. I did notice something interesting about all the across clues (and 6 of the down ones, but that is largely as a consequence)",P,217279, 663506,"specific favourite but there were a number of ticks on my page – 12&17a plus 4,8,16&20d. Which ones hit the spot for you?",T,217279, 663505,Cover your sandwiches well (4),VERY,217279, 663504,Empty the motorway and work up speed (5),TEMPO,217279, 663503,Strange first half of barn dance (5),RUMBA,217279, 663502,Most profound flower problem (7),DEEPEST,217279, 663501,Volume lost from TV and it’s faulty remote (7),DISTANT,217279, 663500,PM’s satisfied southern accent (9),GLADSTONE,217279, 663499,New tap due – it’s bent (8),APTITUDE,217279, 663498,Engineer spies chap’s heavenly transport (10),SPACESHIPS,217279, 663497,You and I perhaps harass poor nuns (8),PRONOUNS,217279, 663496,Falsely claiming Macron’s ready with resolution (10),PRETENDING,217279, 663495,Plump dog with new lead (5),ROUND,217279, 663494,Former lover sat bare (7),EXPOSED,217279, 663493,Staff supporting little swimmer in pool (7),TADPOLE,217279, 663492,Dismay having head cut off bloomer (5),ERROR,217279, 663491,Nasty old couple of females pondering leaving Portugal (9),OFFENSIVE,217279, 663490,Kitty wrapping large parcel (4),PLOT,217279, 663489,Paper perhaps still delivered (10),STATIONERY,217279, 663488,Go crazy on the way back (4),STAB,217279, 663487,Sculptor’s low energy after runs (5),MOORE,217279, 663486,Near this writer is umpire (9),IMMEDIATE,217279, 663485,Second insignificant international match is the most pleasant (8),SWEETEST,217279, 663484,Quarrel about river fish (5),SPRAT,217279, 663483,Is district attorney in uproar showing contempt? (7),DISDAIN,217279, 663482,"Established faith embracing a cult, finally (7)",CREATED,217279, 663481,"Weather-beaten, perhaps after a day on a trip? (7)",DRUGGED,217279, 663480,Reserved archbishop has a change of heart (7),PRIVATE,217279, 663479,"Jog with no clothes on, entertaining girl (5)",NUDGE,217279, 663478,Titanic no more at sea – guy’s oddly forgotten (8),ENORMOUS,217279, 663477,Deviation put reader off (9),DEPARTURE,217279, 663476,"Flipping poor effort, to an extent for volunteer (5)",OFFER,217279, 663475,Purchase bag (4),GRIP,217279, 663474,Appropriate clothing qualities (10),PROPERTIES,217279, 663473,Crossword Pun:,SIOUX,217279, 663472,Side with upper hand (4),EDGE,217279, 663471,"Cloak on cop ruined, husband’s admitted (6)",PONCHO,217279, 663470,To some extent sweetheart is a natural craftsperson (7),ARTISAN,217279, 663469,"Present hairstyle, cut by pro (7)",PERFORM,217279, 663468,Curious new difficulty upset poet (8),TENNYSON,217279, 663467,Bravery investing fortune in conifer plantations ultimately succeeded (10),PLUCKINESS,217279, 663466,Disheartened daughter supports protest Israel condemned (11),DEMORALISED,217279, 663465,"Claim Tommy is occasionally permitted each drink (8,3)",CAMOMILE TEA,217279, 663464,Watch dance in which pupil’s seen? (7),EYEBALL,217279, 663463,Worry about Republican that is becoming most incensed (8),ANGRIEST,217279, 663462,Small storage facility in Slough (4),SHED,217279, 663461,Male fragrance Eva’s father ordered (10),AFTERSHAVE,217279, 663460,Subtlety of problem is overlooked (6),NUANCE,217279, 663459,Instigates Times leader being changed (7),FOMENTS,217279, 663458,Homeless vagrant hugs extremely nonplussed northern composer (11),MENDELSSOHN,217279, 663457,Sought to justify former copper’s heartless intent (7),EXCUSED,217279, 663456,"Partied, leaving clubs excited (7)",AROUSED,217279, 663455,Retorts from priest so unusual (8),RIPOSTES,217279, 663454,Arduous round trip regularly ignored before (6),TIRING,217279, 663453,Setter maybe signifies contentment with this indicator? (4),TAIL,217279, 663452,"Army, perhaps on edge, professed loyalty that’s insincere (3,7)",LIP SERVICE,217279, 663451,"One supplying retailer with pickle and salt, reportedly (10)",WHOLESALER,217279, 663450,Essential new wine (4),MUST,217279, 663449,Placate retired gentleman when ill-tempered on vacation (6),DISARM,217279, 663448,Dress restricts one about to get beauty treatment (8),MANICURE,217279, 663447,Intellectual for instance claims golf title (7),EGGHEAD,217279, 663446,Agreement is close (7),COMPACT,217279, 663445,"Scaling rocks when visiting favourite Hebridean location (7,4)",FINGALS CAVE,217279, 663444,Seasonal Quick Crossword Pun:,MISS,217279, 663443,Weak-looking female bird (5),FRAIL,217279, 663442,Cleric rabbi’s hoping to welcome (6),BISHOP,217279, 663441,Memory loss means I misplaced article (7),AMNESIA,217279, 663440,Characteristic to conceal occasionally one’s route (7),TRANSIT,217279, 663439,Reportedly twist beer can for inspection (8),SCRUTINY,217279, 663438,"Press hack finds old railway engine (4,5)",IRON HORSE,217279, 663437,Suspect hip doctor is one offering sole treatment? (11),CHIROPODIST,217279, 663436,Raised section of uncovered rigid beam (6),GIRDER,217279, 663435,Beaten pair upset about dubious penalty opposition ultimately missed (9),OUTPLAYED,217279, 663434,Animated film that gets roasted? (7),BRISKET,217279, 663433,Darkness resulting from cuts in essentially indispensable energy (7),ECLIPSE,217279, 663432,Colour of coach-horses seen every so often (5),OCHRE,217279, 663431,Where a judge may consult dictionary? (8),CHAMBERS,217279, 663430,Heard on TV Torquay hotelier is bust (6),FAULTY,217279, 663429,Rather attractive (6),PRETTY,217279, 663428,Chap occupies excellent day going round island (8),TASMANIA,217279, 663427,Avoids chores as mum is annoying (6),SHIRKS,217279, 663426,Pro inspires university rowing crew (4),FOUR,217279, 663425,Drunk person disheartened Scotsman and EU citizen (10),LITHUANIAN,217279, 663424,Branch of medicine Oscar practised moving around house (12),ORTHOPAEDICS,217279, 663423,Commendable way report is prepared defending hospital (12),PRAISEWORTHY,217279, 663422,"Drug for each receiving a tattoo, feeling queasy (10)",PAINKILLER,217279, 663421,Guy ousting leader is clever (4),ABLE,217279, 663420,Jail locally from which associate escapes (6),INTERN,217279, 663419,Liberal at home initially beset by stomach pain (8),CATHOLIC,217279, 663418,Figure golf outside broadcast has fifty working up front (6),OBLONG,217279, 663417,Caught that woman pinching fine necklace (6),CHOKER,217279, 663416,"Woman‘s sponge cake, not mine, splitting (5)",ADELE,217279, 663415,Particular clock with a screw loose (6),CUCKOO,217279, 663414,Shrewd stocking bananas (only kilo left) (7),GNOSTIC,217279, 663413,Trope of two different books on tablets (7),LITOTES,217279, 663412,"Appoint and employ nurses together (2,6)",IN TANDEM,217279, 663411,"Georgia’s here promoting career, revealed husband (4,5)",DEEP SOUTH,217279, 663410,"Boxer’s first down in fight after agreement, most likely (2,5)",NO DOUBT,217279, 663409,Soldier caught during hundred year conflict here (5),CRECY,217279, 663408,Sprawling lounge cherished by Dallas tycoon who entertains (8),JONGLEUR,217279, 663407,"Writer‘s famous expression graduate defined well (8,7)",ALISTAIR MACLEAN,217279, 663406,Flag new soldiers raised amid extremes of emotion (6),ENSIGN,217279, 663405,Pro during sporting activity getting skimmed dairy product (9),ROQUEFORT,217279, 663404,Harrow boarding school fixture last to come back (7),BEDEVIL,217279, 663403,"Male possibly in Mensa? Unlikely (5,3)",ESSEX MAN,217279, 663402,Be more smart in France or Turkey (6),OUTWIT,217279, 663401,Person turning up curtains for student in PM once (8),ATTENDEE,217279, 663400,Game pair finishing puzzle outside like this clue (8),LACROSSE,217279, 663399,Son bitter about A levels (6),STRATA,217279, 663398,"Heavy beat pervades single (2,6)",AL CAPONE,217279, 663397,Dense element muscle in disturbing cat mainly (8),PLATINUM,217279, 663396,"Hot and sunny periodically, leading to fruit deluge (8)",INUNDATE,217279, 663395,"Orchestra wrong, sounding increasingly unreal (8)",SINFONIA,217279, 663394,"Display loafer, type in navy discounted (6)",LAYOUT,217279, 663393,"Vehicle inside I’ve sprayed, going with American smoker? (8)",VESUVIUS,217279, 663392,Pub quiz’s second part done using cunning hint (8),INNUENDO,217279, 663391,"Pity one couldn’t fly into Nevis, say (6)",BEMOAN,217279, 663390,Next spinner ending in India after a bit of money (8),ADJACENT,217279, 663389,"at this for a bit then started with 21a which gave me SW and the long down clue. Then progressed steadily anticlockwise, a quadrant at a time. Osmosis again provides us with a near pangram, this time Z is missing.",P,217279, 663388,Pun:  Rack + Mann+ In + Off = Rachmaninoff,V,217279, 663387,"Second part of tennis match, losing with a fight (3-2)",SET TO,217279, 663386,"All are excited, drinking energy drink in pubs (4,3)",REAL ALE,217279, 663385,"Travelling bag in ancient lobby, according to Spooner (7)",HOLDALL,217279, 663384,Great example of mathematical ratio in e-book (7),EPITOME,217279, 663383,Family member has a thousand pounds per year (7),GRANDPA,217279, 663382,Reformed sinners he holds sacred (9),ENSHRINES,217279, 663381,"Wise partner on horse in English coastal area (9,3)",MORECAMBE BAY,217279, 663380,"Thinkers with urge to move around fast (6,6)",HUNGER STRIKE,217279, 663379,"Try overturning ram in field event (4,3)",SHOT PUT,217279, 663378,"When we say goodbye, not stopping (7)",ONGOING,217279, 663377,Providing revolutionary service for meat dish (5),FILET,217279, 663376,"Forged euros sold, not creating a stink (9)",ODOURLESS,217279, 663375,"Concerning a union, almost spoil the entire thing (7)",MARITAL,217279, 663374,Apple computer programming absorbs learner (7),CODLING,217279, 663373,French girl produced white wine around Italy (12),MADEMOISELLE,217279, 663372,Falls in this river? (7),NIAGARA,217279, 663371,"Don’t seem half-hearted, playing in final (7)",ENDMOST,217279, 663370,Empty residence let for free (7),RELEASE,217279, 663369,Characters displaying a certain inclination? (7),ITALICS,217279, 663368,Sultanas extracted from Danish are mushy (5),HAREM,217279, 663367,One good cutting hair for catty females (9),TIGRESSES,217279, 663366,"Mention coming back on green, struggling with drive (9)",ENERGETIC,217279, 663365,"Majestic king, for example Albert (5)",REGAL,217279, 663364,Tourist double parking in German city (7),TRIPPER,217279, 663363,"Be brilliant in golf, then rubbish (7)",GLITTER,217279, 663362,"In France, the man of the match is in space (7)",LEGROOM,217279, 663361,"Perform inadequately, caught by all-rounder D’Oliveira (7)",UNDERDO,217279, 663360,"Stop consuming German sausage loudly — it’s what losers do (4,3,5)",COME OFF WORST,217279, 663359,"top three, in no particular order, for me were the surface reads at 12a along with 4&19d. Which ones were ticks on your sheet?",T,217279, 663358,Frequent answer adopted by Chancellor of the Exchequer (5),HAUNT,217279, 663357,Fall over tail of gigantic dog (5),OCCUR,217279, 663356,Perhaps foils plans finally with remarks (6),SWORDS,217279, 663355,Hearty drink (7),CORDIAL,217279, 663354,Trouble for bishop with the French maiden (7),PROBLEM,217279, 663353,Violent wolf: pure crazy (8),POWERFUL,217279, 663352,Leave peach – husband’s missed a soft fruit (9),DISAPPEAR,217279, 663351,Horses touring area in range? (9),MOUNTAINS,217279, 663350,"Girl has a change of heart, lamentably (5)",SADLY,217279, 663349,Please receive guests (9),ENTERTAIN,217279, 663348,Student with a new flier – this shines a light on things (7),LANTERN,217279, 663347,Point to adult in charge on base (8),INDICATE,217279, 663346,"River supporting char? Bass, maybe (6)",SINGER,217279, 663345,This writer put on a certain amount (7),MEASURE,217279, 663344,Makes fun of topless relatives (5),AUNTS,217279, 663343,Stresses about one day’s mishaps(9),ACCIDENTS,217279, 663342,"Future, partly, you’re talking about (5)",LATER,217279, 663341,Looks like Mel’s beer’s drunk (9),RESEMBLES,217279, 663340,Animal hairs unfortunately ruin the hotel’s forgotten sofas? (9),FURNITURE,217279, 663339,"Cold, cold hospital – and grotty (5)",CHILL,217279, 663338,Praise wife for leaving fine vessel (7),WORSHIP,217279, 663337,Dismissed show’s conclusion (7),OUTCOME,217279, 663336,Reportedly pick up bouquets (6),SCENTS,217279, 663335,Who made David perhaps lop crust off (8),SCULPTOR,217279, 663334,Put up with a doctor’s retrograde quality (8),STANDARD,217279, 663333,Anaesthetist possibly could be one? (6),NUMBER,217279, 663332,"Without doubt, Charlie – King – gets special day ultimately (7)",CLEARLY,217279, 663331,Editor turning around is set for argument (7),DISPUTE,217279, 663330,Considered famous (5),NOTED,217279, 663329,Bad acne I’d not kept under control (9),CONTAINED,217279, 663328,"Calm, despite that new census oddly coming out (9)",STILLNESS,217279, 663327,A large weapon creating fear (5),ALARM,217279, 663326,,CONTRA,217279, 663325,,SPEECH,217279, 663324,,AVARICE,217279, 663323,,NEGLECT,217279, 663322,,FREEZING,217279, 663321,,OFFENDER,217279, 663320,,HEROIC VERSES,217279, 663319,,NEPTUNE,217279, 663318,,DEADBEAT,217279, 663317,,ETHEREAL,217279, 663316,,NOSING,217279, 663315,,REGNAL,217279, 663314,,PERUSAL,217279, 663313,,SQUEAKY CLEAN,217279, 663312,,STORAGE HEATERS,217279, 663311,,TWIGS,217279, 663310,,HEADLINE,217279, 663309,,ESPIONAGE,217279, 663308,,ARGUE,217279, 663307,,TALC,217279, 663306,,LANDFORM,217279, 663305,,JALAPENO,217279, 663304,,YELP,217279, 663303,,BRUTE,217279, 663302,,ABSTAINER,217279, 663301,,SCHNAPPS,217279, 663300,,UNRIG,217279, 663299,,SUPERINTENDENT,217279, 663298,clue of the day is 14a where the penny finally dropped and I realized that I was not looking for a lady with a mop.,Q,217279, 663297,Guarded in armed combat close to boundary (4),WARY,217279, 663296,"Exploit free means of access, maybe (4,2)",USER ID,217279, 663295,Bird in apartment on right (6),CONDOR,217279, 663294,"Female in hat, sad and lonely (6)",BEREFT,217279, 663293,Hypocritical couple dealt with (3-5),TWO,217279, 663292,Capone posed at home hugging a dog like Rin Tin Tin? (8),ALSATIAN,217279, 663291,Wall hanging records touchdown? (8),TAPESTRY,217279, 663290,Agent taking out fine player (5),ACTOR,217279, 663289,"Come into view from the East, then combine (6)",EMERGE,217279, 663288,"Cotton clothes, mostly? (6)",THREAD,217279, 663287,A pass dividing the French in field game (8),LACROSSE,217279, 663286,"Shabby inside bungalow, or not? (4)",WORN,217279, 663285,Extra number gathering for social dancing (2-4),NO,217279, 663284,"In workshop, American academic (8)",STUDIOUS,217279, 663283,"Signal after air-raid, say, everyone understood (3-5)",ALL,217279, 663282,"Radiantly happy, remained drinking whiskey by river (6-4)",STARRY,217279, 663281,Is sailor with the Spanish girl? (6),ISABEL,217279, 663280,Feud in TA after check involving death (8),VENDETTA,217279, 663279,Bad weather hampering a bird (8),WHEATEAR,217279, 663278,Distant meteor exploded (6),REMOTE,217279, 663277,Piano users reviewed book (10),PERSUASION,217279, 663276,"What a char might do when faced with temptation? (4,2,3,4)",RISE TO THE BAIT,217279, 663275,"One answer wrong about large US city (3,7)",NEW ORLEANS,217279, 663274,Orchard’s initial scope for fruit (6),ORANGE,217279, 663273,"Form of pollution in India, car being involved (4,4)",ACID RAIN,217279, 663272,Judge booking on playing field (8),RECORDER,217279, 663271,Bombed British house (6),BLOTTO,217279, 663270,Bulletin points landlord follows (10),NEWSLETTER,217279, 663269,leave a comment telling us what you thought of the puzzle.,A,217279, 663268,"got off to a very quick start with this puzzle from Campbell and anticipated an early finish. However, I soon bogged down and had to work hard to complete it.",I,217279, 663267,What's said to lift Charlie's predecessor (5),BRAVO,217279, 663266,Did butterfly netting at first restrict some bees? (5),SWARM,217279, 663265,"Make like a bird and fly (4,2)",BEAT IT,217279, 663264,Extreme cycling over top of this peak (7),EVEREST,217279, 663263,What might make 15 clients upset? (7),STENCIL,217279, 663262,Made Sir Ged think erroneously (8),KNIGHTED,217279, 663261,"An instruction to dog after youngster finds something on bottom of boot (5,4)",CUBAN HEEL,217279, 663260,"Blueprints supplied by partners after ""persuasive chat"" (8)",PATTERNS,217279, 663259,Apprentice with case of 21 computers joined together (8),INTERNET,217279, 663258,"Mother, shall we put away large hammers? (7)",MALLETS,217279, 663257,Uproot houseplant from store? (5),DEPOT,217279, 663256,Entitled berk capsized in Middle East river (6),TIGRIS,217279, 663255,"Leading companion reportedly made fun of tail (5,3)",GUIDE DOG,217279, 663254,Used four-letter words - this don is strangely offended (5),EFFED,217279, 663253,City in Crete lies in ruins (9),LEICESTER,217279, 663252,"Opening boxes to find fault with old street light (3,4)",GAS LAMP,217279, 663251,"Digs snazzy lad's outfit (6,4)",STUDIO FLAT,217279, 663250,Plain meal oddly lacking a kind of bean (4),LIMA,217279, 663249,French 25 repeatedly hosts a party for two? (4-1-4),TETE,217279, 663248,Tea in McDonald's? (5),CHAIN,217279, 663247,Return non-uniform loaf (5),BONCE,217279, 663246,"European daisy, say - good thing for kids to hunt in spring (6,3)",EASTER EGG,217279, 663245,Irrational to evict horse? (8),UNSTABLE,217279, 663244,Regularly sips fancy hotel’s aperitif (6),SPRITZ,217279, 663243,Criticises demands for access (6),KNOCKS,217279, 663242,"Nominate patient fellow for deception (3-2,3)",PUT,217279, 663241,Beowulf unabridged? I cut the most intense part (9),EPICENTRE,217279, 663240,Answer 25 first (5),AHEAD,217279, 663239,Fine palatial houses where the Buddha grew up (5),NEPAL,217279, 663238,Bad smell in cocktail a sign of infection? (9),SNIFFLING,217279, 663237,Judi Dench perhaps last to come forward for cheese (4),EDAM,217279, 663236,"What archer wants, English had, somewhere near San Francisco (6,4)",GOLDEN GATE,217279, 663235,line:     GOAL     +     DONE     +     REIGN     =     GOLDEN RAIN,B,217279, 663234,"top three today were 6d, 16d and 19d with 19d on the top step.",Q,217279, 663233,Some people accepting petition (4),PLEA,217279, 663232,Ocelot finally spots litter (5),TRASH,217279, 663231,"Animal coming from mountain, a short cat (6)",ALPACA,217279, 663230,Never broken English learnt abroad? (7),ETERNAL,217279, 663229,"A drink in heart of Burgundy, with ten cakes! (7)",GATEAUX,217279, 663228,"Change, say, before seeing old trusted friend (5,3)",ALTER EGO,217279, 663227,"Always fresh in box, perhaps (9)",EVERGREEN,217279, 663226,"Persuasive speech from rector, I recollected, about hospital (8)",RHETORIC,217279, 663225,"Sweet couple in conversation over fall (4,4)",PEAR DROP,217279, 663224,After short time children’s author becomes vulgar (6),TAWDRY,217279, 663223,Parvenu‘s rare visit irritated (9),ARRIVISTE,217279, 663222,Illicit trade in vehicles (7),TRAFFIC,217279, 663221,"Food in retreat, scrumptious (4)",EATS,217279, 663220,Barge carrying less weight (7),LIGHTER,217279, 663219,Seat I must sit in daily (5),CHAIR,217279, 663218,"See forceful thrust with foot results in penalty (4,4)",SPOT KICK,217279, 663217,Everyone taken in by most of band’s hype (8),BALLYHOO,217279, 663216,Wing sounds like an unknown quantity (6),ANNEXE,217279, 663215,Row of trees in area in London somehow protected by church (9),COLONNADE,217279, 663214,Motorists ringing about northern stadium (5),ARENA,217279, 663213,Eye and heart (6),CENTRE,217279, 663212,Gaultier redesigned tie (8),LIGATURE,217279, 663211,"Dance number — a few rock (9,4)",EIGHTSOME REEL,217279, 663210,"Empty the American packs ready for action (5,3,5)",CLEAR THE DECKS,217279, 663209,Coward’s work  complaint? (35),HAY FEVER,217279, 663208,Martial art demonstrated by artist seized by little Katherine (6),KARATE,217279, 663207,A quarrel about right marker (5),ARROW,217279, 663206,Butterfly over field by dump (6-3),ORANGE TIP,217279, 663205,Sound immediately heard (6),STRAIT,217279, 663204,Supposed lad almost made a bid (2-6),SO CALLED,217279, 663203,"Current month, up north, is very cold (4)",ICED,217279, 663202,Shoot carp or wading birds (5),SNIPE,217279, 663201,Launch the French Defence? (6),CASTLE,217279, 663200,Government levy after period one ends (7),TERMINI,217279, 663199,Old vehicles pulled by horses or dogs? (8),GROWLERS,217279, 663198,Minor fault in coil placed incorrectly (10),PECCADILLO,217279, 663197,Crook loses head on opening stretch (8),ELONGATE,217279, 663196,Daft clue for a binder? (14),SCATTERBRAINED,217279, 663195,"Farmland in Arkansas, and elevated Italian island (6)",ARABLE,217279, 663194,One's hairy role on the canal? (4-6),LOCK,217279, 663193,Ancient Mariner taking son for a meal (4),NOSH,217279, 663192,Summit reached by husband and I above large lake on Jersey? (7),HILLTOP,217279, 663191,"What openly gay policemen do to tackle a riot? (4,3,2,5)",COME OUT IN FORCE,217279, 663190,Ask Rabbi to bring up sample snaps (5),BARKS,217279, 663189,"Part of another racket? (6,6)",SECOND FIDDLE,217279, 663188,Note describes article on source of Italian wine (7),CHIANTI,217279, 663187,"Clarinet, not new, repaired for performance (7)",RECITAL,217279, 663186,Criminal gangs mentioned advice from marketeers? (6),TRIADS,217279, 663185,Animals spotted by old men next to sign across the way (8),LEOPARDS,217279, 663184,"OK, place bet, possibly on account (10)",ACCEPTABLE,217279, 663183,Has drinks without daughter (4),OWNS,217279, 663182,"Greek character, not quite the brightest? (4)",BETA,217279, 663181,"Lose control of favourite artefacts? (2,2,6)",GO TO PIECES,217279, 663180,"Basic shack, no fittings, no TV, rejected (8)",SKELETON,217279, 663179,Press quiet about dispute (6),SMOOTH,217279, 663178,Turn left for a place to pray in the East End (7),CHANCEL,217279, 663177,Cook blames following recipe for waffles (7),RAMBLES,217279, 663176,"Reportedly support Martian, possibly debauched (12)",BACCHANALIAN,217279, 663175,Muddle in canteen (4),MESS,217279, 663174,"A Highlander, perhaps, that’s in Berkshire (5)",ASCOT,217279, 663173,"Island, place somewhere in the Inner Hebrides (5)",ISLAY,217279, 663172,"Separate underwater swimmer, say, surfacing (7)",DIVERGE,217279, 663171,"Forward, one out (7)",STRIKER,217279, 663170,Old African with sore hand I treated (9),RHODESIAN,217279, 663169,"Whole tin smashed, giant flipped (8)",INTEGRAL,217279, 663168,"Sugary stuff also entering unfilled cavity, clean teeth (10)",CANDYFLOSS,217279, 663167,Take down label on figure (8),PENTAGON,217279, 663166,"Flatter pair, ever so distorted (10)",OVERPRAISE,217279, 663165,European king dressed for cold weather? (5),CROAT,217279, 663164,Dish goddess and god briefly served up (7),RAMEKIN,217279, 663163,Exclude sovereign in finance (7),BANKING,217279, 663162,Language adopted by Zambian or Senegalese (5),NORSE,217279, 663161,"Fingers touching floor easily (5,4)",HANDS DOWN,217279, 663160,"Large quantity of cash, mine? (4)",BOMB,217279, 663159,Nationals entertained by particular gent in Eswatini (10),ARGENTINES,217279, 663158,"Scottish location that’s heaven, by the sound of it? (4)",SKYE,217279, 663157,"Country like Siberia, we hear? (5)",CHILE,217279, 663156,"Bats I let on ark, large ship (3,6)",OIL TANKER,217279, 663155,Plant transporting meat is shown (8),REVEALED,217279, 663154,Entanglement in Scottish dance (5),FLING,217279, 663153,It gets quieter for wild dogs (7),DINGOES,217279, 663152,"Presents finished off, wrapped up by teachers (7)",DONATES,217279, 663151,African country airing broadcast about capital of Ethiopia (7),NIGERIA,217279, 663150,Affectionate call after a party (7),ADORING,217279, 663149,"Calculate when child out of bed (3,2)",TOT UP,217279, 663148,"Star, a sister played lead in ‘Kismet’ (8)",ASTERISK,217279, 663147,"Less sensitive figure, me (6,3)",NUMBER ONE,217279, 663146,"Within earshot, approach lord’s house (5)",MANOR,217279, 663145,Repeat every one without a zero (4),ECHO,217279, 663144,"Where landlords serve captive (6,4)",BEHIND BARS,217279, 663143,leave a comment telling us what you thought.,A,217279, 663142,"wanted to enrich myself with more information on the phrase ‘behind bar’, the answer to the clue of 1a, particularly as far as the first definition was concerned and went on to explore the net. While getting to know about the role of the landlords and other bar staff in serving their customer, I also came across a time period that is tagged as a ‘lock-in’.  It is the period when an owner or a landlord of a pub that is a public house allows patrons to continue drinking in that pub after the legal closing time, on the theory that once the doors are locked, it becomes a private party rather than a pub. Patrons may put money behind the bar before official closing time, and redeem their drinks during the ‘lock-in’ period, so as to make possible that no drinks are technically sold after the closing time. The origin of the British lock-in was a reaction to the changes that happened in 1915 in the licensing laws in England and Wales, which curtailed opening hours to stop factory workers from turning up drunk and harming the war effort. From then until the start of the twenty-first century, the licensing laws of the United Kingdom changed very little, retaining these comparatively early closing times and the tradition of the ‘lock-in’ system.",I,217279, 663141,Snake having firm support (5),COBRA,217279, 663140,"Jump suddenly, brilliant performer put about (5,2)",START UP,217279, 663139,Ban logo redesigned for European city (7),BOLOGNA,217279, 663138,Permit silence to be shattered (7),LICENSE,217279, 663137,A couple of new drivers will get the lot (3),ALL,217279, 663136,Beatles’ hit not long ago (9),YESTERDAY,217279, 663135,Fish paid for at the door (3),COD,217279, 663134,Trick magistrate to lock up Democrat (5),DODGE,217279, 663133,"Spice and herb with top of the milk that’s sweet (10,5)",PEPPERMINT CREAM,217279, 663132,Stop mutated mice native to a particular area (7),ENDEMIC,217279, 663131,What greens do on bike (7),RECYCLE,217279, 663130,Queen perhaps with two words of hesitation for provider of food (7),CATERER,217279, 663129,"Busily working in the navy, maybe (2,6,7)",ON ACTIVE SERVICE,217279, 663128,Type of liar who needs no unmasking? (9),BAREFACED,217279, 663127,Mother goes to New York a lot (4),MANY,217279, 663126,Help prince finally run off to find adjutant (4-2-4),AIDE,217279, 663125,Picked up and assembled (8),GATHERED,217279, 663124,Kind governor initially found in country (6),BENIGN,217279, 663123,Mysterious beggar can enter houses (6),ARCANE,217279, 663122,Related to a man of the cloth? (8),CLERICAL,217279, 663121,"Trade, one might be asked to mind one’s own (8)",BUSINESS,217279, 663120,Young woman distributed medals (6),DAMSEL,217279, 663119,My code cracked? That’s amusing (6),COMEDY,217279, 663118,Meet and study border (8),CONVERGE,217279, 663117,Force to cover two miles in traffic (8),COMMERCE,217279, 663116,Agent in favour of entertaining turn (6),FACTOR,217279, 663115,Trust European leaving part of swimming pool? (6),DEPEND,217279, 663114,Sentimental type having nervous reaction (8),ROMANTIC,217279, 663113,Agree officer has right to reply (10),CORRESPOND,217279, 663112,British port and spirit (4),BRIO,217279, 663111,Crossword Pun:,FOUGHT,217279, 663110,Endless fright and surgery reminder? (4),SCAR,217279, 663109,Capital has to be held in Californian city (5),LHASA,217279, 663108,"Getting into flat on a ladder, without a key! (6)",ATONAL,217279, 663107,Platform turned upside-down in watery burn (8),SCAFFOLD,217279, 663106,"Among other things at airline mishandled (5,4)",INTER ALIA,217279, 663105,Violent criminal blocks way with extremely scary axe (10),PSYCHOPATH,217279, 663104,Mention comrade for new position — as this does? (14),RECOMMENDATION,217279, 663103,"Fruit found by Chinese round stove (8,6)",MANDARIN ORANGE,217279, 663102,"Brunette seen with Arab — mysterious candidate (4,5)",DARK HORSE,217279, 663101,Painting by Pollock perhaps intangible (8),ABSTRACT,217279, 663100,Still all square (4),EVEN,217279, 663099,"Asset with mice all over the place, bring in a feline (7,3)",SIAMESE CAT,217279, 663098,"Scale Nimrod used differently? (1,5)",D MINOR,217279, 663097,Private documents one sent up to Charlie (5),IDIOT,217279, 663096,"Primitive sort near the land by isle (11,3)",NEANDERTHAL MAN,217279, 663095,"Joined Labour Party? (5,4)",CHAIN GANG,217279, 663094,The Northern Hemisphere? (5),IGLOO,217279, 663093,"Men work on time, needing a snack (8)",TORTILLA,217279, 663092,Commercial break without purpose (6),ADRIFT,217279, 663091,Turn sign around for submarine captain (4),NEMO,217279, 663090,"Revolution in each canton? That won’t happen! (3,1,6)",NOT A CHANCE,217279, 663089,"Dog sleigh crow tampered with (5,5)",WELSH CORGI,217279, 663088,Send mum one pound (4),MAIL,217279, 663087,Composer sacrificing son for a Hindu deity (6),BRAHMA,217279, 663086,Surpassed in guile — by Basil Brush? (8),OUTFOXED,217279, 663085,Father with new femme fatale (5),SIREN,217279, 663084,Mina covered with cream is knock out! (9),ELIMINATE,217279, 663083,"Plundered mains supply — there’s still hope (3,11)",NIL DESPERANDUM,217279, 663082,French couturier having morning with a model? (7),DIORAMA,217279, 663081,Charlie on island — it’s very hard (8),CONCRETE,217279, 663080,Expert to pass diplomatic code (8),PROTOCOL,217279, 663079,Old article unearthed and investigated (8),EXAMINED,217279, 663078,"A measure to restrict strike if absolutely necessary (2,1,5)",AT A PINCH,217279, 663077,Something to write on as college set up photographer with Queen (9),NOTEPAPER,217279, 663076,Mixed up senses in state of uncertainty (8),SUSPENSE,217279, 663075,"Flower that’s small found in street with no end of fruit (5,3)",SWEET PEA,217279, 663074,Intro to aria with unusually strong melody (3-4),ART,217279, 663073,Plant from Himalayas medic’s wasted (10-5),MICHAELMAS DAISY,217279, 663072,Moderate anger at end of voyage (9),TEMPERATE,217279, 663071,Inclined to steal: light this! (8),FINGERED,217279, 663070,Park it in garden at first? That’s telling (8),RECITING,217279, 663069,Mitigation shown by judge locking up priest (6),RELIEF,217279, 663068,Fugitive with brief notion to stay in hotel on holiday (8),HIDEAWAY,217279, 663067,"Criminal kept coin with money (2,6)",IN POCKET,217279, 663066,"Fan not working, having had grease removed (3-3)",NON,217279, 663065,Rod takes the plunge a short time later? (8),DIPSTICK,217279, 663064,Cannon ball (6),POMPOM,217279, 663063,"12 showing hypocrisy, tucking into venison (8)",DECANTER,217279, 663062,Speed demonstrated by Bill during exercises (4),PACE,217279, 663061,Getting on with a good journalist (4),AGED,217279, 663060,Alan being awkward losing answer that’s making things possible (8),ENABLING,217279, 663059,Methuselah‘s nerve? (6),BOTTLE,217279, 663058,"And with this in France getting new rate — and the rest (2,6)",ET CETERA,217279, 663057,Put weight on! (6),STRESS P,217279, 663056,Cheap comic one ordered (8),ECONOMIC,217279, 663055,Doctor seen with girls — that’s sweet (8),MOLASSES,217279, 663054,Gain for female with sex appeal (6),PROFIT,217279, 663053,"Cinders, accepted, finally wins hearts (3)",ASH,217279, 663052,Provide retired ABC followers with double the energy (4),FEED,217279, 663051,Countryman‘s special car (5),SAUDI,217279, 663050,"Substation’s core, unserviceable but standing (6)",STATUS,217279, 663049,To linger in exotic lairs is paradise (7-2),SHANGRI,217279, 663048,Silica blasted Honda cycle (10),CHALCEDONY,217279, 663047,Salts perhaps took on water and ran food-shop search reportedly (11),DELIQUESCED,217279, 663046,"Number one pastry-knife for Spooner (5,6)",CHART TOPPER,217279, 663045,Desperate Dan escapes death penalty exercising power of the mind (9),TELEPATHY,217279, 663044,Nice time for presents? (4),NOEL,217279, 663043,"Able bats, edging nothing from off stump (6)",BAFFLE,217279, 663042,Instruction to reduce unwanted noise – a description of rock? (3-7),OIL,217279, 663041,Adele mistakenly ingested fragrant substance (5),ELEMI,217279, 663040,One is charged nothing occupying vacant pub (3),ION,217279, 663039,Sun possibly viewed in this window (8),SKYLIGHT,217279, 663038,"“Dead next to contents of side car” – papers might include this (2,4)",ID CARD,217279, 663037,"The French Resistance, trailing old copper by sight (6)",OCULAR,217279, 663036,Chance is I had dropped into grave? (8),ACCIDENT,217279, 663035,New rosters among ship’s agents causing anxiety (9),STRESSORS,217279, 663034,Ask about river leading to Table Mountain? (4),BERG,217279, 663033,"Redouble one’s efforts to produce little dog-houses (4,2)",PLAY UP,217279, 663032,Queen is not informal or pleasantly odd (6),QUAINT,217279, 663031,Arrive at hotel within poor neighbourhood (6),GHETTO,217279, 663030,Polish saint trapped by temptation (6),LUSTRE,217279, 663029,Hollow triumph after old man gives way (4),PATH,217279, 663028,Wisely abandoned Devil’s Day (9),ADVISEDLY,217279, 663027,Sponge offer at launderette? (8),FREELOAD,217279, 663026,Made up gunner details regularly (6),UNREAL,217279, 663025,Spot cleansing in the middle of the ear – base! (6),NOTICE,217279, 663024,Gangsters returned with exploding brief case and incendiary device (8),FIREBOMB,217279, 663023,"particular favourites were 9a, 12a, 15a, 19a, 28a, 16d, 20d and 22d. What were yours?",T,217279, 663022,Boring place to live? (4),FLAT,217279, 663021,Demonstrate range under pressure (5),PROVE,217279, 663020,Cook something sweet to eat (5),FUDGE,217279, 663019,Papa rents suits (7),PLEASES,217279, 663018,Europeans weren’t admitting solution (6),ANSWER,217279, 663017,Save page on book (8),PRESERVE,217279, 663016,Stand behind aunt and agree changes (9),GUARANTEE,217279, 663015,Poorly and obese — Edward’s doomed (3-5),ILL,217279, 663014,"Motorway closed, getting repaired (6)",MENDED,217279, 663013,Individual‘s day in court after it’s rearranged (8),DISTINCT,217279, 663012,Very entertained by Christmas story (5),NOVEL,217279, 663011,Worker a little attractive (8),HANDSOME,217279, 663010,Slim judge scratching bottom (4),THIN,217279, 663009,Milling around thinking over swapping with adult (9),WANDERING,217279, 663008,"This spins, whichever way you look at it (5)",ROTOR,217279, 663007,"One goes over these card game rules, finally (7)",BRIDGES,217279, 663006,Hens and leverets fighting still (12),NEVERTHELESS,217279, 663005,Joy wearing dress on a regular basis for family members (9),RELATIONS,217279, 663004,"In conclusion, this writer’s correct (5)",EMEND,217279, 663003,Son with great taste (6),SAMPLE,217279, 663002,Lead search for marine creature (8),STARFISH,217279, 663001,Apple might make this drink excellent (6),LAPTOP,217279, 663000,Everyone beginning to enjoy gruesome parable (8),ALLEGORY,217279, 662999,Thought current magazine popular with editor (8),IMAGINED,217279, 662998,Drink bottle (6),SPIRIT,217279, 662997,"Harry lost aide, getting separated (8)",ISOLATED,217279, 662996,Passes stuff with spades (6),GORGES,217279, 662995,Singer failing to inhale oxygen (5),VOICE,217279, 662994,Where camper might be initially irritating on purpose (9),INTENTION,217279, 662993,Wife enthralled by ditching bra — bust’s twitching (12),BIRDWATCHING,217279, 662992,Takes out and beats (4),TOPS,217279, 662991,Legitimate right not left behind (4),REAR,217279, 662990,Naive perhaps to assume end of corruption in City (6),VIENNA,217279, 662989,"Great, additional pressure for meal (6)",SUPPER,217279, 662988,"They regularly discuss Reading‘s reserve team (4,4)",BOOK CLUB,217279, 662987,Her plans unexpectedly change (8),SHRAPNEL,217279, 662986,One employing hairdresser wanting a shift? (5),HIRER,217279, 662985,"Loud in movie, shy in every other place (5)",NOISY,217279, 662984,Set limits – fruit without whipped cream (9),DEMARCATE,217279, 662983,Search for old Playboy (4),RAKE,217279, 662982,Trying to sway but throwing up over front of yacht (8),LOBBYING,217279, 662981,Reduce intensity of contract situation which can’t progress (6),DEADEN,217279, 662980,A movement’s adherents put up notice by platform leading to empty trains (8),DADAISTS,217279, 662979,Push benefits rule in central locations as advantageous (6),USEFUL,217279, 662978,Open from sundown (4),UNDO,217279, 662977,"Go and drive around, sharing new vegetables (7)",TURNIPS,217279, 662976,New driver agreement has stop signal with multiple levels (7),LAYERED,217279, 662975,"Prince set off, knowing what will happen (9)",PRESCIENT,217279, 662974,Decline prompt to exchange pennies (4),DROP,217279, 662973,"Accepted partner taking drug, a “plant extract” (4,4)",ALOE VERA,217279, 662972,Poet’s book becoming unknown outside areas of New York? (5),YARDS,217279, 662971,Boast about getting gear (4),GARB,217279, 662970,Cancel reserve holding credit (5),SCRUB,217279, 662969,Breaks down metal tools (4),DIES,217279, 662968,Those living nearby half ignored the sound of a nag (5),NEIGH,217279, 662967,"Ridiculous muscle an embodiment of America (5,3)",UNCLE SAM,217279, 662966,"Lodge resident, heartless and bitter? (4)",BEER,217279, 662965,"Passed out at the start, which is careless (9)",OFFHANDED,217279, 662964,Ejection from cricket ground after period of sleep (7),REMOVAL,217279, 662963,University alumnus spends month working to produce novel (7),UNUSUAL,217279, 662962,Half-dozen with most of finest sensations experienced (5),VIBES,217279, 662961,Rude Italian leader ignoring Georgia and yours truly (6),RIBALD,217279, 662960,In headwind left to become smaller (7),DWINDLE,217279, 662959,"Purchased by local man, a Chinese calendar (7)",ALMANAC,217279, 662958,To repeat jazzy drama (8),OPERETTA,217279, 662957,Support whip getting violent reaction (8),BACKLASH,217279, 662956,"Without flippancy, there isn’t any humbug (2-8)",NO,217279, 662955,It might help photographers concentrate (5),FOCUS,217279, 662954,Bully‘s charge to cross river (5),TROLL,217279, 662953,"Retaliation from salesperson, half rich, with Sarah (8)",REPRISAL,217279, 662952,Sour recluse is heard (6),ACETIC,217279, 662951,"Complain boat is where vehicles should be (3,4)",CAR PARK,217279, 662950,Disconcert cast (5),THROW,217279, 662949,Underground room I see said to be difficult to understand (7),CRYPTIC,217279, 662948,So my Rachel unfortunately is inclined to weep (10),LACHRYMOSE,217279, 662947,Provide inducement for friend to acquire books one and five (8),MOTIVATE,217279, 662946,Bony Lee’s talk disrupted (8),SKELETAL,217279, 662945,"Exactly like personality, a Frenchman in London area (8)",SELFSAME,217279, 662944,Develop need to indicate (6),DENOTE,217279, 662943,"Freedom from drink, drinking beer every now and then (10)",LIBERATION,217279, 662942,Sean was mistaken in Abertawe (7),SWANSEA,217279, 662941,Is there nothing that this cannot remedy? (4-3),CURE,217279, 662940,Clearly let on the radio (5),ALOUD,217279, 662939,Recruit occasionally seen before short turn (5),ENROL,217279, 662938,Feel depressed downstairs (5),BELOW,217279, 662937,Professional criminal‘s staff (5),CROOK,217279, 662936,Point applied to country girl (7),FRANCES,217279, 662935,Take care of a small charge (4-3),BABY,217279, 662934,Proper cost confused one looking for something precious (10),PROSPECTOR,217279, 662933,Clinging? It’s difficult (6),STICKY,217279, 662932,Principal pain? (8),HEADACHE,217279, 662931,One member permitted? That’s understood (8),IMPLICIT,217279, 662930,Freely learn about specific organ (5),RENAL,217279, 662929,Plant doctors on board train going north (6),MIMOSA,217279, 662928,"Smeared dirt, say, on the rise in South Dakota (7)",SMUDGED,217279, 662927,Fruit grew hot (7),ROSEHIP,217279, 662926,Leading performer’s trendy spacecraft (8),STARSHIP,217279, 662925,"Pick of the bunch? (3,6)",TOP BANANA,217279, 662924,Fan dove fluttering over starting place (7),DEVOTEE,217279, 662923,Broadcaster‘s worse when excited (5),SOWER,217279, 662922,Work on small car (8),RUNABOUT,217279, 662921,"Noting finale, I’ll fancy doing the done thing (7,4,4)",FALLING INTO LINE,217279, 662920,Provisional supplier? (6),GROCER,217279, 662919,Following one winning at chess: technology’s involved (9),IMITATING,217279, 662918,Refined playing area before second half of July (7),COURTLY,217279, 662917,Sweet sort of order? (5-3),APPLE,217279, 662916,Students upset group late in the day (6),SUNSET,217279, 662915,Trick one into performing unpleasant task in large city (8),SHANGHAI,217279, 662914,Pop article seen in French newspaper (8),LEMONADE,217279, 662913,One getting lots of interest more confident following United (6),USURER,217279, 662912,"Egg that could go off after a while? (4,4)",TIME BOMB,217279, 662911,Shimmering over resort (8),BRIGHTON,217279, 662910,"Finally visiting relative, allowed protective clothing (8)",GAUNTLET,217279, 662909,Lacklustre club’s pressing requirement? (8),FLATIRON,217279, 662908,Reprimand traitor captured by drone (6),BERATE,217279, 662907,"One in armchair perhaps, a learner finding fault (8)",CRITICAL,217279, 662906,Band‘s protracted farewell? (4-4),LONG,217279, 662905,Departed class with hesitation (6),FORMER,217279, 662904,"In the event of returning, stay home (8)",FIRESIDE,217279, 662903,Bird in SW1 on foot (5),SWIFT,217279, 662902,Bag found in empty city street (4),CYST,217279, 662901,Prize engineer (6),TURNER,217279, 662900,Go and nudge floundering fish (7),GUDGEON,217279, 662899,A US motel demolished for similar one (8),SOULMATE,217279, 662898,Rips sets apart and carries on (8),PERSISTS,217279, 662897,"Cases in trains, carried by tourists on vacation (9)",TEA CHESTS,217279, 662896,Ain’t well-spoken? (4),ISNT,217279, 662895,"Inside, pub lacks colour (5)",BLACK,217279, 662894,Stops running in theatre area (6),STALLS,217279, 662893,Soldiers to blame for sound (8),RELIABLE,217279, 662892,Idol seen around in Hay Festival (7),HOLIDAY,217279, 662891,Altering unusual shape (8),TRIANGLE,217279, 662890,Fish go in chippy? (9),CARPENTER,217279, 662889,Utter rubbish in Home Counties (5),STATE,217279, 662888,Love face if not wrinkled (9),AFFECTION,217279, 662887,Spring over adder? (6),SUMMER,217279, 662886,"The way the birds and the bees do it, it’s a moving experience? (8)",SWARMING,217279, 662885,Flower is out when the sun is up (3),DAY,217279, 662884,Teach urchins about sanctuary (6),CHURCH,217279, 662883,Heads to Scotland to arrange reception for celebrity (4),STAR,217279, 662882,Turned round defeats and threw a banquet (7),FEASTED,217279, 662881,Slice of unpleasant pie certain to be sent back for voucher (7),RECEIPT,217279, 662880,Plant vehicle’s heavy at the front (4),BUSH,217279, 662879,Keats initially shortened Nightingale piece (6),KNIGHT,217279, 662878,"Agree vote against, before start of debate (3)",NOD,217279, 662877,Occasional fluency in fool’s manner of speaking (8),IDIOLECT,217279, 662876,Surprisingly sparse asparagus? (6),SPEARS,217279, 662875,Anticipate everyone following Ashdown? (9),FORESTALL,217279, 662874,Perhaps Houdini’s dog (5),HARRY,217279, 662873,Mental picture of one learned person (5),IMAGE,217279, 662872,Micro-organisms carried at heart in precious stones (5),GERMS,217279, 662871,Carry in triumph from public display after check (5),CHAIR,217279, 662870,New threat over English playhouse (7),THEATRE,217279, 662869,Estimating the price of business do (7),COSTING,217279, 662868,Possession when pro is involved (9),OWNERSHIP,217279, 662867,Eastern movement a Liberal worked up (9),EMOTIONAL,217279, 662866,In favour of president hugging Democrat: it’s banned (9),FORBIDDEN,217279, 662865,"Lighten burden, enjoy life again embracing energy (7)",RELIEVE,217279, 662864,"Anxious quivering started, not oddly, over male with expensive jewellery (9)",TREMBLING,217279, 662863,Stand and comfort student (5),EASEL,217279, 662862,"Assurance of dancing septuagenarian, lacking various pains (9)",GUARANTEE,217279, 662861,Run over (5),EXTRA,217279, 662860,In dialect novel’s the same (9),IDENTICAL,217279, 662859,More agreeable French Riviera city river (5),NICER,217279, 662858,"Cheers advantageous purchase, we hear (7)",GOODBYE,217279, 662857,Most excellent meat dish (7),SUPREME,217279, 662856,Widespread in related species on lake (7),GENERAL,217279, 662855,Point represented another way (5-4),NORTH,217279, 662854,Ian heartlessly sent back aid for eastern country (5),INDIA R,217279, 662853,Some opera is expected to elate (5),RAISE,217279, 662852,Inform about tiny person sewing (9),STITCHING,217279, 662851,Mistake having a change of heart very quickly (9),OVERNIGHT,217279, 662850,Substance found in an offshore bank? (5),CORAL,217279, 662849,Orchard’s foremost thriving tree (5),OLIVE,217279, 662848,Fence I fit clumsily is working competently (9),EFFICIENT,217279, 662847,"At one’s disposal, one dog in American valley (9)",AVAILABLE,217279, 662846,Inflamed with passion only involving the navy (5),BURNT,217279, 662845,Reportedly take construction material (5),STEEL,217279, 662844,Players and artist going after gold box (9),ORCHESTRA,217279, 662843,"More powerful shredder, we’re told (7)",GREATER,217279, 662842,Real information Independent put in French article (7),GENUINE,217279, 662841,"pick 13d as my favourite today. I might have gone with 20d, but there is either an error in it or it is so clever that it has gone over my head.",Q,217279, 662840,Box not required if base missing (4),SPAR,217279, 662839,Novelist‘s difficult year (5),HARDY,217279, 662838,"Kill surveillance operation before it starts? (4,3)",TAKE OUT,217279, 662837,"Uncommon, a French drink one normally orders (7)",UNUSUAL,217279, 662836,"Believer in training, not at home (8)",DISCIPLE,217279, 662835,"Green-fingered fellow cultivated runners, keeping May free (10)",NURSERYMAN,217279, 662834,"Female downing two halves — Courage? — in party game (4,3,6)",SPIN THE BOTTLE,217279, 662833,Condiment with perfect sweet (10),PEPPERMINT,217279, 662832,European pal describing an issue (7),EMANATE,217279, 662831,Honours involving old members of an orchestra? (5),OBOES,217279, 662830,"Open-minded, English lot over tirade (8)",TOLERANT,217279, 662829,"Toy owls entranced cuckoo (7,6)",NEWTON,217279, 662828,"Shrub producing berries, strangely unripe after first of July (7)",JUNIPER,217279, 662827,Some within round pillbox (4),INRO,217279, 662826,"Former print worker, kind towards dog (10)",TYPESETTER,217279, 662825,Long-distance runner from Basel inevitably retired (4),NILE,217279, 662824,Bad time back in cavalry unit? (5),TROOP,217279, 662823,Our MP eats processed cheese of indifferent quality (9),MOUSETRAP,217279, 662822,"Game dart players may play all day long (5,3,5)",ROUND THE CLOCK,217279, 662821,"Exaggerate silly point about garland (4,2,2)",PILE IT ON,217279, 662820,Boringly traditional suit (6),SQUARE,217279, 662819,Energy needed to cross river in flow (6),STREAM,217279, 662818,Rebellion at university on the increase (8),UPRISING,217279, 662817,Loose car seat on trip causes delay (13),PROCRASTINATE,217279, 662816,"Be quick to appear keen (4,5)",LOOK SHARP,217279, 662815,Start up again in Scottish town father abandoned (5),RENEW,217279, 662814,Agent gathering a harvest (4),REAP,217279, 662813,Fashionable meeting place gets court order (10),INJUNCTION,217279, 662812,"the hints below, underlining identifies precise definitions and cryptic definitions, and indicators are italicized. The answers will be revealed by clicking on the ANSWER buttons.",P,217279, 662811,"from Ottawa, where the weather has settled down and is tracking the normal pattern for this time of year – a few degrees above zero during the day and a few degrees below zero at night. A welcome change from the wild fluctuations we have had for most of the winter (sometimes a swing of 40 degrees in the span of a day or two).",F,217279, 662810,Some ad-libs enraged author (5),IBSEN,217279, 662809,Annoyance among committee of adjudicators (6),INJURY,217279, 662808,Defeated second team gutlessly expelled (7),SCREWED,217279, 662807,"Throw into confusion energy estimates, essentially, over British fuel (7)",EMBROIL,217279, 662806,Ruling supporting power is full of meaning (8),PREGNANT,217279, 662805,Select refined and occasionally complex instrument (9),TELESCOPE,217279, 662804,"Carry out, removing four from administrative body (7)",EXECUTE,217279, 662803,Lyric about classical theatre (5),ODEON,217279, 662802,Interval for recreation of quiet song rhythm (8),PLAYTIME,217279, 662801,"Contrary to inclination, say, not in favour of malt (7,3,5)",AGAINST THE GRAIN,217279, 662800,Show preference for distinctive taste with no trace of lemon (6),FAVOUR,217279, 662799,An emigree confused in outlandish assortment of people (9),MENAGERIE,217279, 662798,In part vaccinate to upset characteristic of tonic muscle spasms (7),TETANIC,217279, 662797,Microscopic organisms in great number on board (8),PLANKTON,217279, 662796,Lacking grand kept firm hold on rent (6),RIPPED,217279, 662795,Country bird hiding in wrecked boat (8),BOTSWANA,217279, 662794,Republican thrown out and dismissed as inadequate (8),REJECTED,217279, 662793,Be set back by old crooner in decline (6),EBBING,217279, 662792,English team replacing head of operation in urgent situation (8),EXIGENCY,217279, 662791,"Look into hospital careers, but not orderly (8)",RESEARCH,217279, 662790,Two disheartened partners consuming round red fruit (8),TOMATOES,217279, 662789,Son misguidedly admires Pops? (8),SIDEARMS,217279, 662788,Discourse centred at heart on old Shetland viol (6),TONGUE,217279, 662787,Marocain transformed into fanciful and extravagant thing (8),MACARONI,217279, 662786,"Came alive, impressed about adult range of knowledge (8)",AWAKENED,217279, 662785,Regularly bone-idle male with advanced dropsy (6),OEDEMA,217279, 662784,American piano tested and commended (8),APPROVED,217279, 662783,is our favourite today.,Q,217279, 662782,"… however full of beans, ultimately, it’s a police raid (4)",BUST,217279, 662781,Pulls hardworking student up … (4),TOWS,217279, 662780,"Device on boat, one replaced by eastern bank worker (6)",TELLER,217279, 662779,Partiality shown by relocating postmen across island (8),NEPOTISM,217279, 662778,Commuter may be doing this as education (8),TRAINING,217279, 662777,Boring quality sought by an apartment buyer? (8),FLATNESS,217279, 662776,One may bear crown jewels (5),TIARA,217279, 662775,"Facilities found in castle towers needing adjustment (5,7)",WATER CLOSETS,217279, 662774,Hearing viewer may be too upset with room (8),OTOSCOPE,217279, 662773,House losers admire at heart? (4),SEMI,217279, 662772,Such a star must be making a film (8),SHOOTING,217279, 662771,Be up for wrongdoing (4),EVIL,217279, 662770,Snuggle up enveloped in finest leather (6),NESTLE,217279, 662769,"Special article on workers and king spotted going north (3,4,5)",THE BEES KNEES,217279, 662768,"Strange thing — member of parliament is one who delays retirement (5,3)",NIGHT OWL,217279, 662767,Trying a few on merit possibly with no end of tedium (8),TIRESOME,217279, 662766,Doctor understood 23 (8),SAWBONES,217279, 662765,Title held by the Mirror? (4),EMIR,217279, 662764,"Head, smooth, dashes off the basics (4,3,5)",NUTS AND BOLTS,217279, 662763,Animal worker to run off and marry (8),ANTELOPE,217279, 662762,"Lincoln rejected by Mao, upset to get life in single cell (6)",AMOEBA,217279, 662761,Mystical symbol seen in peeled dried plums (4),RUNE,217279, 662760,Regional accent and taste absorbing women (5),TWANG,217279, 662759,Harsh criticism admitted by snowflakes (4),FLAK,217279, 662758,"Altogether enthusiastic about turnover (2,4)",IN TOTO,217279, 662757,"Firm present books, making sense (8)",COHERENT,217279, 662756,"Fighting talk (6,2,4)",BATTLE OF WITS,217279, 662755,There’s no value initially in rough fit (4),AGUE,217279, 662754,Forceful macho types must be held in check (8),VEHEMENT,217279, 662753,"Approach adopted if batting, for example? (8)",INSTANCE,217279, 662752,"there are numerous contenders for the title, my clue of the day is 16a where one has to take care in isolating the definition from the rest of the clue.",Q,217279, 662751,Page parish minister shortened (5),RECTO,217279, 662750,"Suffering like Scrooge, perhaps, having lost pound (6)",MISERY,217279, 662749,"No rise, strangely, for one of higher rank (6)",SENIOR,217279, 662748,Wisecrack from individual on ship (3-5),ONE,217279, 662747,Two knights full of love and feeling for bull! (8),NONSENSE,217279, 662746,"Femme fatale, very French, surrounded by some office workers? (9)",TEMPTRESS,217279, 662745,"Obvious ambassador fell, being elderly? (4,3,4)",OVER THE HILL,217279, 662744,"Bully, in reality, ran theatre (6)",TYRANT,217279, 662743,Relation in care (6),REGARD,217279, 662742,"Accomplished cricket side eliminated (8,3)",POLISHED OFF,217279, 662741,"Drink at marriage, endless bubbly (9)",MARGARITA,217279, 662740,"Try Spain and its capital, for example (5)",ESSAY,217279, 662739,Photo of unexpected attempt on goal (8),SNAPSHOT,217279, 662738,Predicament after syndicate raised an ambiguity in contract? (8),LOOPHOLE,217279, 662737,"Dam — peculiar, no end (4)",WEIR,217279, 662736,"American boarding train for famous race meeting (5,5)",ROYAL ASCOT,217279, 662735,Church dignitary heading off sometime soon (4),ANON,217279, 662734,"Popular signs, conspicuous (2,8)",IN EVIDENCE,217279, 662733,Initially find us in genuine denial (7),REFUSAL,217279, 662732,"Famous rapper, short name, close to retirement (7)",EMINENT,217279, 662731,"Curiously OTT about a medium hit by private record label (5,6)",TAMLA MOTOWN,217279, 662730,"Indiscreet, facing conflict in plant (11)",LOOSESTRIFE,217279, 662729,"One failing to get a place in annals, or annal (4-3)",ALSO RAN,217279, 662728,That man’s Conservative background (7),HISTORY,217279, 662727,Newspaper columnist on houses? (10),ASTROLOGER,217279, 662726,Work adding a large gemstone (4),OPAL,217279, 662725,"Trip with mates, I suspect, that’s good for morale (4,6)",TEAM SPIRIT,217279, 662724,Record of Hungarian composer broadcast (4),LIST,217279, 662723,Put clothes on bear? That’s not right! (5),ENDUE,217279, 662722,Welsh like interrupting Frenchman (6),RENEGE,217279, 662721,Over there temperature painfully affected the lady (7),THITHER,217279, 662720,Indefinite number on street work incessantly (3-4),NON STOP,217279, 662719,"Admires words from the bride and groom — tales about intentions, ultimately (8)",IDOLISES,217279, 662718,Complete separation from exposure to sun’s rays: tan finally avoided (9),ISOLATION,217279, 662717,"Dissident young woman born quitter, we hear (11)",MISBELIEVER,217279, 662716,Go away on retreat somewhere infernal (8),DISLODGE,217279, 662715,Regularly golfer aims to show brilliance (5),GLEAM,217279, 662714,"Measure of course is microscopic. On the contrary, it’s earth-shaking! (7)",SEISMIC,217279, 662713,Again bury priest in France and offer new explanations (11),REINTERPRET,217279, 662712,Dubious legislation surprisingly isn’t abandoned for gifted astronomer (7),GALILEO,217279, 662711,"Drug centres strangely minus dope (5,4)",OPIUM DENS,217279, 662710,"Delay action, circling leader of pack, one large creature (6)",WAPITI,217279, 662709,Royal Navy primarily cutting cost (6),PRINCE,217279, 662708,"Defensive players, ones lamenting following conclusion of shambles (8)",SWEEPERS,217279, 662707,Forth river bridges do well (6),THRIVE,217279, 662706,Calming extremes of sensitive case (8),SEDATIVE,217279, 662705,Certain it could turn out to be difficult (9),INTRICATE,217279, 662704,Extended rest of career loafers essentially spent at home (3-2),LIE,217279, 662703,Losing cohesion is trickily disorientating (14),DISINTEGRATION,217279, 662702,"Compiling again, crazily cutting corners (14)",RECONSTRUCTING,217279, 662701,Native American and Yankee fellow casually dance (5),MAMBO,217279, 662700,"Bond holding masculine student in unnamed Cambridge college for period allowed (4,5)",TIME LIMIT,217279, 662699,Guile misled sister-in-law lacking devious art (8),WILINESS,217279, 662698,Work steadily around border in stiffly correct way (6),PRIMLY,217279, 662697,"Forecast of journalists, mostly very old (8)",PRESAGED,217279, 662696,Injuries caused by chain when cycling with no good son (6),WRONGS,217279, 662695,Highest note raised in test (4),EXAM,217279, 662694,Fairly sure thing! (6),RATHER,217279, 662693,Whole testament I put in before (6),ENTIRE,217279, 662692,Look inside trophy for shell (7),SCALLOP,217279, 662691,"A part mixed with wet, running liquid (3,5)",TAP WATER,217279, 662690,"Priest evidently leading Israelites, initially (3)",ELI,217279, 662689,Drink buddy knocked up (3),LAP,217279, 662688,Singer dismissing case of English composer (4),ALTO,217279, 662687,Have a go at munching a starter of Irish sausage (6),SALAMI,217279, 662686,"Astronomy in part confusing, take what help you can get! (3,4,2,1,5)",ANY PORT IN A STORM,217279, 662685,Dismiss bank worker (7),CASHIER,217279, 662684,"Film lost in hurricane? (4,4,3,4)",GONE WITH THE WIND,217279, 662683,Price on grotty old sheep’s cheese (8),PECORINA,217279, 662682,Ask for amount of electricity (6),CHARGE,217279, 662681,"Biblical garden in Gethsemane deadly, looking back (4)",EDEN,217279, 662680,Blade has sliced head from swine (3),OAR,217279, 662679,Boy in underground network? (6),WARREN,217279, 662678,"Delicious eats heading for oven, very warm (6)",TOASTY,217279, 662677,Wisest hunter hosts a presentation (8),BESTOWAL,217279, 662676,"Fast, as crowd on feet? (4,3,8)",LIKE THE CLAPPERS,217279, 662675,Tap out wrong letters in slightly obscure exercise (7),MISTYPE,217279, 662674,"Country put into trouble, so thoughtless (7)",LESOTHO,217279, 662673,"The ground ain’t electrified (8,7)",DEFINITE ARTICLE,217279, 662672,Figure crack in the pan fixed (8),HEPTAGON,217279, 662671,"Poet skint, zero pocketed (6)",BROOKE,217279, 662670,"Nobleman coming in to New York, not far off (6)",NEARLY,217279, 662669,Female cells in Govan neither opening nor closing (3),OVA,217279, 662668,"Footwear on your bike, did you say? (4)",SHOE,217279, 662667,Bearing of one among members of workforce (4),MIEN,217279, 662666,"Restore to good condition slope, we’re told (4)",HEAL,217279, 662665,A French game with half of Lyon following is turbulent (6),UNRULY,217279, 662664,"Young lass, it’s facetiously said, clutches right adjustable tool (6)",WRENCH,217279, 662663,With son in the lead plunders what is allowed to flow over (8),SPILLAGE,217279, 662662,Insipid whiskey a primarily thirsty European regularly drains hot (8),WATERISH,217279, 662661,Informative film for those working in a theatre? (10),RADIOGRAPH,217279, 662660,Trying to protect kinky chignon I got cut by American (10),CUSHIONING,217279, 662659,"Behind given smack, producing sensation felt later (10)",AFTERTASTE,217279, 662658,Matador’s cape movement I watched essentially in Italian city (8),VERONICA,217279, 662657,A child’s toy in highest place (4),ATOP,217279, 662656,"Stir wake when travelling (5,3)",WATER SKI,217279, 662655,Depression of standard in credit (6),CRATER,217279, 662654,"Warm place to keep pot simmering, not requiring immediate attention (4,6)",BACK BURNER,217279, 662653,"Unfortunately, upset railway workers strike over this (6)",SALARY,217279,